You can search reference filings from 2009 to the present. The Systems for Electronic Rates and Forms Filing (SERFF) tracking number includes the TDI file number (10-digit file numbers that begin with 9212), and the state tracking number includes the TDI link number.
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To learn about the requirements for property and casualty insurance filings, see the P&C Filings Made Easy Guide.
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Company tracking number | Description |
SERFF tracking number | State tracking number | Date approved /accepted | Short Track Rate |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2023-OCAN1 (CF) | ISO PR (EN) Commercial Property, Texas Changes-Cancellation and Nonrenewal Endorsement Revised | ISOF-133918101 | S717419 | 3/18/24 | N/A |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2023-OSPE1 | ISO, (EN), Homeowners Special Provisions-Texas | ISOF-133751949 | S713692 | 1/31/24 | N/A |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2022-23CLR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Commercial Liability program | AMAX-133829480 | S717507 | 2/29/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2022-23CPR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Commercial Properties program | AMAX-133829532 | S717532 | 2/29/24 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2024-RLC24 | Revises loss costs and introduces new charges for businessowners | ISOF-133919973 | S717577 | 2/26/24 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2024-RRU24 | Introduces new and revised Businessowners manual rules, which correspond to the companion Businessowners multistate forms filing BP-2024-OFR24 | ISOF-133920055 | S717576 | 2/26/24 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2023-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for major Businessowners coverages | ISOF-133948911 | S718141 | 2/26/24 | No |
MSO | Residential Property | RT | MSO 42-24-01 | REJECTED DUE TO INCORRECT NAME | MUOF-134001218 | S719244 | 2/26/24 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012024 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Effective July 1, 2024 | NCCI-133887340 | S716737 | 2/23/24 | N/A |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2022-23AGGLR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Agricultural General Liability program | AMAX-133828644 | S717515 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2022-23AGOPR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Agricultural Output program | AMAX-133828702 | S717514 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2022-23APR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Artisans program | AMAX-133828787 | S717511 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2022-23BOPR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Businessowners program | AMAX-133828886 | S717509 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 2023) | December 2023 Symbol and Identification Manual Update | ISOF-133934755 | 96967 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (09 2023) | September 2023 Symbol and Identification Manual Update | ISOF-133803918 | 96967 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (09 2023) | September 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage and Liability Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133806942 | S679869 | 2/1/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (01 2024) | January 2024 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage and Liability Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133951016 | S679869 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (12 2023) | December 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage and Liability Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133944958 | S679869 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 2023) | December 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133946519 | 116132 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (12 2023) | December 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133946850 | S5524 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (09 2023) | September 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133829956 | S5524 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (09 2023) | September 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133829870 | 116132 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2022-23HOR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Homeowners Composite program | AMAX-133829642 | S717528 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2022-23HOBPR | New Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for Homeowners By-Peril program | AMAX-133829708 | S717534 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (07 2023) | July 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage and Liability Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133754566 | S679869 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (07 023) | July 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133751443 | S5524 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (07 2023) | July 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133751047 | 116132 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (06 2023) | June 2023 Symbol and Identification Manual Update | ISOF-133717135 | 96967 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (04 2023) | April 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133731966 | S5524 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (04 2023) | April 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133731919 | 116132 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (04 2023) | April 2023 Symbol and Identification Manual Update | ISOF-133578337 | 96967 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (03 2023) | March 2023 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage and Liability Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133629332 | S679869 | 1/31/24 | Yes |
AAIS | Personal Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2022-23DPF | AAIS, (EN) PMP, Cannabis Exclusion | AMAX-133941574 | S718544 | 3/1/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2022-23PIMF | AAIS, (EN) PIM, Cannabis Exclusion | AMAX-133966613 | S718539 | 3/1/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2022-23HOF | AAIS, (EN), Homeowners Cannabis Exclusions | AMAX-133941889 | S718540 | 2/16/24 | N/A |
ANY | Residential Property | PF | ANY-44TX-F-HO | ANY, HO 600, (PF) New Homeowners Program | MOCC-133718574 | S714693 | 2/15/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2022-23FOF | AMAX-133941843, AAIS MP (EN) New Cannabis Exclusion for commercial multi-peril when using the AAIS Farmowners Policy | AMAX-133941843 | S718542 | 2/12/24 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CA-2022-OMCDF (CMP) | ISOF-133508212, ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Communicable Disease and Unmanned Aircraft Exclusions | ISOF-133508212 | S707935 | 6/21/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2022-23BOPF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Businessowners New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements | AMAX-133828823 | S717510 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2022-23APF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Artisans New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements | AMAX-133828753 | S717512 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2022-23AGOPF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Agricultural Output New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsement | AMAX-133828708 | S717513 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2022-23CLF | AAIS GL (EN) Commercial General Liability, Commercial Liability New Cannabis Exclusion | AMAX-133829474 | S717508 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2022-23AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) Commercial General Liability, Agricultural General Liability New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsement | AMAX-133828514 | S717516 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2022-23CPF | AAIS PR (EN) Commercial Property, Cannabis Exclusion Endorsement | AMAX-133829491 | S717506 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2022-23PUPF | AAIS, (EN), Exclusion – Cannabis And Personal Umbrella Liability Coverage Exclusion – Cannabis | AMAX-133839017 | S717523 | 1/30/24 | N/A |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2015-OFR15 | ISO, HO (EN) Cosmetic Damage Exclusion - Windstorm or Hail - Texas | ISOF-133738790 | S713369 | 11/22/23 | N/A |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2023-31CLF | AMAX-133797284, AAIS GL (EN) Commercial General Liability, Notice of Nonrenewal Endorsement | AMAX-133797284 | S714915 | 9/13/23 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2023-RLA1 | (WITHDRAWN) Revises advisory prospective loss costs for Fidelity and Burglary & Theft coverages | ISOF-133910050 | S717282 | 1/22/24 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2023-REL1 | (WITHDRAWN) Revises the Supplemental Tables of the Rating Relativities and Factors section of Division Three – Crime and Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual | ISOF-133909855 | S717283 | 1/22/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2022-23PIMR | (WITHDRAWN) Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for personal inland marine program | AMAX-133829862 | S717526 | 1/10/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2022-23DPR | (WITHDRAWN) Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for homeowners program | AMAX-133920592 | S717517 | 1/3/24 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2022-23FOR | (WITHDRAWN) Cannabis Exclusion Manual Supplement for farmowners program | AMAX-133833988 | S717524 | 1/3/24 | N/A |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2023-BGL1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes | ISOF-133904120 | S717112 | 1/2/24 | No |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | AAIS-2022-23CRR | REJECTED (exempt line of business) | AMAX-133829582 | S717530 | 12/21/23 | N/A |
LIG | Residential Property | RT | TX-HAILRISK-2023 | CoreLogic / Location Inc HailRisk score model | LOCA-133655631 | S711135 | 11/29/23 | No |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1422 | R-1422 Revisions to the Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Rule Related to the Tax Multiplier | NCCI-133760105 | S713939 | 11/27/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-OMCDR | Introduces a new rule to accommodate new multistate endorsement CA 04 55 – Communicable Disease Exclusion For Covered Autos Liability Exposure | ISOF-133489799 | S707572 | 11/15/23 | Yes |
ZPR | Residential Property | RT | TX Z-FIRE | Z-FIRE is a property-level wildfire risk model developed by ZestyAI used for rating and underwriting homeowners insurance | ZAPR-133720217 | S712697 | 11/14/23 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2023-RLC23 | (WITHDRAWN) Explains methodology used to calculate new and revised loss costs and rating factors, which complement revisions made to the ISO Businessowners Program found in BP-2023-RRU23 and BP-2023-OFR23 | ISOF-133776036 | S714793 | 11/8/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2023-RRU23 | (WITHDRAWN) Introduces new and revised Businessowners manual rules, corresponding to companion Businessowners multistate forms filing BP-2023-OFR23 | ISOF-133775978 | S714794 | 11/8/23 | N/A |
LIG | Residential Property | RT | TX-FIRERISK-2023 | CoreLogic / Location Inc FireRisk score model | LOCA-133656639 | S711137 | 11/6/23 | No |
LIG | Residential Property | RT | TX-WATERRISK-2023 | CoreLogic / Location Inc WaterRisk score model | LOCA-133656593 | S711136 | 11/6/23 | No |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1448 | B-1448 - Revisions to Basic Manual Rules Related to Payroll Inclusions and Payroll Exclusions | NCCI-133617166 | S710222 | 10/25/23 | N/A |
MAPP | Residential Property | RT | (None) | Revision to Swiss Re Quick Flood Cover, a personal flood program for residential property | MAPP-133781007 | S714411 | 10/24/23 | No |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2023-RIL1 | Personal Liability Increased Limit Factors Filing | ISOF-133713327 | S712621 | 10/24/23 | No |
LIG | Commercial Property | RT | 2023-TX-WFRS01 | REJECTED DUE TO INCORRECT NAME | LOCA-133862353 | S716227 | 10/24/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | PF | CA-2022-OMCDF | ISO CA (PF) Commercial Auto Revises the ISO Motor Carrier Coverage forms and introduces an optional communicable disease exclusion | ISOF-133508145 | S707936 | 11/8/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1449 | Revises payroll rules related to service charges and automatic gratuities in NCCI's Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance | NCCI-133714106 | S712720 | 10/6/23 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2024NCISCH-TX1 | Final average loss costs for Crop-Hail Insurance to be effective with the 2024 crop year | NACR-133735654 | S713203 | 9/27/23 | No |
LIG | Residential Property | RT | CL-2022-TX-HO-01 | (REJECTED) This filing provides support for underwriting guideline filings relative to the CoreLogic Wildfire Risk Score model | LOCA-133440455 | S706638 | 11/15/22 | N/A |
LIG | Residential Property | RT | CL-2022-TX-FA-01 | (REJECTED) This filing provides support for underwriting guideline filings relative to the CoreLogic Wildfire Risk Score model | LOCA-133450494 | S706639 | 11/15/22 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2023-OPCD | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Endorsements Addressing Cyber-related issues, Data Privacy and Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | ISOF-133646609 | S711121 | 11/10/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CA-2023-OPPSF | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Exclusion Endorsement Addressing Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) related exposures for the General Liability Coverages Section of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form | ISOF-133642417 | S710856 | 11/10/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2023-31FOF | AAIS PR (EN) Commercial Property Revised Amendatory Endorsemnt for Farm and Ranch Owners | AMAX-133809785 | S715080 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CF-2023-ODEQF | ISO PR (EN) Commercial Property Earthquake Deductibles | ISOF-133830872 | S715566 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2023-31CRF | AAIS BB (EN) Bond Crime: Revised Amendatory Endorsement for Crime | AMAX-133797326 | S714917 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2023-31AGOPF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Revised Amendatory Endorsement for the Commercial Agricultural Output Program | AMAX-133793774 | S714913 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2023-31COPF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Revised Amendatory Endorsement for the Commercial Output Program | AMAX-133797363 | S714918 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2023-31BOPF | AAIS MP (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement for the Businessowners Program | AMAX-133796668 | S714923 | 10/23/23 | N/A |
CAR | Personal Auto | RT | TX-202305-VHD | Submission of several factors to apply in automobile insurance underwriting and rating plans, including annual mileage, length of ownership, number of owners, ownership type, vehicle damage or disrepair indicator, and severe problem indicator | CARF-133672779 | S711885 | 9/14/23 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2015-RRU15 | Introduces new rating relativities for standard Owners Forms for policy size, roof surfacing classification and age of construction. Corresponding Filing Tracking Numbers HO-2015-OFR15 (State Tracking Number S713369), HO-2023-RLA1 (S713367), HO-2023-BPLC (S713365), and HO-2023-RBPM (S713366) | ISOF-133738806 | S713368 | 9/14/23 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2023-RLA1 | Revises ISO’s advisory prospective base class loss costs for homeowners, tenant, and condominium owners. Corresponding Filing Tracking Numbers HO-2015-OFR15 (State Tracking Number S713369), HO-2015-RRU15 (S713368), HO-2023-BPLC (S713365), and HO-2023-RBPM (S713366) | ISOF-133738807 | S713367 | 9/14/23 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2023-RBPM | Updates rating factors for type of construction and protection class for Owners forms and Protection-Construction for renters and condos for the alternate By-peril Rating Supplement to the Homeowners Policy Program Manual introduced in filing HO-2018-RBPM (State Tracking Number S659121). Corresponding Filing Tracking Numbers HO-2015-OFR15 (S713369), HO-2015-RRU15 (S713368), HO-2023-RLA1 (S713367), and HO-2023-BPLC (S713365) | ISOF-133738825 | S713366 | 9/14/23 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2023-BPLC | Updates the loss costs to be used with the By-peril Rating Supplement To The Homeowners Policy Program Manual introduced in filing HO-2018-BPLC (State Tracking Number S659122). Corresponding Filing Tracking Numbers HO-2015-OFR15 (S713369), HO-2015-RRU15 (S713368), HO-2023-RLA1 (S713367), and HO-2023-RBPM (S713366) | ISOF-133738840 | S713365 | 9/14/23 | No |
ANY | Residential Property | RT | ANY-44TX-RR-HO | (WITHDRAWN) Introduces new Homeowners insurance program in Texas, which includes Special Homeowners (HO-3), Tenant (HO-4), Comprehensive Homeowners (HO-5), and Condominium (HO-6) forms. Corresponding forms filing MOCC-133718574 (State Tracking Number S714693) | MOCC-133718604 | S714694 | 9/13/23 | N/A |
ANY | Personal Auto | RT | ANY-44TX-RR-PPA | (WITHDRAWN) Introduces new Private Passenger Auto insurance program. Corresponding forms filing MOCC-133750670 (State Tracking Number S714706) | MOCC-133750720 | S714707 | 9/13/23 | N/A |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2023-RRORU | Revises multistate rules in Division Six – General Liability of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect new endorsements submitted with companion forms filing GL-2023-OFOFR (State Tracking Number S709221) | ISOF-133556978 | S709222 | 9/12/23 | Yes |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1421 | Updates the Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors (ELPPFs) and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors (ELAEPPFs) and state average cost per case values by hazard group in NCCI’s Retrospective Rating Plan Manual | NCCI-133672628 | S711973 | 9/6/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2023-RCP1 (CA) | Provides an updated Explanatory Memorandum which shows revisions made to the previous Explanatory Memorandum submitted in filing CA-2022-RCP1 (CA) (State Tracking Number S702851) | ISOF-133650343 | S711192 | 8/11/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-RCP3 (CA) | Revises the Cost Of Hire Basis premium computation instructions in Rule 281 in the Texas CLM, introduced in filing CA-2022-RCP1 (CA) (S702851) | ISOF-133664534 | S711379 | 8/11/23 | Yes |
MAPP | Residential Property | RT | TX2021 QUICK FLOOD | Initial filing for Swiss Re Quick Flood Cover, a personal flood program for residential property. Companion forms filing is MAPP-132972377 (State Tracking Number S695369) | MAPP-132858741 | S695634 | 8/11/23 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2022-RRSLC | Revises state-specific advisory prospective loss costs for the optional General Liability Size of Risk Rating Supplement | ISOF-133512423 | S708007 | 7/14/23 | No |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2023-OFOFR | ISO GL (EN) Multistate Forms Revision Addressing Cyber-Related Issues, Data Privacy and Order of Response Endorsements | ISOF-133557057 | S709221 | 5/2/23 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2023-31CPF | AAIS PR (EN) Commercial Property 60 day renewal timeframe | AMAX-133797294 | S714916 | 9/14/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | FR-2023-OCAN1 | ISO CMP (EN) Texas Changes-Cancellation and Nonrenewal Endorsement Revised 2023 | ISOF-133751807 | S713696 | 8/17/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2023-RLC1 (CA) | Revises the Texas advisory prospective loss costs for zone-rated autos introduced in CA-2022-RLC1 (S702852) to appropriately reflect CA-2021-RZRLC (S695757) (amended) | ISOF-133610395 | S710007 | 6/8/23 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2023-OPPSR | Introduces rules for new PFAS exclusion endorsement CA 27 19 in companion forms filing CA-2023-OPPSF | ISOF-133642771 | S710855 | 6/23/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2023-RCP1 (CMP) | Clarifies the description of rule changes made in filing CA-2022-RCP1 (CMP) (S702850) | ISOF-133657316 | S711191 | 6/23/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2023-RPCD | Revises multistate rules addressing cyber-related issues, data privacy, and PFAS endorsements submitted with companion forms filing BP-2023-OPCD | ISOF-133646526 | S711120 | 6/22/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2022-RCP3 (CMP) | Revises the Cost Of Hire Basis premium computation instructions in Rule 281 | ISOF-133664540 | S711378 | 6/22/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2022-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages | ISOF-133682169 | S711817 | 6/22/23 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2021-RPAY | Revises the annual individual payroll for executive officers and individual insured and co-partners to $44,500 in Rule 23 | ISOF-133682124 | S711818 | 6/22/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2023-RLC1 (CMP) | Revises the Texas advisory prospective loss costs for zone-rated autos introduced in CA-2022-RLC1 (S702849) to appropriately reflect CA-2021-RZRLC (S695757) (amended) | ISOF-133611679 | S710006 | 6/12/23 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-312 | SURE-133509596, SFAA BB (EN) Commercial Crime, Ransomware Extortion forms | SURE-133509596 | S707939 | 3/27/23 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CR-2022-OFR22 | ISO BB (EN) Bond, New and Revised Endorsements for Crime and Fidelity Portfolio | ISOF-133449631 | S706756 | 12/27/22 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CR-2021-OFR21 | ISO, BB (PF) Bond, 2021 New and Revised Crime And Fidelity Multistate Forms | ISOF-132939766 | S694638 | 2/4/22 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2020-26GSF | AAIS BB (EN) Bond, Commercial Glass - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665416 | S687683 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2020-45CRF | AAIS, BB (EN) Bond-Crime - ERISA Endorsement | AMAX-132781050 | S690347 | 4/30/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2020-19CRF-1 | AAIS, BB (EN) Commercial Crime: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511238 | S682789 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2020-19CRF | AAIS, BB (EN) Bond, Crime New COVID19 | AMAX-132408666 | S680057 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (FI) | ISO BB (EN) Fidelity/Forgery - Cancellation and Non-Renewal Endorsements Revision | ISOF-132002071 | S668455 | 9/17/19 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (CR) | ISO