Adjuster: public insurance
Manage your license
Update contact information
- You must notify us immediately of changes to your contact information, legal name, or business name or address.
- To update your information, go to our webpage: “Do you need to change a name or address?”
Print license
You can print your license by going to the Sircon website. Don’t remember your license number? Use Sircon’s Customer Inquiry tool to find it.
Continuing education credits
- To keep your license in good standing, you must take 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years.
- In most cases, if you have a non-resident license, you don’t need to take CE courses through the state of Texas. To find out if you need to take Texas courses, go to the Sircon website and click on “Continuing Education Transcript Inquiry.”
- Three hours must be in ethics / consumer protection (if your license expired on or before August 31, 2022, you need only two hours of ethics). To find courses, go to the Sircon website, click on “Approved Courses Inquiry,” and find “Ethics” in the category column.
- At least 12 hours must be “classroom” or “classroom equivalent” courses. To find these courses, go to the Sircon website, click on “Approved Courses Inquiry,” and look in the method column.
- There’s a $50 fine for every hour not completed on time, up to a maximum of $500 per license. You won't be able to renew your license until your CE is complete, and you've paid any fines. (There is no cap on fines for licenses that expired before June 1, 2018.) Pay your CE fines online through Sircon’s website with a free account.
- Create an account on the Sircon website to:
- Find courses and providers.
- View your transcript.
- Ask for an exemption or extension.
- Pay your CE fines.
- You may not need to complete CE if you have been continuously licensed in Texas for at least 20 years without interruption. To apply, go to Sircon and click on "Request CE Exemption."
- More information:
License renewal
You must complete these three steps before we will renew your license:
- Be fully compliant with CE requirements for your license.
- Complete your CE hours.
- Pay any CE fines you have. We will fine you $50 for each hour you don’t complete before midnight Central Time (CT) on your expiration date, no exceptions.
- Paying fines doesn’t relieve you of any CE requirements. You need to pay fines in addition to completing your CE hours.
- Find out about exemptions, extensions, ethics requirements, fines, requirements for non-residents, and more in the Continuing education credits section.
- Pay the renewal fee.
- The renewal fee is $50. We will add a $25 late fee if you don’t pay before midnight CT on your expiration date.
- We’ll send your renewal invoice to your email address. Make sure we have your correct email address. Check on our webpage: Do you need to change a name or address?
- Learn how to pay your renewal fees and more on our webpage How to renew, reinstate, or reactivate your license.
- You must submit an updated copy of your PIA contract with your renewal.
- You may submit TDI’s PIA contract, Public Insurance Adjuster Contract (Form FIN535) or you may submit a contract you developed if it meets the requirements in the Texas Administrative Code, section 19.708.
Cancel license
To cancel your license, complete the Voluntary Surrender form and send it to
Letter of certification
You can ask for a letter of certification (proof you have a license in Texas) by going to Sircon. You will need to pay $11, plus any additional fees Sircon might charge.
Question? Email us at
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