Who Files
Companies writing commercial property or businessowners insurance and certain Farm Mutuals writing property insurance are required to file if it falls within one of the categories described below. TDI will email this data call only to companies that fall into one of these categories:
- Category 1: Companies reporting Texas commercial property or businessowners statistical data to TDI's commercial lines statistical agent, Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), under a minimum or limited reporting format that does not include place code or ZIP code-level detail. This category specifically includes companies reporting under the TDI minimum reporting guidelines for commercial lines statistical reporting.
- Category 2: Companies reporting Texas commercial property or businessowners statistical data to ISO, under a full reporting plan format in which all four quarters of data have not been fully accepted by ISO as of February 28 of the following year. Companies in this category must report premiums for the entire year, not just the quarters that ISO has not fully accepted.
- Category 3: Farm mutual insurance companies acting as fronting insurers, as defined by Insurance Code Section 221.001(c), that wrote property insurance.
Due Date
This is an annual data call. TDI will issue a commissioner’s bulletin that details reporting instructions, due dates, and other information needed to complete the report. Also see the listing of recently issued data calls.
The data call is necessary to supplement TDI's statistical information and to enable the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to calculate participation shares for assessments, should they be required each year.
Report Published from Data
TIC §§ 2210.006 and 2210.052