BB (EN) Commercial Crime - Cancellation and Non-Renewal Endorsements Revision | ISOF-132002052 | S668450 | 10/2/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2019-40GSF | AAIS, BB (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas, Commercial Glass | AMAX-132052596 | S670335 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2019-40CRF | AAIS, BB (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas, Crime | AMAX-132052615 | S670150 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | FI-2018-OFRSA | ISO Fidelity (EN) New and Revised Endorsements | ISOF-131505531 | S655219 | 11/13/18 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CR-2017-OFRSA | ISO Commercial Crime (EN) Employee Benefit Plans/ERISA | ISOF-130949585 | S638267 | 7/25/17 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | FI-2016-OVCFR | ISO Fidelity/Forgery (EN) Fraudulent Impersonation and the Acceptance of Virtual Currency in Performance of Business Transactions - New and Revised Endorsements | ISOF-130540040 | S624264 | 12/8/16 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-299CC | SFAA Commercial Crime (EN) Crime Protection Policy Funds Transfer Fraud Coverage Endorsement | SURE-130089189 | S22492 | 6/14/16 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2015-1GSF | AAIS Glass Program (EN) TRIA2015, Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 - Certified Terrorism Loss | AMAX-129903604 | S15521 | 4/17/15 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO Commercial Crime (EN) Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 - Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-129890616 | S15080 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2013-54CRF | AAIS BB (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557136 | 129349 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2013-54GSF | AAIS BB (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557138 | 129351 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2013-44GSF | AAIS BB (EN) TX Amendment Glass 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554982 | 128286 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2013-44CRF | AAIS BB (EN) TX Amendment Crime 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554975 | 128279 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-293 | SFAA BB (EN) Financial Institution, SR SR6318, SR6319, SR6320, SR6021, SR6022, & SA5870 | 9212553069 | 127359 | 6/18/13 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-293CC | SFAA BB (EN) Crime Protection, SE 01 61 07 13 | 9212553070 | 127360 | 6/18/13 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | FI-2012-OFR12 | ISO BB (EN) Fidelity Financial Institution Multistate 2012 Form | 9212547661 | 124570 | 3/6/13 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-282.2 | SFAA (EN) Financial Institution SR6150f, SR6172d, SR6316 & SR6317 | 9212544050 | 122780 | 9/11/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2012-3GSF | AAIS BB (EN) Revised Glass Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536007 | 118623 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2012-3CRF | AAIS BB (EN) Revised Crime Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536005 | 118621 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-283 | SFAA (MR) Financial Institution Form 14 Riders to Satisfy FINRA Requirements Rule 4360 | 9212529847 | 115203 | 11/30/11 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | CL-2010-OLAU1 | ISO Fidelity/Forgery Revised Texas Changes FI 02 40 01 11 and FI 03 53 01 11 | 9212518728 | 109070 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | SFAA-F-279 | SFAA Financial Institution Bond Standard Forms 14, 15, 24 and 25 to satisfy GSE requirements | 9212508368 | 103511 | 10/27/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2009-9CR | AAIS Commercial Crime Amendatory Endorsement Texas CL 0273 01 09 | 9212503342 | 100814 | 2/17/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | EN | AAIS-2009-9GS | AAIS Commercial Glass Amendatory Endorsement Texas CL 0273 01 09 | 9212503343 | 100815 | 2/17/09 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-25 | SFAA Fidelity (MR) ERISA Dishonesty Bond Manual Rules | SURE-131122422 | S644258 | 12/07/17 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-24 | SFAA Revised Manual Rule pages - Computer Crime Policy for Financial Institutions | SURE-130816211 | S633981 | 9/26/17 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | CR-2017-ORRSA | ISO Commercial Crime (MR) Employee Benefit Plans/ERISA | ISOF-130950734 | S638268 | 7/25/17 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-SM-10 | SFAA BB Surety (MR) Procedures and Classifications for Surety Bonds Manual | SURE-129825558 | S13242 | 6/18/15 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-23CC | SFAA Commercial Crime (MR) Crime Protection Policy Revised Rules | SURE-130089188 | S22493 | 6/14/16 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | CR-2015-RRU15 | ISO Commercial Crime (MR) Crime Program - New & Revised Rules | ISOF-130046648 | S20603 | 1/26/16 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO Commercial Crime (MR) Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380404 | S618227 | 1/15/16 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-21CC | SFAA BB (MR) Crime SE 01610713 Rider | 9212555585 | 128596 | 8/2/13 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-21 | SFAA BB (MR) Financial Institution Manual Rule for Riders | 9212553068 | 127358 | 7/9/13 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | FI-2012-ORU12 | ISO BB (MR) Fidelity Financial Institution Multistate 2012 Manual Rule | 9212547662 | 124571 | 2/27/13 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-20 | SFAA BB (MR) Financial Institution-Revised General Rule-Limit of Liability | 9212544357 | 122937 | 10/11/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-19 | SFAA (MR) Revised Financial Institution Bonds | 9212535603 | 118370 | 6/7/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-19CC | SFAA (MR) Revised Crime Protection Policy | 9212535602 | 118369 | 6/28/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | FI-2011-ORSD1 | ISO BB (MR) Financial Institutions Multistate Rules Revision to Satisfy FINRA Rule 4360 (Added 1/25/2012) | 9212530511 | 115570 | 1/9/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-18 | SFAA (EN) Financial Institution Form 14 Riders to Satisfy FINRA Requirements Rule 4360 | 9212529846 | 115202 | 11/30/11 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR | TX-FM-17 | SFAA (MR) Revised Financial Institution Bond Forms 14, 15, 24 and 25 | 9212523653 | 111788 | 5/31/11 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR RT | CR-2012-RRU12 | ISO BB (MR) Crime Multistate 2012 Manual Rule | 9212546144 | 123844 | 2/12/13 (MR) 2/12/13 (RT) |
No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | MR RT | FI-2011-RRU11 FI-2011-RRU11 |
ISO BB (MR) Fidelity 2011 Financial Institution | 9212538678 | 120042 |
8/6/12 (MR) 8/24/12 (RT) |
No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | SFAA-F-303 | SFAA Fidelity (PF) ERISA Dishonesty Bond Endorsements for Crime Protection Policy | SURE-131122421 | S644259 | 11/16/17 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | SFAA-F-301 | SFAA Revised Computer Crime Policy for Financial Institutions | SURE-130816210 | S633982 | 9/26/17 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | CR-2015-OFR15 | ISO Commercial Crime (PF) Crime Program - New & Revised Forms | ISOF-130046226 | S20601 | 1/26/16 | N/A |
Div of Workers' Comp | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Texas Dept. of Insurance Division of Workers' Comp. Surety - Assumed Certificate Self-Insurance Liability | TEXS-129491082 | n/a | 4/10/14 | N/A |
Health & Human Svcs | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | TX HHSC BB (PF) Surety Bond for Medicaid Provider | 9212562912 | 132456 | 2/11/14 | N/A |
Railroad Comm'n | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Railroad Commission of Texas GSD-SB1 Surety Bond - Propane Distributors | 9212558888 | 130337 | 10/22/13 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | CR-2012-OFR12 | ISO BB (PF) Crime Multistate 2012 Form | 9212546143 | 123843 | 2/27/13 | N/A |
Health & Human Svcs | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | TxHHSC BB (PF) Surety Bond for Medicaid Provider | 9212547536 | 124506 | 12/18/12 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | FI-2011-OFR11 | ISO BB (PF) Fidelity Financial Institution | 9212538677 | 120041 | 8/8/12 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | TX-F-285 | SFAA (PF) Revised Crime Protection Policy | 9212535601 | 118368 | 7/17/12 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | FI-2011-OFSD1 | ISO BB (PF) Financial Institutions Multistate Forms Revision to Satisfy FINRA Rule 4360 (Added 1/25/2012) | 9212530510 | 115569 | 1/10/12 | N/A |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | SFAA-F-282 | SFAA (PF) Revised Financial Institution Bond Forms 14, 15, 24 and 25 | 9212523651 | 111786 | 6/1/11 | N/A |
Secretary of State | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Texas Secretary of State Notary Public Bond Forms 2301 and 2301-E | 9212525095 | 112562 | 2/22/11 | N/A |
Secretary of State | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Texas Secretary of State Athlete Agent Surety Bond Form 2503 | 9212524543 | 112274 | 2/8/11 | N/A |
Dep't of Agriculture | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | TDI-98-BB155-CACFP | Texas Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program Performance Bond | 9212516430 | 107750 | 5/12/10 | N/A |
Secretary of State | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Texas Secretary of State Business Opportunity Seller Surety Bond, Form 2702 | 9212515334 | 107158 | 3/17/10 | N/A |
Secretary of State | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Application for Appointment as Texas Notary Public, Form 2301 Application for Appointment as Texas Notary Public by Escrow Officer Residing in Adjacent State, Form 2301-E | 9212508740 | 103734 | 8/18/09 | N/A |
Secretary of State | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF | N/A | Automobile Club Surety Bond, Form 2602 Credit Services Organization Surety Bond, Form 2802 Health Spa Surety Bond, Form 3002 Third Party Debt Collector Surety Bond, Form 2901 | 9212506235 | 102330 | 5/26/09 | N/A |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF MR RT | CR-2009-OFR09 CR-2009-RRU09 CR-2009-RRU09 CR-2009-RLC09 |
9212513356, ISO Bond Governmental Employee Theft and Forgery Policy on a Discovery and Loss Sustained basis | 9212513356 | 106137 | 8/30/10 (PF) 8/30/10 (MR) 8/31/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | PF MR RT | FI-2009-OFR09 FI-2009-ORU09 FI-2009-RLC09 FI-2009-RFI09 FI-2009-ORU09 |
ISO Bond Financial Institutions Multistate Forms Revision | 9212506071 | 102229 | 9/16/09 (PF) 9/15/09 (MR) 9/18/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2022-ORU22 | 2022 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Rules Filing - revises multistate rules in Division Three – Crime And Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) | ISOF-133449683 | S706755 | 12/7/22 | Yes |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-26 | Computer Crime Rider for Financial Institutions (FILING REJECTED) | SURE-133083589 | S701554 | 5/4/22 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2021-RURE1 | 2021 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Rules Filing Further Revised | ISOF-133120677 | S698887 | 2/24/22 | Yes |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2021-RCR21 | Crime and Fidelity Experience and Schedule Rating Plan Revision | ISOF-132936344 | S694640 | 2/24/22 | Yes |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2021-RLC21 | 2021 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-132936288 | S694637 | 2/24/22 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2021-RRU21 | 2021 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Rules Filing | ISOF-132936215 | S694639 | 2/24/22 | Yes |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2021-RRU21 | 2021 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Rules Filing | ISOF-132936215 | S694639 | 2/24/22 | Yes |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2021-RLC21 | 2021 Crime And Fidelity Multistate Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-132936288 | S694637 | 2/24/22 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2021-RCR21 | Crime and Fidelity Experience and Schedule Rating Plan Revision | ISOF-132936344 | S694640 | 2/24/22 | Yes |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-26CC | Crime Protection Policy | SURE-132630312 | S686335 | 5/10/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | AAIS-2020-26GSR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26GSR. | AMAX-132669215 | S687678 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | AAIS-2020-26CRR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26CRR. | AMAX-132669420 | S687653 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-26CC | Revised pages of the Manual of Rules, Procedures and Classifications for Fidelity and Forgery. | SURE-131754839 | S662156 | 2/11/19 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2018-ORRSA | Revisions to Division Eighteen – Financial Institutions of the Commercial Lines Manual to provide new and revised rules when coverage for employee benefit plans subject to ERISA are being provided under Financial Institution Crime Policies. | ISOF-131505686 | S655220 | 8/21/18 | Yes |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-SLC-12 | Surety Loss Cost Addendum of the SFAA Manual of Rules, Procedures and Classifications for Surety Bonds | SURE-131420691 | S653139 | 6/26/18 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2017-RLA1 | Revises Commercial Crime loss costs for Fidelity and Burglary & Theft coverages only. | ISOF-131236276 | S647506 | 1/24/18 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2017-REL1 | Revises the Supplemental Tables of the Rating Relativities and Factors section of Division Three - Crime and Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). | ISOF-131245943 | S647505 | 1/24/18 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2016-RCP16 | This filing revises the Composite Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844849 | S634473 | 4/21/17 | Yes |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FLC-16 | Computer Crime Policy for Financial Institutions | SURE-130816212 | S633980 | 1/31/17 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2016-RVCLC | 2016 Financial Institutions Multistate Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-130540216 | S624262 | 7/11/16 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2016-RVCRU | 2016 Financial Institutions Multistate Rules Filing | ISOF-130558515 | S624261 | 7/11/16 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2015-RLA1 | This filing revises Commercial Crime loss costs for Fidelity and Burglary & Theft coverages only. This filing is contingent upon approval and implementation of CR-2015-OFR15 (S20601) and CR-2015-RRU15 (S20603/S20604). | ISOF-130254870 | S614582 | 11/10/15 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2015-REL1 | This filing revises the Supplemental Tables of the Rating Relativities and Factors section of Division Three - Crime and Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). Please note that the -30% overall change reflected on the rate/rule schedule page includes the full effects of the Burglary & Theft experience review contained in companion loss cost filing CR-2015-RLA1. This filing is contingent upon approval and implementation of CR-2015-OFR15 (S20601) and CR-2015-RRU15 (S20603/S20604). | ISOF-130266344 | S614583 | 11/10/15 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2015-RRU15 | This filing introduces new and revised rules and rating factors in Division Three - Crime and Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) relating to the new exposures of fraudulent impersonation and virtual currency. | ISOF-130051895 | S20604 | 5/6/15 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2014-REL1 | This filing revises the factor in Table 168.C.2.f.(RF) of the rating relativities factors section of Division Eighteen - Financial Institutions of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). | ISOF-129387647 | 132402 | 6/23/14 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises the advisory prospective loss costs for the Financial Institutions program. | ISOF-129380433 | 132401 | 6/23/14 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2013-RLA1 | This filing revises Commercial Crime Loss Costs for Fidelity and Burglary & Theft Coverage Only. | 9212559790 | 130800 | 12/6/13 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2013-REL1 | This filing revises the Supplemental Tables of the Rating Relativities and Factors Section of Division Three - Crime and Fidelity of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). Please note that the -25% overall change reflected on the Rate/Rule Schedule page includes the full effects of the Burglary & Theft Experience Review Contained in Companion Loss Cost Filing CR-2013-RLA1. | 9212559791 | 130801 | 12/6/13 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FLC-13CC | The Surety & Fidelity Assoc. of America is filing Revised Rules & Loss Costs for the Crime Protection Policy & Crime Protection Policy for Public Entities. A detailed filing memorandum has been attached to the supporting document schedule. | 9212558847 | 130310 | 10/21/13 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2012-RRU12 | Rules (Multistate) Section General Rules | 9212546144 | 123844 | 2/12/13 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2012-RCRP1 (CR) | Commercial Crime - Texas Composite Rating Plan Exceptions Withdrawn | 9212545990 | 123757 | 11/5/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FLC-12 | New/Revised Loss Costs for Fidelity | 9212542145 | 121790 | 9/17/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-19 | N/A | 9212535603 | 118370 | 9/4/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2012-RLA1 | Financial Institutions Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision | 9212538734 | 120068 | 8/24/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2011-RRU11 | Rules Filing FI-2011-RRU11 Revised Rules also include Rates | 9212538678 | 120042 | 8/24/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2011-RLC11 | FI-2011-RLC11 Revised Loss Costs | 9212538679 | 120043 | 8/24/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-19CC | Revised Rules for Crime Protection & Crime Protection Policy for Public Entities | 9212535602 | 118369 | 7/25/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2011-RFI11 | Experience and Schedule Rating Plan Revision Introduction of New Coverages for Credit Unions and Mortgage Bankers | 9212538680 | 120044 | 4/11/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2011-RLA1 | Revised Loss Costs | 9212533234 | 117063 | 1/13/12 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2011-RSDLC | Financial Institutions Multistate Loss Cost Revision in Response to FINRA Rule 4360 Corresponding Filing Tracking #:FI-2011-OFSD1 (115569), FI-2011-ORSD1 (115570) | 9212530512 | 115571 | 1/10/12 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FM-18 | Page FI-36 Showing Rating Rule | 9212529846 | 115202 | 12/2/11 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2011-REL1 | Rating Rules and Factors Supplemental Tables | 9212533235 | 117064 | 10/28/11 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-SLC-9 | Surety Loss Cost Addendum | 9212531005 | 115851 | 9/1/11 | No |
SFAA | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | TX-FLC-11 | Page FID-LC-5 Revised May 1, 2011 Showing Revised Rates/Loss Costs; Forms Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #111786; Manual Rules Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #111788 | 9212523652 | 111787 | 3/23/11 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2009-RRU09 | Crime Multistate Rules Revision | 9212513356 | 106137 | 8/31/10 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2009-RLC09 | Crime Multistate Loss Costs Revision | 9212513356 | 106137 | 8/31/10 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2009-RLA1 | 2009 Revision of Financial Institutions Loss Costs | 9212512555 | 105713 | 1/27/10 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | CR-2009-RLA1 | 2009 Revision of Commercial Crime Loss Costs | 9212510089 | 104382 | 11/19/09 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2009-ORU09 | Financial Institutions Multistate Rules/Rates Revision | 9212506071 | 102229 | 9/18/09 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | RP-2009-RF109 | Financial Institutions Experience and Schedule Rating Plan | 9212506071 | 102229 | 9/18/09 | No |
