How do I get windstorm coverage?
How you get wind and hail insurance depends on where you live.
- If you live anywhere in Texas – except along the coast – you probably have wind and hail coverage in your homeowners policy. Your homeowners policy will pay for wind and hail damage much like it pays for fire, lightning, or theft, although you may have a different deductible for windstorm damage.
- If you live along the coast, your homeowners insurance probably doesn’t cover wind and hail damage. You’ll need to buy a separate windstorm policy. Many people get this coverage from a Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) policy. But ask your agent about your options.
Does Texas require wind and hail insurance?
Windstorm insurance isn’t required by law in Texas. But if you live near the coast and have a mortgage, your lender will likely require you to have windstorm coverage.
How do I get a TWIA policy?
You buy a TWIA policy through an insurance agent. If your agent doesn’t sell it, you can use TWIA’s page to find an agent who sells it.
To get a TWIA policy, you must:
- Live or own a business in TWIA’s service area.
- Have asked an insurance company for wind and hail coverage and been turned down.
- Get an inspection and certificate showing that your home or business was built or renovated according to certain construction codes.
Don’t wait until the last minute to buy wind and hail insurance. You can’t get a TWIA policy if there’s a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico.
Learn more: TWIA coverage and eligibility
How do I file a TWIA claim?
The TWIA claims process is similar to filing a homeowners claim. After a storm, call TWIA, file your claim online, or contact your agent to start your claim. You have one year from the storm to file a claim.
If you have issues or complaints with a TWIA claim, call TWIA first to talk to them about it. You have 60 days from the date TWIA accepted your claim to dispute the claim amount and ask TWIA for an appraisal.
If you can’t get your issue resolved, our Texas Coastal Outreach and Assistance Services Team can help with TWIA questions and complaints.