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Texas Department of Insurance
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Social Media Policy


Protect insurance customers by regulating the industry fairly and diligently; promoting a stable and competitive market; and providing information that makes a difference.

Public Policy Notification

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) recognizes the importance of communicating with the public online, including through social media. TDI will use the following policies to guide the use of social media sites.

Comments on social media channels are public and may be subject to public information requests, and are subject to State Records Retention requirements in Government Code Chapter 441, Subchapter L.

Users who enter personal information on TDI social media sites do so at their own risk. TDI may remove postings to its social media sites that contain personally identifiable information as defined in Texas Business and Commerce Code Chapter 521, but is not responsible for any damages caused by delays in such removal. If you need to include private or personally identifiable information in your communications TDI, please let us know that you’d like us to contact you privately, and we will follow up with you by email, telephone, or other one-to-one communication.

Comment Policy

The posts and comments on all TDI social media channels will be monitored. TDI employees who monitor and moderate content on social media channels are not required to provide an explanation for removing content but may choose to do so. Non-permissible content includes, but is not limited to, comments, hyperlinks, and URLs that:

  • Share confidential or sensitive personal information.
  • Violate copyright.
  • Contain profanity, obscene, racist, sexist, or derogatory content or comments.
  • Are threatening, harassing, defamatory or discriminatory.
  • Contain information that could compromise public safety.
  • Incite or promote violence or illegal activities.
  • Promote political views or candidates.
  • Are commercial endorsements or SPAM.
  • Are off-subject or out of context.
  • Are otherwise illegal.



To accommodate users with disabilities, Twitter Accessibility has more information.


To accommodate users with disabilities, is the suggested alternatives to access TDI content on Facebook.


TDI includes closed captioning on videos posted on its YouTube channel. For more information about the closed captioning feature on YouTube, visit

Related Policies

For more information, contact:

Last updated: 9/23/2021