ISO | Bond & Misc. Casualty | RT | FI-2009-RLC09 | Advisory Loss Costs - Financial Institutions | 9212506071 | 102229 | 9/18/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CA-2021-OAMFR | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Auto Dealers, Abuse or Molestation Liability and Auto Hacking Forms | ISOF-133355627 | S704587 | 3/12/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CR-2021-OFR21 | ISO, MP (EN) Terrorism Endorsements | ISOF-132950762 | S694718 | 9/12/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-45AGOPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril - Agricultural Output Revised Form | AMAX-132781049 | S690346 | 4/13/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-26BOPF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665489 | S687666 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-26APF | AAIS MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665491 | S687665 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-26CMPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132667701 | S687657 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-26AGOPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril - Revised Terrorism Endorsements | AMAX-132665511 | S687662 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2020-OAME1 | ISO, MP (EN) ISO, MP (EN) Commercial Farm & Ranch Texas Changes Endorsements Revision | ISOF-132649363 | S686864 | 1/9/21 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (HH) | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552299 | S683991 | 10/18/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (CMP) | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552128 | S683987 | 10/18/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (BP) | ISO MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552012 | S683978 | 10/18/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19APF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Artisans Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511479 | S682809 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19BOPF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Businessowners Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511529 | S682808 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGXLPF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Agricultural Excess Umbrella: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511554 | S682806 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19CMPF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Inland Marine Guide Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132508727 | S682800 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19FOCF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Farmowners Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509984 | S682794 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGOPF-1 | AAIS, MP (EN) Agricultural Output Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511384 | S682785 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRFO (MP) | ISO, MP (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132462095 | S681379 | 8/24/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRFO (FR) | ISO, MP (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132462132 | S681381 | 8/24/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRFO (HH) | ISO, MP (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132462134 | S681383 | 8/24/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2020-OCYFR | ISO, MP (EN) Cyber and Spoilage Businessowners Program Forms | ISOF-132480258 | S681811 | 8/24/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (BP) | AAIS, MP (EN) AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Farmowners New COVID19 | ISOF-13239366 | S680054 | 6/17/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19BOPF | AAIS, MP (EN) AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Artisans New COVID19 | AMAX-132407685 | S680059 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19CMPF | AAIS, MP (EN) AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Agricultural Output New COVID19 | AMAX-132409701 | S680060 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGOPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril, Inland Marine Guide New COVID19 | AMAX-132407773 | S680063 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19APF | AAIS, MP (EN) Commercial Multi Peril Businessowners New COVID19 | AMAX-132407782 | S680077 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2020-19FOCF | ISO, MP (EN) TRIA2019 Reauthorization Act | AMAX-132409102 | S679642 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2019-40AGOPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052613 | S670152 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2019-40CMPF | AAIS, MP (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052629 | S670147 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (FR) | ISO, MP (EN) Texas Changes-Cancellation and NonRenewal | ISOF-132002047 | S668456 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2019-OMJFR (CMP) | ISO, MP (EN) Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements | ISOF-131933090 | S666432 | 8/20/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2019-OMITF | ISO, MP (EN) Cannabis Endorsements | ISOF-131840868 | S664273 | 4/17/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2014-OISFR | ISO MP (EN) pending reply from reviewer | ISOF-130660391 | S628084 | 12/12/18 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2017-42CF | AAIS MP (EN) Multi-Peril Farm and Ranch Endorsements | AMAX-131233931 | S647757 | 12/12/18 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-308-27BOPF | AAIS MP (EN) BOP, Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130990685 | S639531 | 12/19/17 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2017-2PUMBF | AAIS MP (EN) Personal Umbrella Liability Coverage | AMAX-131279796 | S648673 | 12/13/17 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2017-27APF | AAIS MP (EN) BOP, Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130990682 | S639532 | 8/2/17 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2016-ODPFR | ISO CMP (EN) BOP, Designated Premises, Project Or Operation Endorsements | ISOF-130724716 | S630380 | 10/4/16 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2016-ODNFR | ISO CMP (EN) Businessowners Unmanned Aircraft Endorsement Options Introduced | ISOF-130601480 | S626092 | 6/21/16 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-39F | AAIS CMP (EN), IM Non-Filed Builders Risk Civil Works Projects | AMAX-130299160 | S615616 | 11/3/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-16F | AAIS CMP (EN), Businessowners Endorsements | AMAX-130150679 | S610765 | 8/18/15 | N/A |
MSO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | MSO 42-14-02 | MSO CMP (EN), House of Worship Endorsements | MUOF-129572984 | S5452 | 8/5/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-1CMPF | AAIS CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129908867 | S15660 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-1CPF | AAIS CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129903638 | S15509 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-1APF | AAIS CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129903595 | S15504 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-IBOPF | AAIS CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129903596 | S15503 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2015-1AGOPF | AAIS CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129903592 | S15496 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA 2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129891072 | S15091 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA 2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129890840 | S15090 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA 2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO CMP (EN), Internet Liability & Network Protection | ISOF-129890735 | S15089 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | TRIA 2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO CMP (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129889681 | S15088 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2014-71F | AAIS CMP (EN) Umbrella Program Data Breach Liability Exclusions | AMAX-129802565 | S12485 | 11/25/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2014-72F | AAIS CMP (EN) Artisans Program Data Breach Exclusion | AMAX-129605888 | S12463 | 11/25/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2014-64CMPF | AAIS CMP (EN) Withdrawal of IM1269 10 00 | AMAX-129740764 | S10424 | 10/28/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2014-42CMPF | AAIS CMP (EN) Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-129678516 | S8747 | 9/2/14 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | FR-2014-ODBFR (FR) | ISO CMP (EN) Farm Program, Data Liability | ISOF-129484175 | S2101 | 5/6/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-83EPLF | AAIS CMP (EN) AG GL EMP. Benefits Co# Revision | 9212561627 | 131759 | 2/21/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-54CMPF | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amendment SB 1074 | 9212558492 | 130104 | 10/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-54BOPF | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557133 | 129346 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-54APF | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557131 | 129344 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-54AGOPF | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557135 | 129348 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-54FOCMPF | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557143 | 129356 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-34F-1 | AAIS CMP (EN) Employee Benefits & Practices Liability | 9212554984 | 128288 | 9/10/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2013-OBIFR | ISO MP (EN) Off Premises Business Interruption, Vehicles & Mobile Equipment | 9212556692 | 129105 | 9/3/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CA-2013-OOBIFR | ISO CMP (EN) Business Interruption Coverage WITHDRAWN | 9212556756 | 129149 | 8/22/13 WITHDRAWN 11/06/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-44CMPF | AAIS MP (EN) TX Amendment IM Guide 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554986 | 128290 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-44AGOPF | AAIS MP (EN) TX Amendment AG Output 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554972 | 128276 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-44BPF | AAIS MP (EN) TX Amendment BOP 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554971 | 128275 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | EC-2009-OAP09 | ISO MP (EN) MultiState E-Commerce Applications | 9212511443 | 105103 | 1/28/10 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CA-2013-OTIPC | ISO MP-Auto Dealers ONLY (EN) Terrorism Exclusion WITHDRAWN | 9212555485 | 128528 | 7/30/13 WITHDRAWN 11/06/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2013-44FOCMP | AAIS CMP (EN) FRO MP EN Amendment TX (SB 698) | 9212554980 | 128284 | 7/23/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CMP (EN) Texas Changes - 28 TAC 5.7002 Cancellations | 9212550734 | 126176 | 4/10/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CMP (EN) Texas Changes-BOP-28 TAC 5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549715 | 125652 | 4/17/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CMP (EN) Texas Changes Management Protection 28TAC5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549723 | 125660 | 3/13/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CMP (EN) Texas Changes Farm & Ranch 28TAC5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549721 | 125658 | 3/13/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-75F-1 | AAIS CMP (EN) Inland Marine Guide Earthquake, Flood & Sewer Backup Updates | 9212547328 | 124396 | 1/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-52F | AAIS CMP (EN) Infrastructure Property Coverage | 9212544541 | 123023 | 11/6/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CF-2011-OFR11 (A) | ISO CMP (EN) Equipment Breakdown | 9212545477 | 123518 | 10/30/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-44F-MULTI | AAIS CMP (EN) TX Amendatory for Data Compromise | 9212542926 | 122183 | 8/23/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2012-OFDS1 | ISO CMP (EN) BOP Fire Dept. Service Contract | 9212542150 | 121795 | 8/23/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | MS-2009-OHCFR (A) | ISO CMP (EN) Market Segments-Health Clubs Abuse & Molestation | 9212541830 | 121660 | 7/31/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (FP) | ISO CMP (EN) HB3 Claim Filing Deadlines | 9212532034 | 116433 | 8/23/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | BP-2012-OFLC1 | ISO CMP (EN) Revised Additional Insured Endorsement HB 2093 | 9212541828 | 121658 | 7/31/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-30F | AAIS CMP (EN) Multistate BOP Data Compromise Coverage | 9212540762 | 121143 | 7/24/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (BP) | ISO CMP (EN) HB3 Claim Filing Deadlines | 9212532026 | 116425 | 7/17/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | MS-2009-OHCFR | ISO CMP (EN) Market Segments-Health Clubs & Gyms Program | 9212539016 | 120208 | 6/5/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-49F-MULTI | AAIS CMP (EN) Limited Fungus Coverage Revision | 9212538355 | 119878 | 5/1/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-2MULTIF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Nonfiled Classes of Inland Marine | 9212537294 | 119328 | 4/24/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-3PIMF | AAIS PMP (EN) Revised Suits Against Us Provision | 9212536067 | 118665 | 4/10/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2010-99FPUMB | AAIS CMP (EN) Initial Agricultural Commercial Excess and Umbrella Program | 9212534963 | 118029 | 4/3/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEND1 (FR) | ISO CMP (EN) Farm & Ranch Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532990 | 116955 | 2/15/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEND1 (BP) | ISO CMP (EN) Revised Businessowners Additional Insured Endorsements | 9212532992 | 116957 | 1/24/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-3FOCMPF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Farmowners Commercial Multi Peril Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536108 | 118681 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-3MPPKGF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Multi Peril Package Policy Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536052 | 118653 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-3BPF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised BOP (Businessowners Program) Amendatory Endorsement | 9212535953 | 118599 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-3APF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Artisans Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212535952 | 118598 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-3AGOPF | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Agricultural Output Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212535928 | 118583 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (FE) | ISO CMP (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice | 9212532033 | 116432 | 10/25/11 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (FB) | ISO CMP (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice | 9212532032 | 116431 | 10/25/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-46F | AAIS CMP (EN) Revised Nonfiled Classes of Inland Marine | 9212531092 | 115900 | 10/5/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-7F | AAIS CMP (EN) Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212525862 | 113022 | 5/24/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2011-9BPF | AAIS CMP Businessowners Program Endorsements | 9212524648 | 112336 | 2/22/11 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2010 OLAU1 | ISO CMP - Businessowners Revised Texas Changes BP 01 18 01 11 | 9212518730 | 109072 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | CL-2010 OLAU1 | ISO CMP - E-Commerce Program Revised Texas Changes EC 01 20 01 11 | 9212518729 | 109071 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2010-1F | AAIS CMP Artisans Program Information Distribution and Recording Violations Exclusion | 9212514599 | 106780 | 6/15/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-1FCMP | AAIS CMP Personal Liability End. Amending the Agricultural General Liability Program | 9212510447 | 104580 | 3/31/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2010-2F | AAIS CMP BOP New Mandatory Telephone Consumer Protection Act Endorsement | 9212513687 | 106290 | 2/9/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-19F | AAIS CMP Businessowners Program - New and Revised Endts. | 9212506257 | 102345 | 6/2/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-18 | AAIS CMP Agricultural Output Prgm Agricultural 0135 02 09 Exclusion-War & Military Action | 9212504686 | 101546 | 4/8/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-6-1 | AAIS CMP Amendatory Endt. Texas FO 0786 02 09 | 9212503837 | 101068 | 2/24/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-9AG | AAIS CMP Agricultural Output Program Amendatory Endts. CL 0273 01 09, AG 0784 01 09 | 9212503336 | 100808 | 2/10/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-9AP | AAIS CMP Artisans Program Amendatory Endt. AP 0676 01 09 | 9212503337 | 100809 | 2/10/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2009-9BP | AAIS CMP BOP Amendatory Endt. BP 0493 01 09 | 9212503338 | 100810 | 2/10/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2008-67BP | AAIS CMP BP 0330 10 08 Water Backup / Overflow; BP 0475 10 08 Amend. Endt. | 9212501947 | 100111 | 1/27/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2008-67AG | AAIS CMP New and Revised Endts. for Agricultural Output Program | 9212500756 | 99548 | 1/13/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2008-67AP | AAIS CMP New and Revised Endts. for Artisans Program | 9212501103 | 99700 | 1/13/09 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN MR RT | MS-2010-OASFO MS-2010-OASRU MS-2010-OASRU | ISO CMP - MS AS 09 10 11 - Auto Service Risks-Defective Products Coverage Endorsement | 9212522605 | 111137 | 1/4/11 (EN) 1/4/11 (MR) 1/5/11 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN MR RT | BP-2009-OBPFO BP-2009-RBPRU BP-2009-RBPRU |
ISO CMP BOP Increased Cost of Loss and Related Expenses for Green Upgrades Endorsement Introduced and Various Endorsements Revised | 9212512870 | 105862 | 2/16/10 (EN) 2/9/10 (MR) 2/10/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN MR RT | MS-2008-OGCFO MS-2008-RGCRU MS-2008-RGCLC | ISO CMP Market Segments-Golf Courses Program | 9212499973 | 99149 | 6/16/09 (EN) 6/12/09 (MR) 2/24/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN MR RT | MS 2008-OASFO MS 2008-RASRU MS 2008-RASRU MS 2008-RASLC |
ISO CMP Market Segments - Auto Services | 9212496177 | 97298 | 9/29/09 (EN) 9/29/09 (MR) 9/29/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | EN MR RT | MS-2008-OMSFR MS-2008-RMSRU MS-2008-RMSRU MS-2008-RMSLC | ISO CMP Market Segments Program | 9212496123 | 97277 | 9/29/09 (EN) 9/29/09 (MR) 9/29/09 (RT) | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2017-27BOPR | AAIS MP (MR) Businessowners Program - TX - Revised Manual Rule | AMAX-130990783 | S639533 | 12/12/17 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2017-27APR | AAIS MP (MR) BOP, Rules for Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130990717 | S639534 | 8/1/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | BP-2014-OISRU | ISO CMP (MR) Rules for Division 10 - Texas Businessowners | ISOF-130660398 | S628110 | 10/21/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CL-2016-ODPRU | ISO CMP (MR) BOP, Rules Revision to Address Limitation of Coverage to Designated Premises, Project, or Operation Endorsements | ISOF-130724712 | S630386 | 10/6/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | BP-2016-ODNRU | ISO CMP (MR) Businessowners Rules for Unmanned Aircraft | ISOF-130601543 | S626091 | 7/13/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CL-2016-ODNPR | ISO CMP (MR) Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) | ISOF-130550393 | S623643 | 5/6/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CL-2016-ODNPR | ISO CMP (MR) (COP) Unmanned Aircraft Coverage | ISOF-130550345 | S623641 | 5/6/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2016-29R | AAIS CMP (MR) Individual Risk Program Modification - Texas (IRPM) plan (CIM) | AMAX-130534797 | S623368 | 4/29/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-39R-1A | AAIS CMP (MR) IM Non-Filed Builders Risk Civil Works Projects | AMAX-130472549 | S621189 | 3/25/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-39R-1 | AAIS CMP (MR) Inland Marine Guide (Builders Risk) | AMAX-130410586 | S619096 | 2/5/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR) Businessowners-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380262 | S618234 | 1/19/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR) (Capital Assets Program-Output Policy)-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380312 | S618232 | 1/19/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR)-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380392 | S618228 | 1/15/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR) E-Commerce-MR-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization for 2015 | ISOF-130380486 | S618224 | 1/15/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR), Farm - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization for 2015 | ISOF-130380496 | S618223 | 1/15/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR), Agricultural Capital Assets - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380555 | S618221 | 1/15/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO CMP (MR), Agricultural Capital Assets - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130379765 | S618220 | 1/12/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-39R | AAIS CMP (MR), IM Non-Filed Builders Risk | AMAX-130299158 | S615617 | 10/30/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-16R | Businessowners New & Revised Rules | AMAX-130151008 | S610764 | 8/14/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1CMPR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130080384 | S21413 | 6/5/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1COPR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions (COP) | AMAX-130071114 | S21408 | 6/5/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1APR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130071109 | S21409 | 6/2/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1CPR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130071202 | S21406 | 5/29/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1BOPR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130071230 | S21403 | 5/26/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1COPXLR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130074408 | S21401 | 5/26/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2015-1AGOPR | AAIS CMP (MR), TRIA2015-Manual Rules - Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130071037 | S21398 | 5/22/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | BP-2014-RRU1 | ISO CMP (MR), Businessowners Manual & Form Rules, Multi-State Businessowners Revision | ISOF-129533259 | S3158 | 3/24/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2014-72R | AAIS CMP (MR) Artisans Program Data Breach Liability Exclusion | AMAX-129806185 | S12462 | 11/21/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | FR-2014-ODBRU | ISO CMP (MR) Farm Program, Data Liability | ISOF-129484779 | S2098 | 5/7/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CA-2013-ORU1 | ISO CMP (MR) Rule 49 Premium Development for Common Coverage | 9212561170 | 131521 | 3/7/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2013-83EPLR | AAIS CMP (MR) AG GL Emp. Benefits Rule Revision | 9212561629 | 131761 | 2/24/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2014-6R | AAIS CMP (MR) CMP-IM Rule Revisions - Inland Marine Guide | 9212562461 | 132224 | 2/10/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2013-63EBLR | AAIS CMP (MR) Agricultural Employee Benefits and Practices | 9212558579 | 130155 | 10/15/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | BP-2013-RBIRU | ISO MP (MR) Off Premises Business Interruption, Vehicles & Mobile Equipment | 9212556694 | 129107 | 9/3/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CA-2013-RBIRU | ISO CMP (MR) Business Interruption Coverage WITHDRAWN | 9212556755 | 129148 | 8/21/13 WITHDRAWN 11/06/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | EC-2013-RRU13 | ISO MP (MR) MultiState E-Commerce Rule Filing | 9212555403 | 128488 | 7/25/13 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2013-32R | AAIS CMP (MR) General Rules - Motor Truck Cargo Rating Procedures | 9212553045 | 127348 | 5/14/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | BP-2012-ORLC1 | ISO CMP (MR) Revised Additional Insured Rule | 9212541829 | 121659 | 7/31/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | MS-2009-RHCRU MS-2009-RHCRU | ISO CMP (MR) Market Segments-Health Clubs & Gyms Program | 9212539017 | 120209 | 6/29/12 (MR) 6/29/12 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | OP-2012-ORU12 OP-2012-ORU12 |
