Inspectors, engineers, contractors, builders, and consumers use product evaluations to make sure the product comply with TDI adopted building specifications and to make sure they are installed properly to resist wind load.
TDI develops product evaluation reports and publishes them online. TDI will also post links to third-party product evaluations reports and TDI-developed product evaluation reports may be used to certify building products used on construction seeking windstorm insurance eligibility through TWIA.
Select Third-Party Evaluation Reports if you would like to submit a link to a third-party evaluation report to be posted on the TDI website or to view a list of third-party evaluation reports currently linked.
Select TDI-Developed Evaluation Reports if you would like to submit a product for review by TDI or to view a list of TDI-developed evaluation reports currently posted.
Third-party weblinks disclaimer
Links to third-party evaluation reports: TDI does not approve the use of or endorse any product.
TDI is not responsible for the content or terms of use of third-party websites, or of any website linked on a third-party site. You use any third-party websites and websites linked on a third-party site at your own risk.
The third-party evaluation reports are linked for information only, as a public service. TDI will not edit, modify, or revise any of the linked reports. TDI will continue to oversee completed and ongoing improvements according to Texas Insurance Code Chapter 2210 and 28 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 5, Subchapter E, Division 7. TDI's linking of a third-party evaluation report on its website does not mean that the report provides evidence that an improvement complies with the applicable windstorm building code.