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Texas workers' compensation rate guide


Basis of rates tables

Please note that TDI eliminated relativities as a rate basis for policies with effective dates on or after July 1, 2020. See Commissioner's Order No. 2020-6354, dated June 2, 2020.

Listing of Companies by Group & Filing Information

Company/Group Index

This rate guide is published to assist you in comparison shopping for your workers' compensation coverage. A company may choose to base its rates on its own independent company-specific relativities filed by the company or loss costs filed by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), an advisory organization to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).

The loss costs filed by NCCI for each classification are intended to cover the indemnity and medical benefits provided under the workers' compensation system in Texas, as well as the expenses associated with providing these benefits. Companies file a loss cost multiplier (LCM), which contemplates any other expenses associated with providing workers' compensation insurance, such as agents' commissions, profits and taxes for the company.

Texas employers are assigned one or more classifications based on the type of business. Each employee’s payroll is then assigned to the appropriate classification. The total payroll for each classification is then multiplied by the company's rate for that classification (rate per $100 payroll) to determine premium. The employer’s basic premium is the sum of the individual classification premiums.

The Texas classifications may differ significantly from those used in other states because they are specific to Texas businesses. Companies must use Texas classifications, but the rates for the individual classifications differ from one company to another.

To determine the rate for a specific classification, you multiply the loss cost by the LCM for a specific company. For example, the July 1, 2024, loss cost for Code 5551 (Roofing) is 2.44. If a company files an LCM of 1.50, then the rate for Code 5551 is 3.66 (2.44 X 1.50 = 3.66) per $100 payroll.

There are other factors that may be utilized to increase or decrease the employer’s premium. An experience rating modifier that reflects the employer’s past loss history may be applied to the premium. A schedule rating debit or credit may be applied to the premium depending on individual characteristics of the employer’s business that may not be reflected in the rate. In addition, there are optional rating plans that may reduce premiums, such as deductibles or retrospective rating, which are available to eligible insureds.

The Listing of Companies by Group & Filing Information is arranged alphabetically by company group and lists each company that has made a rate filing. This section includes each company's LCM. For companies that use tiers, modeled rating factors, or LCMs that vary by class groupings, the LCM in this section is the standard or average LCM. Currently, no companies use their own independent company-specific relativities.

This section also indicates the maximum and minimum schedule rating debit or credit percentages that each company has filed. Schedule rating is optional and allows the company to adjust the premium based on individual characteristics of the business. The criteria and debits and credits do not have to be standard between companies.

The Company/Group Index lists each company alphabetically and indicates the name of the group each company is in.

This rate guide is updated periodically based on the filings made by companies. If you want to ask a specific company about getting a quote, call the number shown in the rate guide and ask for a quote or contact your insurance agent. We furnish toll-free numbers, where possible. The number shown in the guide may be an out-of-state office, so be sure to say you are calling for a Texas quote. Each company within a group may have different rates, so check to see if your business qualifies for coverage with the company that offers the lowest rates.

We hope you find this rate guide helpful.

Give us feedback:

The Texas Department of Insurance is working hard to provide you with information you need to make informed choices about workers’ compensation insurance. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this rate guide, we would like to hear from you.

Call us:

512-676-6710, Property and Casualty Lines Office.

If you are hearing or speech impaired, you may call 800-735-2989 (TDD).

Write us:

Texas Department of Insurance
Property and Casualty Lines, MC-PC-PCL
P. O. Box 12030
Austin, Texas 78711-2030

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Last updated: 2/23/2024