ISO CMP (MR) Capital Assets Programs 2012 Multistate Rules Revision | 9212538320 | 119862 | 4/20/12 (MR) 4/23/12 (RT) | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2012-1R | AAIS CMP (MR) Revised BOP Fine Arts Floater Program | 9212536419 | 118856 | 4/3/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CL-2011-ORU1 (FR) | ISO CMP (MR) Farm & Ranch Rule Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532997 | 116962 | 2/10/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CL-2011-ORU1 (BP) | ISO CMP (MR) Businessowners Rule Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532995 | 116960 | 2/9/12 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2011-32R | AAIS CMP BOP Artisans Program Revisions | 9212531240 | 115979 | 9/12/11 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2011-7F | AAIS CMP (MR) Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212525861 | 113021 | 5/24/11 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2011-6F | AAIS CMP (MR) Revised Artisans Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212526132 | 113156 | 5/18/11 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2010-1R | AAIS CMP Telephone Consumer Protection Act Artisans Program Revised Optional Rule | 9212514600 | 106781 | 6/9/10 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2009-1RCMP | AAIS CMP Agricultural GL Program Rules | 9212510446 | 104579 | 3/30/10 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2009-19R | 9212506256, AAIS Country Wide Revision of Manual Rules | 9212506256 | 102344 | 6/5/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR | CR-2008-RPTOA | ISO CMP Comml Crime Terrorism Rules for use on CMP basis | 9212500043 | 99182 | 2/26/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | CP-2013-RBIRU | ISO CMP (MR/RT) Capital Assets Program - AG & Output | 9212560146 | 130990 | 12/9/13 (MR) 1/29/14 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | CA-2012-RADRU (CMP) | ISO CMP (MR/RT) Intro. Auto Dealers | 9212558953 | 130382 | 10/14/13 (MR) 11/19/13 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | CA-2012-RADRU CA-2012-RADRU |
ISO CMP (MR) Auto Dealers Coverage Rules WITHDRAWN | 9212539125 | 120263 | 6/11/13 (MR) 9/6/13 (RT) WITHDRAWN 10/07/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | MS-2010-RMSRU MS-2010-RMSRU | ISO CMP (MR) Market Segments Rules Revision | 9212525491 | 112840 | 3/9/11 (MR) 4/27/11 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | OP-2010-RGB09 OP-2010-RGB09 |
ISO CMP Rules-Capital Assets Programs (and Agricultural Output Policy) - Large Risk - Increased Cost and Related Expenses for Green Upgrades | 9212515499 | 107247 | 4/9/10 (MR) 3/22/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | OP-2009-RRU09 OP-2009-RRU09 |
ISO CMP Capital Assets Program (Output Policy) Multistate Manual Rules Revisions & Texas Exception Pages | 9212514823 | 106885 | 3/10/10 (MR) 4/14/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | MR RT | BP 2008-RRFZC BP 2008-RRFZC |
ISO CMP Businessowners Limit of Ins Relativities/Rules Rev. | 9212499164 | 98781 | 2/10/09 (MR) 2/11/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | FI-2021-OFR21 | ISO MP (PF) ISO Financial Institution Bond Program for Credit Unions Revision | ISOF-133136576 | S699117 | 6/16/22 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2021-8F | AAIS, MP (PF) Commercial Multi Peril - New and Revised Forms | AMAX-132774189 | S690190 | 4/22/21 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | FI-2019-OFR19 | ISO, MP (PF) Commercial Multi Peril - Financial Institutions | ISOF-132218868 | S675487 | 2/12/21 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | CA-2019-OFR19 (CMP) | ISO MP (PF) Revised Auto Dealers form and endorsements | ISOF-132180035 | S673906 | 12/11/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | MP-2020-OFR20 | ISO, MP (PF) Management Protection Program and TRIA2019 Forms | ISOF-132435102 | S680996 | 8/24/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2020-15F | AAIS, MP (PF) Revised forms AAIS-2020-15F, FDA November | AMAX-132339642 | S678446 | 5/1/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | BP-2019-OFR19 | ISO, MP (PF) Micro-Businessowners Program | ISOF-132060474 | S671129 | 11/13/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2018-56F | AAIS, MP (EN) Motor Truck Cargo Liability | AMAX-131744941 | s661616 | 10/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | HH-2017-OFR17 | ISO, MP (PF) Home Healthcare Program-Commercial Multi Peril | ISOF-131324890 | S649974 | 5/16/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | MP-2018-OFR18 | ISO, MP (PF) Management Protection Program | ISOF-131550284 | S656782 | 4/30/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | FR-2015-OFR15 | ISO MP (PF) Farm Program Revisions | ISOF-130759886 | S631881 | 9/11/18 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2016-53F | AAIS MP (PF) Non-Filed Inland Marine - Unmanned Aircraft Coverage Forms | AMAX-130839625 | S634012 | 3/1/17 | N/A |
MSO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | MSO 42-14-01 | MSO CMP (PF), House of Worship Program | MUOF-129572983 | S5451 | 8/18/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | BP-2014-OFR1 | ISO CMP (PF), Businessowners Forms, Multi-State Businessowners Revision | ISOF-129497340 | S2274 | 4/1/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2013-63EPLF | AAIS CMP (PF) AG GL Employee Benefits | 9212559253 | 130518 | 11/05/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | EC-2013-OFR13 | ISO MP (PF) MultiState E-Commerce & TX Supplement | 9212555400 | 128485 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | CA-2012-OADFR | ISO CMP (PF) Auto Dealers Coverage | 9212539123 | 120261 | 5/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2012-60F | AAIS CMP (PF) Builders Risk Class of Inland Marine Guide Program | 9212545528 | 123531 | 12/28/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2012-1F | AAIS CMP (PF) Revised BOP Fine Arts Floater Program | 9212536417 | 118854 | 4/3/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2011-47F | AAIS CMP (PF) New/Revised Nonfiled Classes of Inland Marine | 9212531552 | 116174 | 10/18/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2011-41F | AAIS CMP Nonfiled Classes of Inland Marine | 9212530566 | 115602 | 9/6/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2011-6F | AAIS CMP (PF) Revised Artisans Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212526131 | 113155 | 5/18/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2011-25F | AAIS CMP (PF) - Nonfiled Classes of Inland Marine | 9212526416 | 113304 | 4/20/11 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2010-98F | AAIS CMP (PF)-Non-filed Classes of Inland Marine | 9212523317 | 111585 | 1/25/11 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF MR RT | FR-2009-OFR09 FR-2009-RRU09 FR-2009-RRU09 |
ISO CMP Multistate Revision of Forms and Endorsements (Farm Program) | 9212509663 | 104165 | 3/23/10 (PF) 3/23/10 (MR) 3/23/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF MR RT | BP-2009-OFR09 BP-2008-RRU09 BP-2009-RRU09 BP-2009-RLC09 |
ISO 2009 Businessowners Multistate Forms Revision | 9212509205 | 103975 | 10/21/09 (PF) 10/21/09 (MR) 12/8/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | PF MR RT | EC 2008-OFR08 EC 2008-ORU08 EC 2008-RLCR08 RP 2008-REC08 |
ISO CMP E-Commerce Multistate Forms & Rules Revision | 9212501504 | 99887 | 9/16/09 (PF) 9/17/09 (MR) 9/17/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2022-RLA1 | Revises loss costs for Farm Inland Marine and Farm Liability coverages | ISOF-133593724 | S709612 | 3/24/23 | No |
MAPP | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TX FIRE COMM | Introduction of Betterview Wildfire Vulnerability Score | MAPP-133424660 | S706131 | 3/9/23 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2022-RCP2 (CMP) | Editorial changes to correct display of a class code and re-include rule on physical damage premium computations for commercial auto | ISOF-133469496 | S706987 | 2/1/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2022-OMCDR (CMP) | Introduces rule for communicable disease exclusion for covered autos liability exposure for auto dealers | ISOF-133508219 | S707974 | 1/27/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2021-OAMRU (CMP) | Revises multistate rules for Division One - Commercial Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect new and withdrawn endorsements submitted under companion forms filing CA-2021-OAMFR | ISOF-133355793 | S704589 | 9/26/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2022-RCP1 (CMP) | Implements the new class plan and updates the rules for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual | ISOF-133298179 | S702850 | 8/18/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2022-RLC1 (CMP) | Implements the new class plan and updates the loss cost tables for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual | ISOF-133298268 | S702849 | 8/18/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2021-RAMLC (CMP) | Introduces multistate Commercial Auto Loss Costs 119. Auto Hacking Expense Coverage in order to correspond with revisions made in related rules filing CA-2021-OAMRU | ISOF-133356925 | S704591 | 8/18/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2022-RABPF | Introduction of ISO Risk Analyzer Businessowners By-Peril Rating Factors Module | ISOF-133193511 | S700586 | 7/8/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FI-2021-RLC21 | 2021 Financial Institutions Multistate Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-133136558 | S699119 | 3/15/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FI-2021-RRU21 | 2021 Financial Institutions Multistate Rules Filing | ISOF-133136477 | S699118 | 3/15/22 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2022-4R | (WITHDRAWN) IMG Warehouse Legal Liability Revised Rating Procedures - Revised December 2021 | AMAX-133140172 | S699192 | 3/15/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2021-ORU1 | Texas Revision to Rule A4. Rural Fire Protection Districts | ISOF-133058061 | S697119 | 2/8/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2020-RPAY | Revision of Executive Officers, Individual Insureds and Co-Partners Payroll Amounts (Rule 23) | ISOF-132943275 | S694516 | 1/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2021-RLA1 | Businessowners Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Level Review | ISOF-132943173 | S694517 | 1/5/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RABOP (2020) (S) | 2020 Update Supplement - Risk Analyzer Businessowners Environmental Module Table Update | ISOF-132504124 | S615548 | 12/13/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2021-8R | New and Revised Rating Procedures - Builders' Risk Rev 07 20 | AMAX-132774337 | S690189 | 4/28/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2020-RLA1 | Farm Loss Cost Revision | ISOF-132706090 | S688358 | 4/28/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2021-ORU1 | Businessowners State Exception Rule Introduced | ISOF-132695297 | S688113 | 4/28/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2020-OAME1 | Texas Manual Rules Revision | ISOF-132649367 | S686863 | 4/28/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2019-RLC19 | Micro-Businessowners Program Loss Costs Introduced | ISOF-132060573 | S671131 | 4/28/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2019-RRU19 | Micro-Businessowners Program Rules Introduced | ISOF-132060516 | S671130 | 4/28/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2020-RCYAR | Introduces one new multistate rule and revises one multistate rule in the Division Fourteen – Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) section of the Commercial Lines Manual to instruct on the usage of new endorsements filed under companion forms filing OP-2020-OCYAF. | ISOF-132647161 | S687049 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2020-RCYRU | Introduces one new multistate rule and revises one multistate rule in the Division Fourteen – Capital Assets Program (Output Policy) section of the Commercial Lines Manual to instruct on the usage of new endorsements filed under companion forms filing OP- 2020-OCYFR. | ISOF-132647345 | S687048 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2020-RRU20 | Management Protection Program Multistate Rules Revision. | ISOF-132435217 | S680995 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2019-RRU19 (CMP) | 2020 Commercial Auto Multistate Rules Revision. | ISOF-132181380 | S673907 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26AGOPR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26AGOPR. | AMAX-132669657 | S687676 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26CMPR | Revised Terrorism Rules Inland Marine Guide - Commercial Multi-Peril. | AMAX-132669959 | S687674 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26APR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26APR. | AMAX-132669929 | S687673 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26BOPR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26BOPR. | AMAX-132669939 | S687672 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26FOR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26FOR. | AMAX-132669272 | S687656 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2020-26COPR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26COPR. | AMAX-132669416 | S687654 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (HH) | Revises Texas exception Rule 45. Description Of Additional Optional Endorsements along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement HH 21 05 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552569 | S683998 | 10/12/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (CMP) | Revises Texas exception Rule 50. Auto Dealers – Additional Provisions along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement CA 25 57 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552480 | S683994 | 10/12/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (BP) | Revises Texas exception Rule 29. Endorsements along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement BP 14 86 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552440 | S683992 | 10/12/20 | No |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | EN | 01-TX-2013(VZ) | NCCI WC NOTIF (EN) Terrorism Disclosure 2007 (WC 42 01 01) | 9212557779 | 129716 | 10/01/13 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | EN | 01-TX-2010 | Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation & Employers Liability Insurance - 2009 Ed. | 9212519510 | 109488 | 2/23/11 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1407 | E-1407 exclusion of COVID-19 claims from experience rating and merit rating. | NCCI-132378669 | S679281 | 9/14/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2020-RCYRU | Revises Rule 16. mandatory forms, coverage and limits of Division Ten – Businessowners of the commercial lines manual to reference and instruct on the usage of new mandatory endorsements filed under companion forms filing BP-2020-OCYFR. | ISOF-132480225 | S681810 | 8/28/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (HH) | Home Healthcare - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462119 | S681388 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (FR) | Commercial Farm and Ranch - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462117 | S681386 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (MP) | Commercial Multi Peril - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462097 | S681384 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RP-2020-RMP20 | Introduction of the Not-For-Profit Directors and Officers Liability Management Protection Individual Risk Premium Modification Plan. | ISOF-132436010 | S680994 | 7/20/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2020-RLC20 | Introduction of Not-For-Profit Directors And Officers liability loss costs. | ISOF-132435952 | S680997 | 7/20/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2019-RLA1 | Businessowners Loss Costs - Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-132072655 | S670930 | 7/20/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RABOP (2020) | Risk Analyzer® Businessowners Environmental Module Scores - 2020 Update. | ISOF-132320063 | S615548 | 6/24/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RP-2019-RFI19 | This is a resubmission of Financial Institutions Program rating plan rules filing (S674741) as CMP. Revises the Financial Institutions Experience and Schedule Rating Plan to complement the re-write of the current Financial Institutions (FI) program. | ISOF-132218994 | S675490 | 6/24/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FI-2019-RRU19 | This is a resubmission of Financial Institutions Program rules filing (S674739) as CMP. Revisions to Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Eighteen - Financial Institutions. | ISOF-132218959 | S675488 | 6/24/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FI-2019-RLC19 | This is a resubmission of Financial Institutions Program loss costs filing (S674740) as CMP. Explains derivation of proposed loss costs to be filed as part of a re-write of the Financial Institutions Program. | ISOF-132218947 | S675489 | 6/24/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (BP) | Businessowners - Revises various rules in response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391468 | S679634 | 6/08/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (AG-OP) | Businessowners - Capital Assets Programs (Output Policy) - Revises various rules in response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391462 | S679635 | 6/03/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CL-2019-OMJRU (CMP) | Revises multistate Rule 50. in Division One – Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual to instruct the usage of new optional endorsements filed under forms filing CL-2019-OMJFR. | ISOF-131933121 | S666434 | 10/4/19 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CL-2019-OMJRU (AG-OP) | Multistate Rules Introduced To Accommodate New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements. | ISOF-131932791 | S666430 | 8/16/19 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2018-RRU18 (A) | Revises state exception Rule 21, Description Of Additional Optional Endorsements, to add reference to state-specific endorsement ML 16 37, Texas Changes – Conditions Amended – Reliance On Other Insurer's Application. | ISOF-131914063 | S665757 | 8/15/19 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2019-RMITR | Revises multistate rules in Division Ten – Businessowners of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect, in part, changes made in companion forms filing BP-2019-OMITF. | ISOF-131840972 | S664274 | 4/15/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2019-RMITL | Revises multistate Contractors' Installation, Tools, and Equipment Coverage Advisory prospective loss costs in Division Ten – Businessowners of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect, in part, changes made in companion forms filing BP-2019-OMITF. | ISOF-131841105 | S664275 | 4/15/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2018-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major farm coverages, and provides the analysis used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131771997 | S662324 | 2/19/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RABOP (2018) | BP-2015-RABOP, State Tracking Number S615548 - Risk Analyzer® Businessowners Environmental Module Scores - 2018 Update. | ISOF-131590644 | S615548 | 9/26/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2018-RRU18 | Introduces new Management Liability Module Policy rules as part of Division Fifteen – Management Protection. | ISOF-131550402 | S656783 | 9/26/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2018-RLC18 | Introduces loss costs for Commercial Lines Manual Division Fifteen – Management Protection for the new Management Liability Module Policy and explains methodology used to calculate loss costs and related rating factors. | ISOF-131550447 | S656784 | 8/28/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RP-2018-RMP18 | Introduces a new section in Division Fifteen (Management Protection) - of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) containing two new Individual Risk Premium Modification (IRPM) Plans and one new Schedule Rating Plan. | ISOF-131550521 | S656785 | 8/28/18 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2018-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131586046 | S657129 | 8/28/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | HH-2017-RLC17 | Introduces loss costs for Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Nineteen and explains the methodology used to calculate the loss costs and related rating factors. | ISOF-131324898 | S649973 | 4/20/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | HH-2017-RRU17 | Introduces the rules under ISO's Commercial Lines Manual – Division Nineteen - Home Healthcare to facilitate the writing of those risks eligible for the Home Healthcare Program. | ISOF-131324896 | S649972 | 4/17/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | ML-2017-RLA1 | This filing presents a review of advisory Package Modification Factors (PMFs), and provides the analyses used to derive those PMFs. | ISOF-131353598 | S650734 | 03/06/18 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2017-42LC | Revised and New Loss Costs Rating Information | AMAX-131233889 | S647777 | 12/20/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2017-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131127531 | S643708 | 08/14/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2016-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Farm coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130915640 | S636733 | 02/27/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2015-RRU15 | Revises Commercial Lines Manual Division Four - Farm, based on changes being made to the multistate coverage forms and endorsements in companion forms filing FR-2015-OFR15. | ISOF-130762039 | S631886 | 01/12/17 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RABOP Score Tables | Risk Analyzer Businessowners Scores 2016 Update | TEXS-130605192 | S626159 | 9/2/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-OISRU | This filing introduces a rule to complement a new coverage option being introduced in the companion forms filing BP-2014-OISFR | ISOF-130660431 | S628111 | 8/25/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-RISLC | This filing introduces advisory loss costs, optional rating factors and risk characteristic factors for the new ISO Businessowners Information Security Protection (ISP) Endorsement | ISOF-130660447 | S628112 | 8/17/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RRU1 (S) | Businessowners Rules Filing | ISOF-130511084 | S622454 | 4/5/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RLA1 (A) | Businessowners Loss Costs Filing (Amended) | ISOF-130296561 | S615384 | 12/9/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RABOP | This filing introduces an optional alternative rating methodology based on the Environmental Module of ISO's Risk Analyzer Businessowners predictive models, along with rating rules to guide the user in applying the resulting scores in rating a Commercial Auto policy. | ISOF-130297316 | S615548 | 11/30/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RRU1 | This filing revises multistate rating factors in the Businessowners manual. | ISOF-130221815 | S613177 | 9/29/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2015-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130221947 | S613178 | 9/29/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2015-16LC | The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) is filing revised loss costs for the above mentioned program on an advisory basis. This filing is being made in conjunction, with corresponding new and revised endorsements, manual rules and supplementary rating information, classifications, and territorial definitions which are being submitted at this time under company tracking numbers AAIS-2015-16F and AAIS-2015-16R. Please see the filing memorandum for a complete description of the revised loss costs rating information. Copies of all 'final' materials are enclosed. We propose that the filing become effective upon approval. Companies will be advised to take the filing action outlined in the attached company action exhibit. The materials that are the subject of this filing are provided to AAIS affiliates in an electronic format. Due to differences in printer configurations or other hardware or software differences, when these materials are issued their appearance may be altered slightly. Such alterations will be cosmetic only and will not affect the content of the filed materials. | AMAX-130151066 | S610763 | 8/10/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2015-1APLC | Revised Terrorism Loss Costs. The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) is filing revised terrorism loss costs in accordance with the Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program. Please see the filing memorandum for a complete description of the revised loss costs. Mockups as well as copies of all 'final' materials are enclosed. Affiliate companies will be advised to take the appropriate filing action. The materials that are the subject of this filing are provided to AAIS affiliates in an electronic format. Due to differences in printer configurations or other hardware or software differences, when these materials are issued their appearance may be altered slightly. Such alterations will be cosmetic only and will not affect the content of the filed material. | AMAX-130071220 | S21405 | 6/30/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2015-1BOPLC | Revised Terrorism Loss Costs. The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) is filing revised terrorism loss costs in accordance with the Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program. Please see the filing memorandum for a complete description of the revised loss costs. Mockups as well as copies of all 'final' materials are enclosed. Affiliate companies will be advised to take the appropriate filing action. The materials that are the subject of this filing are provided to AAIS affiliates in an electronic format. Due to differences in printer configurations or other hardware or software differences, when these materials are issued their appearance may be altered slightly. Such alterations will be cosmetic only and will not affect the content of the filed materials. | AMAX-130071252 | S21402 | 6/30/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major farm coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129926346 | S16170 | 2/25/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-RLC1 (A) | This amendment updated the loss costs tables that were approved in filing BP-2014-RLC1 (S2273, ISOF-129497342). This is necessary so that the tables reflect the current loss costs level which was approved in BP-2014-RLA1 (S8696, ISOF-129689724). | ISOF-129889270 | S15036 | 2/9/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2013-RPPC1 | This filing introduces additional public protection class multipliers to complement the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-128996852 | 127241 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2013-RPPC | This filing introduces additional protection class multipliers in the Division Four - Farm Manual state exceptions to complement the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-128967938 | 126834 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852612 | 125217 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852566 | 125216 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classification rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852644 | 125222 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classification rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852669 | 125223 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Businessowners coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129689724 | S8696 | 11/18/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | ML-2014-RLA1 | This filing presents a review of advisory Package Modification Factors (PMFS), and provides the analyses used to derive those PMFS. | ISOF-129527824 | S2953 | 8/25/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-RRU1 | This filing introduces new and revised Businessowners manual rules, which correspond to the companion Businessowners multistate forms filing BP-2014-OFR1. | ISOF-129497329 | S2272 | 7/22/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2014-RLC1 | This filing explains the methodology used to calculate new and revised loss costs and rating factors, which complement the revisions being made to the ISO Businessowners Program (BOP) found in BP-2014-RRU1 (rules) and BP-2014-OFR1 (forms). | ISOF-129497342 | S2273 | 7/1/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2014-6LC | Loss cost filing for multiple classes in the Inland Marine guide. | AMAX-129376049 | 132223 | 4/10/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2013-83EPLLC | AAIS is filing on an Advisory Basis, Revised Optional Coverage Rating Information Pages in conjunction with the filing of newly proposed Optional Endorsements for the above captioned program. | 9212561631 | 131763 | 3/20/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2013-RLA2 | This filing revises Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for the Major Businessowners Coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those Loss Costs. | 9212559198 | 130488 | 3/14/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2013-RBILC | This filing introduces Loss Costs to complement the new coverage options. | 9212560147 | 130991 | 2/6/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2013-RBIRU | This filing introduces rules to complement new coverage options. | 9212560146 | 130990 | 1/29/14 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2013-63EBLLC | Commercial Package Agricultural General Liability TX Rating Information REV 11 13 | 9212558580 | 130156 | 11/26/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2012-RADRU | This filing revises and introduces various Multistate Rules for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) relating to the Introduction of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form & Other Revisions being submitted in the Companion Forms filing. | 9212558953 | 130382 | 11/19/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2013-RBIRU | Business Interruption Coverage Rule Introduced WITHDRAWN | 9212556755 | 129148 | 10/18/13 WITHDRAWN 11/6/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2013-RBILC | Business Interruption Coverage Loss Costs Introduced WITHDRAWN | 9212556754 | 129147 | 10/18/13 WITHDRAWN 11/6/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2013-RBIRU | Businessowners Off-premises Interruption of Business Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Rule Introduced | 9212556694 | 129107 | 10/18/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2013-RBILC | Businessowners Loss Costs Introduced For Off-premises Business Interruption Coverage | 9212556693 | 129106 | 10/18/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2012-RADRU | Multistate Rules Revision to Accommodate the Introduction of The Auto Dealers. Coverage form and related endorsements. Forms filed separately via SERFF under Link #120261. Rates/Loss Costs filed separately via SERFF under Link #120262. WITHDRAWN | 9212539125 | 120263 | 7/30/13 WITHDRAWN 10/7/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RP-2013-REC13 | E-Commerce Individual Risk Premium Modification Plan/RP-2013-REC13 | 9212555402 | 128487 | 7/29/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | EC-2013-RLC13 | E-Commerce Multistate Loss Costs Revision/EC-2013-RLC13 | 9212555401 | 128486 | 7/29/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | EC-2013-RRU13 | E-Commerce Multistate Rules Revision/EC-2013-RRU13 | 9212555403 | 128488 | 7/26/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2012-RADLC | Loss Cost Revision to Accommodate the Introduction of the Auto Dealers, Coverage Form and Related Endorsements. Forms Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #120261. Manual Rules/Rates Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #120263 | 9212539124 | 120262 | 6/12/13 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2013-32LC | Rating Procedure - Motor Truck Cargo | 9212553044 | 127347 | 6/5/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2009-RMSLC | Advisory Loss Costs for Dry Cleaning and Laundry Facilities, Florists, and Hardware/Home Improvement Stores Sections. Market Segments Program. | 9212548095 | 124811 | 3/4/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2012-RLA1 | Businessowners Loss Cost Level Revision. | 9212544271 | 122889 | 1/10/13 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2012-30R | TX Rules-2 Through TX Rules-8 Businessowners Manual Businessowners Program - Endorsement Filing Under Link #121143 | 9212540763 | 121144 | 7/27/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2009-RHCRU | Rates/Rules for Introduction of Market Segments - Health Clubs and Gyms Corresponding Filing Tracking #: MS-2009-OHCFR (120208), MS-2009-RHCLC (120210) | 9212539017 | 120209 | 6/29/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2009-RHCLC | Proposed Loss Costs for Market Segments - Health Clubs and Gyms Program Corresponding Filing Tracking #: MS-2009-OHCFR (120208), MS-2009-RHCRU (120209) | 9212539018 | 120210 | 5/31/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | CA-2012-RADLC | Loss Cost Revision to Accommodate the Introduction of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Related Endorsements. Forms Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #120261. Manual Rules/Rates Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #120263 | 9212539124 | 120262 | 5/24/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2012-ORU12 | 2012 Multistate Rules Revision for Capital Assets Program | 9212538320 | 119862 | 4/23/12 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2012-1LC | Several Manual Pages Showing Various New/ Revised Rates for Businessowners Program. Forms filed separately via SERFF under Link #118854. Manual rules filed separately via SERFF under Link #118856. | 9212536418 | 118855 | 4/12/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2011-RMSRU | Manual Rules Revision for Apartment Building Owners, Landscapers, and Personal Care Services Sections - State of Texas. Market Segments Program. Companion Rate Filing Under Link #118506 | 9212535809 | 118505 | 3/21/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2011-RMSLC | Advisory Loss Costs for Apartment Building Owners, Landscapers, and Personal Care Services Sections - State of Texas. Market Segments Program. Companion Rating Rule Filing Under Link #118505 | 9212535810 | 118506 | 3/21/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2011-RLA1 | Businessowners Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212532350 | 116625 | 12/15/11 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2011-32LC | Various New/Revised Rates for AAIS Artisans Program. Forms [Partial Withdrawal] Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #115980. Manual Rules Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #115981. | 9212531242 | 115981 | 11/22/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | EC-2011-RRF01 | Multistate Rate Revision for E-Commerce Program | 9212532138 | 116505 | 10/3/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2011-RWTRU | Withdrawal of Additional Rule A3 (Transition Rule)-Revised - Reserved for Future | 9212526587 | 113399 | 6/6/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2010-RMSRU | Rate Revision for Market Segment Program - Auto Service Risks, Janitorial Services, and Staffing Firms Sections, Loss Costs Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #112839 | 9212525491 | 112840 | 4/27/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2010-RMSLC | Advisory Loss Costs for Market Segments Program - Auto Service Risks, Janitorial Services, and Staffing Firms Sections, Manual Rules and Rates Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #112840 | 9212525490 | 112839 | 4/27/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2010-OASRU | Defective Products Manual Rules Introduced - Market Segments - Auto Service - Risks Section | 9212522605 | 111137 | 1/5/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-201-RLC10 | Businessowners Multistate Loss Costs Revision | 9212521528 | 110560 | 12/15/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2010-RLA1 | Businessowners Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212521236 | 110421 | 12/15/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | ML-2010-RLA1 | Commercial Package Policy Advisory Package Modification Factor Review | 9212519576 | 109520 | 11/10/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2010-RCPR1 | Commercial Multi Peril; Businessowners Program | 9212519440 | 109437 | 11/10/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | EC-2010-RRF1 | E-Commerce; Multistate Rules Revision | 9212519768 | 109619 | 10/5/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2010-RGB09 | Capital Assets Programs (Output Policy); Increased Cost of Loss and Related Expenses for Green Upgrades; Manual Rules Introduced | 9212515499 | 107247 | 5/18/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2010-RRU1 | Businessowners Rules Revised - Southwest Specific Rating Factors Introduced | 9212513335 | 106128 | 5/10/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2009-RLC09 | Capital Assets Programs (Output Policy) Loss Costs Manual Pages Editorial Revisions | 9212514824 | 106886 | 4/19/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | OP-2009-RRU09 | Capital Assets Programs (Output Policy); Multistate Manual Rules Revisions | 9212514823 | 106885 | 4/14/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | FR-2009-RRU09 (CGL Farm Liability) |
Commercial Multi-Peril; Revision of Commercial Lines Manual (CLM); Farm Rules and Terrorism Supplement to the CLM | 9212509663 | 104165 | 3/23/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2009-OBPFO | Businessowners increased cost of loss & related expenses for green upgrades | 9212512870 | 105862 | 2/16/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2009-RLC09 | Businessowners Advisory Loss Costs Revision | 9212509205 | 103975 | 12/8/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2009-RRU09 | Businessowners Multistate Manual Rules Revision | 9212509205 | 103975 | 12/8/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP-2009-RLA1 | Businessowners Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212509499 | 104088 | 12/4/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS 2008-OASFO | Revision to the Market Segments - Auto Services Risks Multistate and State-Specific Endorsements | 9212496177 | 97298 | 9/29/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS 2008-RASLC | Revision of Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for Market Segments - Auto Services Risks | 9212496177 | 97298 | 9/29/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS 2008-RMSLC | Introduction of Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for Various Market Segments Programs | 9212496123 | 97277 | 9/29/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS 2008-RMSRU | Introduction of Commercial Lines Manual, Division Twelve - Market Segments - Multistate and State-Specific Rules | 9212496123 | 97277 | 9/29/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | EC-2008-RLC08 | E-Commerce Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision | 9212501504 | 99887 | 9/17/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | RP-2008-REC08 | E-Commerce Individual Risk Premium Modification Plan Revision | 9212501504 | 99887 | 9/17/09 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | AAIS-2009-19LC | Businessowners Program; Loss Cost Rating Information | 9212506255 | 102343 | 7/24/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2008-RGCLC | Introduction of Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for Commercial Lines Manual, Division Twelve - Market Segments - Golf Courses Section | 9212499973 | 99149 | 2/24/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MS-2008-RGCRU | Introduction of Commercial Lines Manual, Division Twelve - Market Segments - Golf Courses Section | 9212499973 | 99149 | 2/24/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | BP 2008-RRFZC | Introduction of Businessowners Limit of Insurance Relativities and Related Rules Revisions | 9212499164 | 98781 | 2/11/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2008-ORU08 | Commercial Multi-Peril; Management Protection Multistate Rules Revision | 9212497780 | 98103 | 1/27/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Multi-Peril | RT | MP-2008-RLC08 | Commercial Multi-Peril; Management Protection Policy Advisory Prospective Loss Costs | 9212497780 | 98103 | 1/27/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CA-2021-OAMFR |
ISO CA (EN) Commercial Auto, Abuse or Molesetation Liability and Auto Hacking Forms |
ISOF-133355530 |
3/12/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (CA) | ISO CA (PF) Revised forms and endorsements for Commercial Auto | ISOF-132552145 | S683986 | 10/12/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CL-2019-OMJFR (CA) | ISO CA (EN) Commercial Auto Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements-Auto Dealers | ISOF-131932974 | S666431 | 5/11/20 | N/A |
MSO | Commercial Auto | EN | MSO 46-14-04 | MSO CA (EN) Commercial Auto Endorsements (Initial Filing) | MUOF-129797720 | S12287 | 6/23/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CA-2013-OBIFR | ISO CA (EN) Business Interruption | 9212560150 | 130994 | 11/26/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CA-2013-OTIPC | ISO CA (EN) Exclusion of Terrorism | 9212560148 | 130992 | 11/26/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CA (EN) Texas Changes 28TAC5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549716 | 125653 | 3/13/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CA-2012-OUIM1 | ISO CA (EN) Revised (UM/UIM) Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage | 9212545660 | 123591 | 10/26/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (A) (CA) | ISO CA (EN) Revised Texas Amendatory Endorsements | 9212543590 | 122530 | 10/9/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (CA) | ISO CA (EN) Revision Due to Recodification of Article 21.56, TX Insurance Code 542.153 | 9212532027 | 116426 | 1/24/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | EN | CA-2011-OUM1 | ISO CA (EN) - Revised (UM/UMI) Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorists Coverage (REVISED SEE TDI LINK NO. 123591) | 9212532038 | 116437 | 11/1/11 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CL-2016-RRU1 | ISO CA (MR) Manual Rules for Transportation Network Autos and On-demand Service Autos Exclusions | ISOF-130514235 | S622629 | 6/20/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2016-OCRF1 | ISO CA (MR) Commercial Auto Rules Filing - 99. Financial Responsibility Laws - Certification | ISOF-130570579 | S625057 | 5/16/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2013-ORU1 | ISO CA (MR) Rule 49 Premium Development for Common Coverage | 9212561169 | 131520 | 3/7/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2012-RADRU (Mono) | ISO CA (MR) Intro. Auto Dealers | 9212558952 | 130381 | 10/14/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2012-OUIM2 | ISO CA (MR) Revised (UM/UIM) Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage | 9212545661 | 123592 | 10/25/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2011-ORU1 | ISO CA (MR) - Revised (UM/UMI) Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Coverage (REVISED SEE TDI LINK NO. 123592) | 9212532039 | 116438 | 11/1/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR | CA-2011-OTLC1 | ISO CA Rule - Towing and Labor Costs Coverage | 9212524308 | 112147 | 3/9/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR RT | CA-2013-RPAC1 | ISO CA (MR) Revision to Commercial Lines Manual, Div. One - Automobile (Public Autos) | 9212560123 | 130977 | 1/15/14 (MR) 1/21/14 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | MR RT | CA-2013-RBIRU | ISO CA (MR, RT) Business Interruption | 9212560151 | 130995 | 11/26/13 (MR, RT) | No |
AAIS | Commercial Auto | PF | AAIS-2021-12F | AAIS CA (PF) New Commercial Auto Program - Forms and Endorsements | AMAX-132925960 | S694463 | 5/26/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | PF | CA-2019-OFR19 | ISO CA (EN) Commercial Auto Communicable Disease Exclusion-Auto Dealers | ISOF-132179806 | S673902 | 12/11/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | PF | CL-2016-OFR1 | ISO CA (PF) Single Interest Auto Physical Damage, Public or Livery Passenger Conveyance, TNC, & On-Demand Delivery Services Exclusions | ISOF-130514154 | S622632 | 10/9/18 | N/A |
MSO | Commercial Auto | PF | MSO 46-14-03 | MSO CA (PF) Commercial Auto Coverage Forms (Initial Filing) | MUOF-129797693 | S12286 | 6/23/15 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | PF | CA-2012-OADFR | ISO CA (PF) Auto Dealers Coverage Forms | 9212558932 | 130364 | 10/10/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Auto | PF MR RT | CA-2009-OFR09 (2) CA-2009-RRU09 (2) CA-2009-RRU09 (2) CA-2009-RLC09 (2) | ISO Commercial Auto New & Revised Forms, Rules, & Rates (A reference of this filing should WITHDRAW Form CA 21 09 01 11 and reference TDI Link #123591) | 9212520794 | 110170 | 2/15/11 (PF) 12/13/10 (MR) 12/9/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-RCP2 (CA) | Editorial changes to correct display of a class code and re-include rule on physical damage premium computations for commercial auto | ISOF-133469195 | S706988 | 2/2/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-OMCDR (CMP) | (WITHDRAWN) Multistate rules revision introducing a new rule to accommodate new multistate endorsement CA 04 55 – Communicable Disease Exclusion For Covered Autos Liability Exposure, introduced in companion forms filing CA-2022-OMCDF | ISOF-133496428 | S707573 | 12/29/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-RACA (2022) | Risk Analyzer® Commercial Auto Environmental Module Update | ISOF-133350626 | S615635 | 11/16/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-OAMRU | Multistate rules revision addressing abuse or molestation liability and auto hacking expense coverage | ISOF-133355707 | S704588 | 10/7/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-RAMLC | Introduces multistate loss costs for auto hacking expense coverage | ISOF-133355851 | S704590 | 10/7/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2019-RAVLB | Introduces an optional methodology-rating liability coverage for commercial auto private passenger type (PPT) vehicles and trucks, tractors, and trailers (TTT), to allow for consideration of a wider range of vehicle attributes. | ISOF-132081245 | S671183 | 9/14/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-RZRLC | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for Zone-Rated Automobiles and provides the analysis used to derive these advisory loss costs. | ISOF-132992347 | S695757 | 9/14/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-RZR1 | Revises the Zone-Rated Classification Plan | ISOF-132992408 | S695756 | 9/14/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-RLC1 (CA) | Implements the new class plan and updates the loss cost tables for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual. | ISOF-133216472 | S702852 | 8/19/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2022-RCP1 (CA) | Implement the new class plan and updates the rules for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual. | ISOF-133216552 | S702851 | 8/19/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-ROCP1 | Commercial Auto Optional Class Plan Deductible Discount Floor Value Revision | ISOF-132867817 | S692784 | 6/17/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-RACA (2020) | 2020 - Risk Analyzer Commercial Auto Environmental Module Update | ISOF-132340110 | S615635 | 6/17/22 | No |
MAPP | Commercial Auto | RT | TX2021 ACCURATE | Initial filing for Milliman AccuRate Fleet Usage-Based Insurance Score | MAPP-132781203 | S691919 | 4/26/22 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2021-IALL1 | Commercial Auto Liability Increased Limit Factors Revision | ISOF-133031129 | S696588 | 3/18/22 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2019-RRU19 | 2020 Commercial Auto Multistate Rules Revision | ISOF-132163270 | S673903 | 8/26/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2020-BRLB1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for use with the Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan (OCP) rules in Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) | ISOF-132574730 | S684775 | 7/29/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2020-BRLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Commercial Automobile classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs | ISOF-132574650 | S684774 | 7/27/21 | No |
CMT | Commercial Auto | RT | 7535 | DriveWell telematics solution | FRCS-132345046 | S680660 | 3/17/21 | No |
ARITY | Commercial Auto | RT | AR00066: DRIVESIGHT 2.0 INTRODUCTION | Arity, LLC Drivesight 2.0 Introduction | ALSE-132126732 | S672503 | 1/7/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (CA) | Revises Texas exception Rule 50. Auto Dealers – Additional Provisions along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement CA 25 57 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552432 | S683993 | 10/13/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-RACA (2018) | Risk Analyzer® Commercial Auto Environmental Module Scores - 2018 Update. | ISOF-131703108 | S615635 | 10/7/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2019-ROCP1 | Updates Optional Class Plan Physical Damage Deductible Factors due to changes in the CA coverage forms and applicable endorsements. It also updates the NAICS Factor Table in Rule 222.F. according to the 2017 NAICS Revision. | ISOF-132162180 | S673905 | 7/7/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2019-IALL1 | Revises increased limit factors for all CA liability classes and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-132117292 | S672243 | 7/7/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CL-2019-OMJRU (CA) | Revises multistate Rule 50 in Division One – Automobile of the commercial lines manual to instruct on the usage of new optional endorsements filed under companion forms filing CL-2019-OMJFR. | ISOF-131933096 | S666433 | 7/7/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2018-BRLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Commercial Automobile classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131700256 | S660405 | 01/25/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2018-BRLB1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for use with the Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan (OCP) rules in Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). | ISOF-131700274 | S660404 | 01/25/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CL-2016-RRU1 | Introduction of newly developed multistate Commercial Auto Rule 116. Transportation Network Services Autos And On-Demand Delivery Services Auto. | ISOF-130514236 | S622628 | 10/16/18 | No |
TWAL | Commercial Auto | RT | TX COMM 2.0 GPS NONGPS | Purpose of this filing to the Texas Department of Insurance is to describe and support Willis Towers Watson DriveAbility US GPS NonGPS vehicle score 2.0. | WWWW-131206274 | S646333 | 6/19/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2018-RPD18 | Revising the multistate CA Physical Damage Experience & Schedule Rating Plan to update the advisory de-trend factor table, the credibility constant (K), and the Credibility and Maximum Single Loss (C&MSL) tables. | ISOF-131364530 | S651451 | 5/22/18 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2018-RAL18 | Revising the CA Liability Experience and Schedule Rating Plan to update the advisory de-trend factor table, the advisory Loss Development Factor (LDF) tables, the credibility constant (K) and the Credibility and Maximum Single Loss (C&MSL). | ISOF-131364413 | S651450 | 5/22/18 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2017-IALL1 | This filing revises increased limit factors for all Commercial Automobile Liability classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-131269605 | S648355 | 02/13/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2017-RAVEH | This filing introduces an optional rating methodology for commercial auto private passenger type (PPT) vehicles and trucks, tractors, and trailers (TTT) in order to allow for consideration of a wider range of vehicle attributes in rating. | ISOF-131260870 | S648048 | 02/06/18 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2017-BRLB1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for use with the Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan (OCP) rules in Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). | ISOF-131241754 | S647437 | 01/23/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2017-BRLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Commercial Automobile classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131241761 | S647436 | 01/23/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2016-RCP16 | This filing revises the Composite Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844923 | S634475 | 3/17/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2016-RRP16 | This filing revises the Retrospective Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844963 | S634474 | 3/17/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2016-BRLB1 | This filing contains loss cost pages for use with the Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan (OCP) rules in Division One-Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM). | ISOF-130793582 | S632599 | 01/16/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2016-BRLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major Commercial Automobile classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130793363 | S632592 | 01/16/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2016-OCRF1 | Commercial Auto Rules Filing | ISOF-130570580 | S625056 | 6/8/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-BRLA1 | Commercial Auto Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-130379227 | S618180 | 2/22/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-ROCP1 | Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan | ISOF-130379250 | S618181 | 2/22/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-BRLB1 | Commercial Auto Optional Classification Plan Loss Costs | ISOF-130379254 | S618182 | 2/22/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2015-RACA | Risk Analyzer Commercial Auto Environmental Module | ISOF-130296560 | S615635 | 12/18/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2014-BRLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for the major commercial automobile classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129759797 | S11025 | 2/13/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2013-RVTS1 | This filing introduces Safety Scoring® Rating Procedures in Multistate Vehicle Telematics Rating Rule 114. in the Commercial Lines Manual - Commercial Auto. | 9212562216 | 132090 | 3/11/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2013-RPAC1 | This filing Revises and Introduces Rules to Address Public Autos of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM), Division One - Automobile in Texas. | 9212560123 | 130977 | 1/21/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2013-BRLA1 | This filing Revises Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for the Major Commercial Automobile Classes, and Provides the Analyses used to Derive those Loss Costs. | 9212560122 | 130976 | 1/21/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2013-RBIRU | This filing Introduces a Rule to Complement a New Coverage Option Being Introduced in the companion form filing. In Texas this rule will be Introduced in the Multistate Manual Under Rule 115. Filing CA-2013-RBIRU (Link #129148) was approved on 10/18/13 on a CMP basis. We are now filing it on a Monoline Commercial Auto basis. Under separate cover, we are withdrawing the CMP filing. | 9212560151 | 130995 | 11/26/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2013-RBILC | This filing introduces Loss Costs to complement a new coverage option being introduced in the companion form filing. In TX these Loss Costs will be introduced in the Multistate Manual under Rule 115. filing CA-2013-RBILC (Link #129147) was approved on 10/18/13 on a CMP basis. We are now filing it on a Monoline Commercial Auto basis. Under separate cover, we are withdrawing the CMP filing. | 9212560149 | 130993 | 11/22/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RADRU | This filing revises and introduces various Multistate Rules for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) relating to the Introduction of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Other Revisions being submitted in the companion forms filing. | 9212558952 | 130381 | 11/5/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RADLC (MONO) | This filing revises and introduces various Loss Costs for Division One - Automobile of the Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) relating to the Introduction of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Other Revisions being submitted in the companion forms and rules filings. | 9212559539 | 130679 | 11/5/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RADRU | Commercial Auto Multistate Filing - Introduction of Auto Dealers Coverage Rules and Other Revisions/CA-2012-RADRU | 9212558952 | 130381 | 10/7/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RVTR1 | Page B-1 Showing Vehicle Telematics Rating. Introduction of The Vehicle Telematics Rating Rule. | 9212548917 | 125254 | 4/4/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RZRLC | Revision of Commercial Auto Zone-Related Risks Loss Costs. | 9212549781 | 125693 | 3/21/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-RZR1 | Revision of Commercial Auto Zone-Related Risks Rules. | 9212549780 | 125692 | 3/21/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2012-BRLA1 | Revision of Liability and Physical Damage Loss Costs. | 9212546087 | 123810 | 1/17/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2012-RCRP1 (CA) | Texas Composite Rating Plan Exceptions Withdrawn | 9212545988 | 123755 | 11/1/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2012-RPD12 | Revision Commercial Automobile Physical Damage Experience & Schedule Rating Plan | 9212544286 | 122898 | 10/11/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | RP-2012-RAL12 | Revision to Commercial Auto Liability Experience and Schedule Rating Plan | 9212544285 | 122897 | 10/11/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2011-RUMLC | Texas Loss Costs Revision to Rule 97, Uninsured Motorists Insurance | 9212533776 | 117393 | 1/26/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2011-RCP1 | Revision of Commercial Auto Classification Plan | 9212533535 | 117254 | 11/23/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2011-IALL1 | Revision of Commercial Auto Liability Increased Limits Factors | 9212533534 | 117253 | 11/23/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2011-BRLA1 | Commercial Automobile Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | 9212533533 | 117252 | 11/23/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2009-RLC09 (2) | 2010 Introduction of the Commercial Auto Multistate Loss Costs | 9212520794 | 110170 | 3/17/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2009-RRU09 (2) | 2010 Multistate Revision to the Commercial Auto Rules | 9212520794 | 110170 | 2/15/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2010-IALL1 | Commercial Auto Liability Increased Limits Factors Revision | 9212523614 | 111762 | 2/8/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2010-BRLA1 | Revision of Liability and Physical Damage Loss Costs for Commercial Auto | 9212523088 | 111433 | 1/4/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2009-BRLA1 | Commercial Auto; Revision of Liability and Physical Damage Loss Costs | 9212510944 | 104839 | 12/18/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Auto | RT | CA-2008-BRLA1 | Commercial Auto; Revision of Liability and Physical Damage Loss Costs | 9212500861 | 99597 | 3/23/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CF-2021-OCCFR | ISO PR (EN) Commercial Property Cannabis Coverage | ISOF-133485510 | S707363 | 1/23/23 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | FC-2020-OCYFR | ISO PR (EN) Commercial Property - Flood Cyber Incident Exclusion | ISOF-132674090 | S687633 | 1/28/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-26CPF | AAIS PR (EN) Commercial Property - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665463 | S687682 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-26DICF | AAIS PR (EN) Commercial Property - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132679811 | S687671 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19DICF-1 | AAIS PR (EN) Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509424 | S682814 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19GSF-1 | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property Glass: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509805 | S682796 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19FOPF-1 | AAIS, PR (EN) Combined Farm and Ranch and Farm and Ranchowners: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509980 | S682795 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19CPF-1 | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132510522 | S682790 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRFO (FC) | ISO, PR (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132456492 | S681377 | 8/04/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CF-2020-OCYFR | ISO, PR (EN) Cyber Incident Exclusion Endorsements Introduced | ISOF-132446591 | S681060 | 8/04/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (CF) | ISO, PR (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391430 | S679641 | 6/17/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19CPF | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property New COVID19 | AMAX-132408695 | S680074 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19FOPF | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property Farmowners New COVID19 | AMAX-132409125 | S680071 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19GSF | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property Glass New COVID19 | AMAX-132409307 | S680070 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19DICF | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Property Inland Marine Guide New COVID19 | AMAX-132409698 | S680065 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2019-62DICF | AAIS, PR (EN) Revision of Amendatory Endorsement – Texas | AMAX-132204182 | S674567 | 2/11/20 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (CF) (A) | ISO PR (EN) Texas Changes - Cancellation and Nonrenewal Endorsement | ISOF-132078614 | S671090 | 10/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2019-40DICF | AAIS, PR (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052618 | S670148 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (FC) | ISO, PR (EN) Commercial Property-Commercial Flood | ISOF-132002057 | S668454 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | FC-2019-OFR19 | ISO, PR (EN) Commercial Property-Commercial Flood | ISOF-131916328 | S666234 | 9/11/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (CF) | ISO, PR (EN) Texas Changes-Cancellation and Nonrenewal | ISOF-132002050 | S668448 | 9/3/19 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2019-OMJFR (CF) | ISO PR (EN) Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements | ISOF-131933138 | S666435 | 8/20/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2017-42PF | AAIS PR (EN) Endorsements for Farmowners Program | AMAX-131249730 | S647756 | 12/12/18 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2018-25FOF | AAIS PR (EN) Amendatory Endorsement-Texas | AMAX-131411116 | S652416 | 5/7/18 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CF-2017-OFLFR | ISO PR (EN) Multiple Endorsements Revised to Recognize Flood | ISOF-131091767 | S642799 | 1/24/18 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2016-ODNPF | ISO PR (EN) Unmanned Aircraft Limited Coverage | ISOF-130550176 | S623640 | 5/12/16 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2015-17F | AAIS PR (EN) Farmowners Program | AMAX-130009165 | S617366 | 4/6/16 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO PR (EN), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129889591 | S15081 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2013-54CPF | AAIS PR (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557140 | 129353 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2013-54FOF | AAIS PR (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557144 | 129357 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CF-2013-OBIFR | ISO PR (EN) Off Premises Business Interruption, Vehicles & Mobile Equipment | 9212556626 | 129076 | 8/22/13 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | EN | 2014NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS PR (PF) Special Provisions-2014 Crop Year | 9212555762 | 128687 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2013-44CPF | AAIS PR (EN) 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554973 | 128277 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2013-44FOF | AAIS PR (EN) Combined FR & FRO Amendment TX (SB 698) | 9212554979 | 128283 | 7/23/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2012-7F | AAIS PR (EN) Windstorm or Hail Deductible & Exclusion Endorsement (Combined Farm & Ranch and Farm & Ranch Owners) | 9212551765 | 126680 | 5/8/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO CP (EN) CP 02 02 11 13 - Texas Changes - Cancellation and Nonrenewal | 9212549717 | 125654 | 3/13/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (A) (CP) | ISO CP (EN) Revised TX Amendatory Endorsement Including HB3 Claim Filing Deadlines | 9212543589 | 122529 | 10/09/12 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | EN | 2013NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS PR (EN) Crop-Hail Forms for 2013 Crop Season | 9212542788 | 122111 | 8/23/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (CP) | ISO CP (EN) HB3 Claim Filing Deadlines (Replaced by Link 122529) | 9212532028 | 116427 | 7/17/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2012-3FOF | AAIS PR (EN) Revised Farmowners Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536065 | 118663 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2012-3CPF | AAIS PR (EN) Revised Commercial Properties Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536004 | 118620 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2010-OLAU1 | ISO Farm & Ranch/Farm & Ranch Owners Revised Texas Changes FP 01 42 01 11 | 9212518726 | 109068 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN | CL-2010-OLAU1 | ISO CP Revised Texas Changes CP 01 42 01 11 | 9212518725 | 109067 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | EN | 2010NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS Crop-Hail Forms for 2010 Crop Season | 9212508258 | 103427 | 8/11/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2009-6 | AAIS Farmowners Program Water Exclusion Amendment | 9212503345 | 100817 | 2/24/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2009-9CP | AAIS Comml Property Revised Amendatory Endts (01 09) | 9212503341 | 100813 | 2/17/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | EN | AAIS-2008-67CP | AAIS PR - CP 0171 10 08 Water Damage Exclusion; CP 0607 10 08 Water Backup & Overflow | 9212502226 | 100256 | 1/20/09 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN MR RT | FR-2009-OFR09 | Farm - Revision of Multistate and State Forms and Endorsements | 9212509660 | 104162 | 3/31/10 (EN) 3/31/10 (MR) 4/1/10 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | EN MR RT | CG-2009-OGB09 | ISO CP Increased Cost of Loss & Related Expenses for Green Upgrades | 9212510409 | 104552 | 10/21/09 (EN) 10/21/09 (MR) 12/8/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR | CF-2016-RRU16 | ISO PR (MR) Commercial Property Revised Manual Rules | ISOF-131006494 | S640153 | 11/3/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR | CL-2016-ODNPR(S) | ISO PR (MR) Rules for Unmanned Aircraft Coverage Options | ISOF-130705053 | S629469 | 9/16/16 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR | CL-2016-ODNPR | ISO PR (MR) Unmanned Aircraft Coverage | ISOF-130550347 | S623642 | 5/12/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | MR | AAIS-2015-17R | AAIS PR (MR) Farmowners Manual Rules - Texas | AMAX-130009089 | S617367 | 4/12/16 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | MR | AAIS-2012-7R | AAIS PR (MR) Multi-State & Texas Rule Revisions (Combined Farm & Ranch and Farm & Ranch Owners) | 9212551766 | 126681 | 5/6/13 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | MR | 2012NCISCH-TX1 | NCIS CP (MR) Rule/Loss Cost 2012 Revision | 9212529522 | 114935 | 7/12/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2013-RBIRU | ISO PR (MR, RT) Off Premises Business Interruption, Vehicles & Mobile Equipment | 9212556628 | 129078 | 8/20/13 (MR) 9/10/13 (RT) | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | MR RT | 2014NCISCH-TX1 | NCIS PR (MR & RT) 2014 Crop Year Rules & Loss Costs | 9212555761 | 128686 | 7/24/13 (MR) 8/12/13 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2011-RRU09 CF-2011-RRU09 |
ISO PR (MR) Rules for Introduction of Limit of Insurance Relativities | 9212535030 | 118063 | 12/14/11 (MR) 3/5/12 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2011-RRU1 CF-2011-RRU1 |
ISO CP (MR) Texas Exception to Rule 66 WITHDRAWN | 9212530429 | 115515 | 8/3/11 (MR) 8/11/11 (RT) | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | MR RT | AAIS-2011-15R AAIS-2011-15R | AAIS CP (MR) CP Manual Revision 01 12 Rules / Loss Costs | 9212529786 | 115178 | 8/2/11 (MR) 9/20/11 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2010-OSCPE CF-2010-OSCPE |
ISO CP (MR)-Scopes Revision | 9212521858 | 110755 | 12/6/10 (MR) 1/31/11 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2010-OCT04 CF-2010-OCT04 |
ISO CP (MR)-Monoline Classification Table-Claim Division Five | 9212521857 | 110754 | 12/6/10 (MR) 1/31/11 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2010-RFCR1 CF-2010-RFCR1 |
ISO CP (MR)-Division Five Loss Cost Revision | 9212521841 | 110742 | 12/6/10 (MR) 1/31/11 (RT) | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | PF | AAIS-2018-28F | AAIS, PR (PF) Revised forms and endorsements for Commercial Property program | AMAX-131757637 | S661920 | 03/24/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Commercial Property | PF | AAIS-2017-52DICF | AAIS PR (PF) Difference in Conditions | AMAX-131268174 | S648644 | 8/29/18 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | PF | FC-2017-OFR17 | ISO PR (PF) Commercial Flood Insurance Program | ISOF-131080389 | S642783 | 7/3/18 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | PF | CP-2016-OFR16 | ISO PR (EN) Commercial Property Forms Revision | ISOF-131006260 | S640152 | 11/7/17 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | PF | 2017NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS PR (PF) 2017 Crop Hail Program | NACR-130662053 | S628447 | 8/17/16 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | PF | 2015NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS PR (PF) 2015 Special Provisions 2015 Crop Year | NACR-129645696 | S8583 | 9/22/14 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | PF | 2014NCISCH-TX4 | NCIS PR (PF) 2014 Special Provisions, Revised Optional Provisions | 9212559740 | 130772 | 11/26/13 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | PF | CF-2011-OFR11 | ISO CP (PF) 2011 Commercial Property Multistate Forms Revision | 9212541242 | 121368 | 11/14/12 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | PF | 2012NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS CP Crop-Hail Forms for 2012 Crop Season | 9212529773 | 115172 | 8/9/11 | N/A |
NCIS | Commercial Property | PF | 2011NCISCH-TX2 | NCIS Crop-Hail Forms for 2011 Crop Season | 9212519705 | 109585 | 9/16/10 | N/A |
ISO | Commercial Property | PF MR RT | CF 2008-OFR07 CF 2008-RRU07 CF 2008-RRU07 |
ISO Comml PR Revisions to Multistate Forms & Endorsements | 9212495463 | 96913 | 1/13/09 (PF) 1/13/09 (MR) 1/13/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2021-RCCRU | Introduces cannabis coverage rules and classifications | ISOF-133485674 | S707362 | 3/3/23 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2021-RCCLC | Introduces loss costs for cannabis coverage classifications | ISOF-133485812 | S707361 | 3/3/23 | Yes |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2022NCISCH-TX1 | Crop-Hail Insurance Loss Cost Filing- Effective With 2022 Crop Year | NACR-132906080 | S694027 | 10/6/21 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FC-2020-RCYRU | Multistate Rules Revised To Accommodate New Cyber Incident Exclusion Endorsement | ISOF-132674204 | S687632 | 3/10/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2020-26CPR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26CPR. | AMAX-132669400 | S687655 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2020-RCYRU | Revises several multistate rules within the Division Five – Fire And Allied Lines section of the commercial lines manual to instruct on the usage of new mandatory endorsements filed under companion forms filing CF-2020-OCYFR. | ISOF-132446596 | S681061 | 8/28/20 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (FC) | Commercial Flood- Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132456690 | S681390 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (CF) | Commercial Property - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391486 | S679633 | 7/14/20 | Yes |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2020NCISCH-TX1 | Final average loss costs for Crop-Hail Insurance to be effective with the 2020 crop year and to remain in effect until revised or withdrawn. | NACR-132011488 | S668736 | 10/2/19 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2018-28R | Commercial Properties Program. Revised Manual Rules, Relativities And Factors - Rev 01 19. | AMAX-131904839 | S666177 | 7/22/19 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2018-28LC | Commercial Properties Program. Revised Loss Costs Rating Information - Rev 01 19. | AMAX-131904875 | S666176 | 7/19/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FC-2019-RRU19 | Commercial Flood Rules Revision In Response To Private Flood Insurance Federal Rule. | ISOF-131916376 | S666235 | 7/16/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CL-2019-OMJRU (CF) | Multistate Rules Introduced To Accommodate New Cannabis Exclusion Endorsements. | ISOF-131933124 | S666436 | 7/9/19 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2018-REWR4 | This document further broadens the range of the caps on the debit/credit factor developed under the Enhanced Wind Rating Program (EWR). | ISOF-131614453 | S657984 | 10/16/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2018-RLA1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Basic Group I, Basic Group II, and Special Causes of Loss, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-131655670 | S659251 | 10/16/18 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2019NCISCH-TX1 | Revised crop classifications to be effective with the 2019 crop year. | NACR-131583383 | S657050 | 9/5/18 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2018NCISRAIN-TX1 | Revised loss costs. | NACR-131394229 | S651851 | 9/5/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2017-RFLRU | Revises Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Five – Fire And Allied Lines, to introduce rating information for the existing Flood Coverage Endorsement. | ISOF-131093634 | S642801 | 5/10/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2017-RFLLC | Revises Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Five – Fire And Allied Lines, to introduce rating information for the existing Flood Coverage Endorsement. | ISOF-131091805 | S642802 | 5/10/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FC-2017-RRU17 | Introduces rules for Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Twenty – Commercial Flood, as part of the new ISO Commercial Flood Policy program. | ISOF-131093092 | S642784 | 5/9/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FC-2017-RLC17 | Introduces loss costs for Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Twenty – Commercial Flood, as part of the new ISO Commercial Flood Policy program. | ISOF-131080554 | S642798 | 5/9/18 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2017-RLA1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Basic Group I, Basic Group II, and Special Causes of Loss, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131165615 | S644965 | 01/04/18 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2018NCISCH-TX1 | Crop-Hail Insurance Loss Cost Filing | NACR-131114416 | S643265 | 11/29/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2016-RLC16 | This filing introduces loss costs pricing for unmanned aircraft. | ISOF-131006697 | S640155 | 07/14/17 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2016-RRU16 | This filing revises Commercial Lines Manual Division Five - Fire And Allied Lines in support of various new and revised Commercial Property endorsements. | ISOF-131006558 | S640154 | 07/14/17 | Yes |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2016NCISCH-TX1 | We herewith file for your approval final average loss costs for Crop-Hail Insurance to be effective with the 2016 crop year and to remain in effect until revised or withdrawn. We are requesting an October 1, 2015 effective date. | NACR-130166818 | S611049 | 11/5/15 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2015-1CPLC | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | AMAX-130071226 | S21404 | 8/18/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2015-REWR3 | This document further broadens the range of the caps on the debit/credit factor developed under the Enhanced Wind Rating Program (EWR), as previously advised in filings CF-2012-REWR1 (ST# 120706, SERFF #ISOF-128309019) and CF-2014-REWR2 (ST# 133459, SERFF #ISOF-129473781) | ISOF-129988989 | S18076 | 6/5/15 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2013-RPPC | This filing introduces additional public protection class multipliers to complement the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-128927793 | 126206 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852341 | 125215 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classification rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852639 | 125221 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for basic group I, basic group II, and special causes of loss, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129487837 | S2118 | 9/22/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2014-REWR2 | This document broadens the range of the caps on the debit/credit factor developed under the Enhanced Wind Rating Program (EWR), as previously advised in filing CF-2012-REWR1 (ST# 120706, SERFF #ISOF-128309019). | ISOF-129473781 | 133459 | 5/27/14 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2013-RBIRU | Off Premises Interruption of Business - Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Rule Introduced | 9212556628 | 129078 | 9/10/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2013-RBILC | Loss Costs Introduced for Off-Premises Business Interruption Coverage | 9212556627 | 129077 | 9/10/13 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2014NCISCH-TX1 | Crop Hail Insurance Loss Costs Filing | 9212555761 | 128686 | 8/12/13 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2012-7LC | FO State Specific Revised Loss Cost / AAIS-2012-7LC | 9212551767 | 126682 | 7/24/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FR-2012-RLA1 | Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Level Review. ISO Farm Program | 9212548093 | 124809 | 3/8/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2012-REWR1 | Texas Commercial Fire and Allied Lines Rules Filing CF-2012-REWR1 | 9212539962 | 120706 | 1/17/13 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-RRU11 | Commercial Property Rules Revised to Complement 2011 Multistate Revision of Forms and Endorsements. | 9212541236 | 121362 | 11/14/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-RLC11 | New and Revised Commercial Property Loss Costs to Complement Multistate Rule and Form Revisions | 9212541237 | 121363 | 8/14/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-RRU09 | CF-2011-RRU09 Revised Rules | 9212535030 | 118063 | 3/5/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-RLC09 | Revised Loss Costs | 9212535029 | 118062 | 3/5/12 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | RP-2011-RML09 | MLPDC-1 Revised Rates | 9212535028 | 118061 | 3/5/12 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2011-15LC | TX Loss Cost Rating Information | 9212529785 | 115177 | 9/28/11 | No |
AAIS | Commercial Property | RT | AAIS-2011-15R | Reference 9212464321, Reference 93875, Rev 01 12 Index-III AAIS Commercial Properties Program Multistate Include Rates Rev 01 12 TX Rules-1 AAIS Commercial Properties Program Multistate also Rates Commercial Properties Program | 9212529786 | 115178 | 9/20/11 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2012NCISCH-TX1 | Rates/Rules for 2012 Texas Crop-Hail Insurance | 9212529522 | 114935 | 9/8/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-PPC1 | Revised Basic Group I Public Protection Class Factors | 9212531424 | 116089 | 9/1/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-OSCPE | Specific Commercial Property Evaluation Schedule (SCOPES) Revision | 9212530948 | 115817 | 8/18/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2011-RRU1 | Rule 66 Legal Liability Coverage Form Include Rates | 9212530429 | 115515 | 8/11/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FR-2010-RLA1 | Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Level Review for ISO Farm Program | 9212524064 | 111999 | 3/7/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2010-OSCPE | Specific Commercial Property Evaluation Schedule Revision (Scopes) Revision | 9212521858 | 110755 | 1/31/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2010-OCT04 | Introduction of Monoline Classification Table for CLM Division Five | 9212521857 | 110754 | 1/31/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2010-RFCR1 | Revision of CLM Division Five Rules to Complement a Related Loss Cost Revision | 9212521841 | 110742 | 1/31/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2010-RLA1 | Revision of Texas Loss Costs and Fire Class Rating Expansion | 9212521840 | 110741 | 1/31/11 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FR-2009-OFR09 | Farm; Revision of Multistate and State Forms and Endorsements | 9212509660 | 104162 | 4/1/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FR-2009-RRU09 | Farm; Revision of Commercial Lines Manual (CLM) Division Four - Farm Rules and Terrorism Supplement to the CLM | 9212509660 | 104162 | 4/1/10 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF-2009-OGB09 | Commercial Property; Introduction of Optional Endorsement for Green Upgrades | 9212510409 | 104552 | 12/30/09 | No |
NCIS | Commercial Property | RT | 2010NCISCH-TX1 | Final Average Loss Costs for Crop-Hail Insurance | 9212508257 | 103426 | 9/18/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | FR-2008-RLA1 | ISO Farm Program; Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Level Review | 9212502559 | 100432 | 2/23/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF 2008-RLC07 | Revision of Commercial Property Miscellaneous Loss Costs | 9212495463 | 96913 | 1/13/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | RT | CF 2008-RRU07 | Revision of Commercial Property Rules | 9212495463 | 96913 | 1/13/09 | No |
ISO | Commercial Property | MR RT | CF-2011-RRU11 CF-2011-RRU11 |
ISO CP (MR) 2011 Commercial Property Multistate Rules Revision | 9212541236 | 121362 | 11/14/12 (RT) 11/14/12 (MR) | No |
ISO | Cyber Risk | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRFO (CY) | Commercial Cyber Risk - Disclosure forms to comply with Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132462113 | S681380 | 10/12/20 | N/A |
ISO | Cyber Risk | PF | CY-2017-OCYFR | Cyber Risk Program | ISOF-131174028 | S645349 | 5/29/18 | N/A |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | RP-2020-RCY20 | 2020 Cyber Individual Risk Premium Modification Plan Revision (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-132619688 | S687272 | 6/28/21 | No |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | CY-2020-RRU20 | 2020 Cyber Multistate Rules Revision (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-132614146 | S687275 | 6/28/21 | No |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | CY-2020-RLC20 | 2020 Cyber Multistate Loss Costs Revision (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-132619615 | S687273 | 6/24/21 | No |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (CY) | Cyber Risk - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462116 | S681385 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | CY-2017-RCYRU | Filing updates Division Seventeen of the ISO Commercial Lines Manual to reflect the introduction of a new Cyber coverage form, various rule changes and the renaming and rebranding of the current ISO E-Commerce Program to the ISO Cyber Program. | ISOF-131176225 | S645347 | 9/21/17 | No |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | RP-2017-RCY17 | Introduces new Individual Risk Premium Modification (IRPM) plans for the various Cyber policies. Renames and rebrands the current ISO E-Commerce Program to the ISO Cyber Program. | ISOF-131176448 | S645345 | 9/21/17 | Yes |
ISO | Cyber Risk | RT | CY-2017-RCYLC | Introduces and revises loss costs for the ISO Cyber Program. Explains the methodology used to determine the rating factors in the companion rules filing CY-2017-RCYRU and renames and rebrands the current ISO E-Commerce Program to the ISO Cyber Program. | ISOF-131176400 | S645344 | 9/21/17 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | CM-2020-OCYFR | ISO, IM (EN) ISO, IM (EN) Inland Marine Cyber Exclusion for Inland Marine | ISOF-132669093 | S687488 | 1/28/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-26FAF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Fine Arts - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132667039 | S687658 | 1/27/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-26MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132667072 | S687659 | 1/27/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-26EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine EDP - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132667007 | S687660 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-26CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665473 | S687680 | 1/25/21 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19MUSF-1 | AAIS IM (EN) Inland Marine Guide Program – Museums Class: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509511 | S682813 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19FAFF-1 | AAIS IM (EN) Inland Marine Guide Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509523 | S682812 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19EDPF-1 | AAIS, IM (EN) Inland Marine Guide Program – Electronic Equip Protection: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509657 | S682811 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19PIMF-1 | AAIS, IM (EN) Personal Inland Marine: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132509733 | S682799 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19CIMF-1 | AAIS, IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine Program: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511349 | S682786 | 9/10/20 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (CM) | ISO IM (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391418 | S679640 | 6/17/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19PIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Personal Inland Marine New COVID19 | AMAX-132409527 | S680066 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19MUSF | AAIS, PR (EN) Commercial Inland Marine Guide Museums New COVID19C | AMAX-132409694 | S680064 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine New COVID19C | AMAX-132407786 | S680062 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine Electronic Equipment Protection New COVID19C | AMAX-132409639 | S680053 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2020-19FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial Inland Marine Fine Arts Floater New COVID19C | AMAX-132409671 | S680052 | 6/15/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-62FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Revision of Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-132204152 | S674568 | 2/11/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-62EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Revision of Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-132204161 | S674569 | 2/11/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-62MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) Revision of Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-132204164 | S674570 | 2/11/20 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-40CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052630 | S670146 | 11/07/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-40FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas, Electronic Data Processing | AMAX-132052632 | S670145 | 11/07/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-40FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas, Fine Arts Floater | AMAX-132052632 | S670144 | 10/31/19 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | CL-2019-OMJFR (CM) | ISO IM (EN) Cannabis Exclusion Endorsement | ISOF-131933178 | S666437 | 8/08/19 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (CM) | ISO IM (EN) Texas Changes - Cancellation and Nonrenewal Endorsement | ISOF-132002060 | S668449 | 10/02/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2019-40MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052617 | S670149 | 9/17/19 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | PM-2018-OYBFR | ISO IM (EN) Personal Inland Marine Program, Texas-Your Belongings Form | ISOF-131683814 | S659989 | 11/19/18 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2015-1MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129905296 | S15623 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2015-1EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129905174 | S15622 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2015-1FAF | AAIS IM (EN) TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129905264 | S15621 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2015-1CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-129903599 | S15510 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | TRIA 2015 CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO IM (EN) TRIA2015 Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129890496 | S15079 | 3/11/15 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-64FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Withdrawal of IM 1269 10 00, TDI 9212412385 | AMAX-129786887 | S11809 | FI 11/6/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-64EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Withdrawal of IM 1269 10 00, TDI 9212412650 | AMAX-129785859 | S11808 | FI 11/6/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-64CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Withdrawal of IM 1269 10 00, TDI 9212407733 | AMAX-129786278 | S11807 | FI 11/6/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-42MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) Amendatory Endorsement- Texas | AMAX-129635980 | S8755 | 9/2/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-42FAFF | AAIS IM (EN) Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-129635955 | S8753 | 9/2/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-42CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-129635855 | S8749 | 9/2/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2014-42EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Electronic Data Processing Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | AMAX-129635825 | S8748 | 9/2/14 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-54MUSF | AAIS IM (EN) Commercial TX Amendment Museums 28 TAC 5.7002 & SB 1074 | 9212558495 | 130107 | 10/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-54FAF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amendment Fine Arts Floater SB 1074 | 9212558494 | 130106 | 10/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-54EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amendment Electronic Equipment SB 1074 | 9212558493 | 130105 | 10/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-54CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557139 | 129352 | 9/17/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-44FAF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amendment Guide Fine Arts Floater 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554985 | 128289 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-44EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amendment Guide Elect Data 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554983 | 128287 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2013-44CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) TX Amendment 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554977 | 128281 | 7/30/13 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | PM-2013-OSPE1 | ISO IM (EN) Personal Inland Marine Endorsement Amendment TX (SB 698) | 9212555641 | 128626 | 7/23/13 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | CM-2012-OAE1 | ISO IM (EN) Revised Texas Changes Endorsement - Claims Handling and Payment | 9212548094 | 124810 | 2/20/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-75F | AAIS IM (EN) Fine Arts Floater Earthquake Limitation & Dishonest Acts Exclusion Updates | 9212547327 | 124395 | 1/29/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-44F-FAF | AAIS IM (EN) Fine Arts Amendatory for Data Compromise | 9212542925 | 122182 | 8/23/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-38F | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Electronic Data Processing (EDP) | 9212541806 | 121645 | 8/8/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-3EDPF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised IM Guide Program in Response to TX P&C Review Requirements Checklists | 9212537829 | 119626 | 4/24/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-2ARTF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Fine Arts Floater Program | 9212537090 | 119202 | 4/17/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-3FAF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Fine Arts Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536053 | 118654 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2012-3CIMF | AAIS IM (EN) Revised Inland Marine Program Amendatory Endorsement | 9212536027 | 118634 | 1/18/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2010-83F-EDP | AAIS IM (EN) Electronic Data Processing Program | 9212521212 | 110408 | 11/3/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2010-83F-FAF | AAIS IM (EN) Fine Arts Floater Program | 9212521211 | 110407 | 11/3/10 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | PM-2010-OSAU1 | ISO Personal IM (EN)-Revised Suit Against Us - Texas Special Provisions | 9212519575 | 109519 | 11/3/10 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | EN | CL-2010-OLAU1 | ISO IM Revised Texas Changes CM 01 12 01 11 | 9212518727 | 109069 | 8/10/10 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-78 | AAIS IM Fine Arts Floater Amendatory Endorsement | 9212510152 | 104424 | 9/29/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-45 EDP | AAIS IM EEP - Limited Fungus Endt (IM 7861 01 09) | 9212507295 | 102917 | 7/14/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-45 FAF | AAIS IM Fine Arts Floater - Limited Fungus Endt (IM 7861 01 09) | 9212507296 | 102918 | 7/14/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-34EFP | AAIS IM Electronic Equipment Protection Endts (IM 7219 0209; IM 7869 0209) | 9212506244 | 102332 | 6/16/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-34FAF | AAIS IM Fine Arts Floater New Endt (IM 7869 0209) | 9212506245 | 102333 | 6/16/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-9FA | AAIS IM Fine Arts Floater Rev Amendatory Endt-TX CL 0273 01 09 | 9212504506 | 101425 | 3/17/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-9CIM | AAIS Comml IM Amendatory Endorsement TX CL 0273 01 09 | 9212503340 | 100812 | 2/17/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | EN | AAIS-2009-9IMG | AAIS IM Electronic Equipment Protection Amendatory Endt TX CL 0273 01 09 | 9212503344 | 100816 | 2/17/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2016-30R | AAIS IM (MR) Commercial Inland Marine (FA, EDP, Museums) | AMAX-130539796 | S623366 | 4/29/16 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO IM (MR)-Commercial Inland Marine-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380326 | S618231 | 1/15/16 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2015-1CIMR | AAIS IM (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130071056 | S21411 | 6/2/15 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2015-1IMGR | AAIS IM (MR), TRIA2015-Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | AMAX-130080255 | S21400 | 5/26/15 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2014-42CIMR | AAIS IM (MR) WD of 3 Manual Rules and Revised Rule Page | AMAX-129635759 | S8750 | 10/10/14 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2014-42EDPR | AAIS IM (MR) WD of Manual Rule - EDP | AMAX-129636054 | S8754 | 9/19/14 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2014-42FAFR | AAIS IM (MR) WD of Manual Rule - Fine Arts | AMAX-129636059 | S8752 | 9/19/14 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2014-42MUSR | AAIS IM (MR) WD of Manual Rule - Museums | AMAX-129636070 | S8751 | 9/19/14 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | MR | CM-2012-ORU10 | ISO IM (MR) Revised Limit of Insurance Relativity Adjustment Factors | 9212539080 | 120243 | 5/14/12 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2009-40R-1 | AAIS Personal Inland Marine Rule Revisions | 9212509981 | 104335 | 9/17/09 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2009-13FAF | AAIS Comml IM Fine Arts Floater Rule Revision | 9212504485 | 101414 | 3/16/09 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2009-13EDP | AAIS Comml IM Electronic Data Processing Rule Revision | 9212504484 | 101413 | 3/16/09 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR RT | AAIS-2012-74R | AAIS IM (MR) Commercial Inland Marine Museums Class | 9212553902 | 127752 | 6/14/13 (MR) 6/17/13 (RT) | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | MR | AAIS-2008-53EDP | AAIS IM Rev. Rating - Electronic Data Processing-Business Computer | 9212501400 | 99852 | 1/7/09 (MR) | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | PF | PM-2019-OYBFR | ISO IM (PF) Personal Inland Marine - Revised Texas - Your Belongings Form | ISOF-132123328 | S672587 | 12/20/19 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | PF | AAIS-2012-74F | AAIS IM (PF) Museums Class of Inland Marine | 9212553904 | 127754 | 6/18/13 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | PF | AAIS-2012-29F | AAIS IM (PF) Electronic Equipment Protection | 9212540513 | 120988 | 7/17/12 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | PF | CM-2011-OFR11 | ISO IM (PF) Commercial Inland Marine Multi-State Forms Revision | 9212541235 | 121361 | 6/20/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | PF | AAIS-2012-2EDPF | AAIS IM (PF) Revised Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Class | 9212537091 | 119203 | 5/1/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Inland Marine | PF | AAIS-2011-49F-FAF | AAIS IM (PF) New & Revised Fine Arts Floater | 9212537122 | 119223 | 4/24/12 | N/A |
ISO | Inland Marine | PF MR RT | CM 2009-OFR09 CM 2009-ORU09 CM 2009-ORU09 |
ISO Comml IM Program - Multistate Forms Revision | 9212504764 | 101587 | 5/19/09 (PF) 5/19/09 (MR) 6/17/09 (RT) | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2022-RLA1 | Personal Inland Marine Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision | ISOF-133388480 | S705487 | 11/29/22 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2020-RCYRU | Multistate Rules Introduced To Accommodate New Cyber Incident Exclusion Endorsements | ISOF-132669147 | S687487 | 8/16/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2020-26IMGR | Revised Terrorism Rules Inland Marine Guide - Electronic Data Processing, Fine Arts Floater, Museums. | AMAX-132670240 | S687664 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2020-26CIMR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26CIMR. | AMAX-132669651 | S687677 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (CM) | Commercial Inland Marine - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391488 | S679632 | 7/20/20 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2019-OYBRU | Personal Inland Marine Rule 318. Your Belongings Form Revised. | ISOF-132123450 | S672588 | 6/24/20 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CL-2019-OMJRU (CM) | Introduces multistate Rule 26. in Division Eight – Commercial Inland Marine of the Commercial Lines Manual to instruct the usage of new optional endorsements filed under forms filing CL-2019-OMJFR. | ISOF-131933180 | S666438 | 11/22/19 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2018-RYBRU | New rule to accommodate new endorsement PM 00 43 Your Belongings Form and revising two existing rules in the Personal Inland Marine Manual - Multistate Rules. | ISOF-131684157 | S659990 | 3/27/19 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2018-RYBLC | Filing provides advisory loss cost information to complement the introduction of new Rule 318. Your Belongings Form. | ISOF-131684248 | S659991 | 3/27/19 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2018-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for Personal Inland Marine insurance, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131677629 | S659779 | 01/07/19 | No |
NCIS | Inland Marine | RT | 2018NCISRAIN-TX1 | 2018 Rain Insurance Loss Cost Filing (FILING REJECTED) | NACR-131296785 | S651608 | 02/23/18 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2016-RLA1 | Personal Inland Marine Loss Costs Revision | ISOF-130650699 | S627758 | 10/19/16 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2016-RLA1 | Commercial Inland Marine Loss Costs Revision | ISOF-130542014 | S623637 | 7/13/16 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2013-RPPC | This filing introduces additional Protection-Construction rating factors in the Personal Inland Marine Program to complement the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-129075626 | 128271 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852619 | 125219 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classification rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852675 | 125225 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for Commercial Inland Marine coverages. | ISOF-129454692 | 133282 | 5/22/14 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2012-74R | Museums Rating Procedures and General Rules | 9212553902 | 127752 | 6/3/13 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2012-74LC | Museums Loss Costs | 9212553903 | 127753 | 6/3/13 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2012-RLA1 | Personal Inland Marine Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212538491 | 119957 | 5/25/12 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2012-ORU10 | CM-2012-ORU10 Revised Commercial Inland Marine Manual Rules/Rates | 9212539080 | 120243 | 5/14/12 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2011-49R | ART RTG 1-7 Fine Arts Floater - Rating Corresponding Filing Tracking Number: AAIS-2011-49F-FAF, #119223 | 9212537124 | 119225 | 4/10/12 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2012-RLA1 | CM-2012-RLA1 D1 Commercial Inland Marine Insurance Loss Cost Pages | 9212538619 | 120010 | 4/3/12 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | PM-2010-RLA1 | Personal Inland Marine Loss Costs Level Revision | 9212516983 | 108022 | 7/23/10 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2010-RLA1 | Commercial Inland Marine Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212514364 | 106642 | 4/16/10 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2009-29 | Electronic Data Processing (EDP) class of Inland Marine Guide coverage that is traditionally considered "non-filled" | 9212508773 | 103762 | 8/11/09 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2009-40LC | New Loss Cost for new classes available under our Personal Inland Marine Program | 9212507427 | 102995 | 8/11/09 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2009-ORU09 | Commercial Inland Marine; Manual Rules Revised | 9212504764 | 101587 | 6/17/09 | No |
ISO | Inland Marine | RT | CM-2009-RLC09 | Commercial Inland Marine; Loss Cost Rules Revised | 9212504764 | 101587 | 6/17/09 | No |
AAIS | Inland Marine | RT | AAIS-2008-53EDP | Electronic Data Processing - Business Computer (EDP-BC) classes of Inland Marine Guide | 9212501400 | 99852 | 2/26/09 | No |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2007-OPR07 | ISO Interline IL 01 68 09 08, Texas Changes - Duties Lines of insurance: Professional Liability (Employment-Related Practices Liability), Farm Program (PR 920), General Liability, Professional Liability (Medical) |
9212490229 | 94212 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2007-OPR07 | ISO Interline IL 00 03 09 08, Calculation of Premium Lines of insurance: Commercial Automobile, Boiler & Machinery (Equipment Breakdown), Commercial Property, Commercial Inland Marine, Crime, Professional Liability (Employment-Related Practices Liability), Farm Program (PR 920), General Liability, Professional Liability (Medical) |
9212490228 | 94211 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2006-OLOB1 | ISO Interline IL 00 03 09 07, Calculation of Premium Lines of insurance: Boiler & Machinery (Equipment Breakdown), Commercial Property, Commercial Inland Marine, Crime, Professional Liability (Employment-Related Practices Liability), Farm Program (PR 920), Farm Liability, Farm Inland Marine, General Liability, Professional Liability (Medical) |
9212475951 | 86696 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2006-OLOB1 | ISO Interline IL 01 71 09 07, Texas Changes-Loss Payment Lines of insurance: Boiler & Machinery (Equipment Breakdown), Commercial Inland Marine, Crime |
9212475948 | 86693 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2006-OLOB1 | ISO Interline IL 02 75 09 07, Texas Changes-Cancellation & Nonrenewal provisions for Casualty Lines and Commercial Package Policies Lines of insurance: Commercial Umbrella, Professional Liability (Employment-Related Practices Liability), Farm Liability, General Liability, Commercial Multi-Peril |
9212475945 | 86690 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
ISO | Interline | EN | CL 2006-OLOB1 | ISO Interline IL 02 88 09 07, Texas Changes-Cancellation & Nonrenewal Lines of insurance: Boiler & Machinery (Equipment Breakdown), Commercial Inland Marine, Crime, Farm Program (PR 920) |
9212475942 | 86687 | 3/13/08 | N/A |
AAIS | Personal Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2012-3PIMF | AAIS PMP (EN) Revised Suits Against Us Provision | 9212536067 | 118665 | 4/10/12 | N/A |
AAIS | Personal Multi-Peril | EN | AAIS-2007-31 | AAIS PM 0942 03 07 Amendatory Endorsement | 9212482083 | 89911 | 7/24/07 | N/A |
AAIS | Personal Multi-Peril | PF | AAIS-2009-40F | AAIS Personal MP IM Liability for Golf Carts, Lawn Equipment, Wheel Chairs, etc. | 9212507425 | 102993 | 11/24/09 | N/A |
AAIS | Personal Multi-Peril | MR | AAIS-2009-40R | AAIS Personal MP IM Liability for Golf Carts, Lawn Equipment, Wheel Chairs, etc. | 9212507426 | 102994 | 12/1/09 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | PF-2016-OMIFO | ISO PL (PF) Professional Liability Program | ISOF-131065384 | S641829 | 2/27/18 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | PF-2013-OIAFO | ISO PL (PF) Insurance Agents E&O Professional Liability New Policy & Endorsement | ISOF-130530050 | S623126 | 10/4/16 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO PL (EN) Texas Changes - 28TAC5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549720 | 125657 | 3/13/13 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | PR-2012-OCH1 | ISO PL (EN) Medical Professional Liability | 9212541239 | 121365 | 6/20/12 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (MP) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Management Protection) | 9212532037 | 116436 | 11/1/11 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (PR) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Medical Professional) | 9212532036 | 116435 | 11/1/11 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | MR | EP-2011-ORU1 | ISO PL (MR) Revise Employment Related Practices- Remove IL 01 68 | 9212532025 | 116424 | 10/25/11 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (EP) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Employment Practices) | 9212532031 | 116430 | 10/25/11 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | EP 2008-OFR08 EP 2008-OEPRU |
ISO Employment-Related Practices Liability Revision | 9212502888 | 100603 | 9/16/09 | N/A |
ISO | Professional Liability | MR | EP 2008-OFR08 EP 2008-OEPRU |
ISO Employment-Related Practices Liability Revision | 9212502888 | 100603 | 4/1/09 | N/A |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2022-OFR22 | ISO GL (EN) ISO New Exclusion-Perfluoroalkyl And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Forms | ISOF-133441920 | S706591 | 12/15/22 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2021-OAMFR | ISO GL (EN) Commercial General Liability, Abuse or Molestation Liability Forms | ISOF-133356315 | S704592 | 10/01/22 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-26AGXLF | AAIS GL (EN) Agricultural Umbrella - Revised Endorsements to comply with TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | AMAX-132691413 | S688151 | 03/23/21 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | BM-2020-OCYFR | ISO GL (EN) General Liability Boiler/Machinery - Cyber Exclusion | ISOF-132616505 | S686025 | 03/01/21 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-26CUPF | AAIS GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665461 | S687684 | 01/25/21 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-26CLF | AAIS GL (EN) General Liability - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665441 | S687681 | 01/25/21 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-26AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) General Liability - TRIA2019 | AMAX-132665494 | S687663 | 01/25/21 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2020-OFR20 (CU) | ISO, GL (EN) General Liability Commercial Umbrella 2020 Multistate Forms Revision includes Cannabis | ISOF-132607820 | S686458 | 01/14/21 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2020-OMJFR | ISO, GL (EN) General Liability New and Revised Multistate Cannabis Related Liability Endorsements | ISOF-132611646 | S686454 | 12/20/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2020-OFR20 (CX) | ISO, GL (EN) 2020 Commercial Excess Liability Multistate Revised Forms and Endorsements including cannabis | ISOF-132633578 | S686456 | 12/20/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2019-OFR1 | ISO, GL (EN) General Liability Pollution Exclusions | ISOF-132609026 | S685744 | 12/02/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (GL) | ISO GL (EN) General Liability Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552138 | S683990 | 10/18/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (CX) | ISO, GL (EN) Excess Liability Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552136 | S683989 | 10/12/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2020-OEND1 (CU) | ISO, MP (EN) Commercial Umbrella Multistate Communicable Disease Exclusion | ISOF-132552188 | S683988 | 10/11/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGXLCF-1 | AAIS, GL (EN) Agricultural Excess Umbrella: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511540 | S682807 | 09/10/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGGLF-1 | AAIS, GL (EN) Agricultural General Liability: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511562 | S682805 | 09/10/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19FUPCF-1 | AAIS, GL (EN) Farm Umbrella Liability – Commercial: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132510454 | S682793 | 09/10/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19CUPF-1 | AAIS, GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella Liability: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511272 | S682788 | 09/10/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19CLF-1 | AAIS, GL (EN) Commercial Liability: Suspension of Cancellation – Nonpayment of Premium – Temporary | AMAX-132511197 | S682787 | 09/10/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGXLCF | AAIS, GL (EN) General Liability Farm Umbrella-Farm Excess New COVID 19 | AMAX-132407743 | S680076 | 06/17/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (CU) | ISO, GL (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391405 | S679639 | 06/17/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (CX) | ISO, GL (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391448 | S679638 | 06/17/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (EB) | ISO, GL (EN) TRIA Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391442 | S679637 | 06/17/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTENF (GL) | ISO, GL (EN) Disclosure Forms Revised in Response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 | ISOF-132391492 | S679636 | 06/17/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19AGGLF | AAIS, GL (EN) Agricultural General Liability New COVID19 | AMAX-132403498 | S680078 | 06/15/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19CLF | AAIS, GL (EN) Commercial General Liability New COVID19 | AMAX-132408542 | S680075 | 06/15/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19CUPF | AAIS, GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella New COVID19 | AMAX-132408663 | S680058 | 06/15/20 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2020-19FUPCF | AAIS, GL (EN) Commercial General Liability Farm Umbrella Liability New COVID19 | AMAX-132409034 | S680056 | 06/15/20 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2018-OFR18 (CX) | ISO, GL (EN) New and Revised Multistate optional endorsements for use with the Commercial Liability Umbrella program | ISOF-131857476 | S664387 | 12/18/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2018-OFR18 (CU) | ISO, GL (EN) 2018 Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability Multistate Endorsement Revision | ISOF-131857489 | S664385 | 12/11/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2019-OCAN1 (EB) | ISO, GL (EN) Boiler & Machinery Texas Changes | ISOF-132002062 | S668451 | 10/17/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2018-OFR18 | ISO, GL (EN) New and Revised Endorsements | ISOF-131857602 | S664384 | 10/18/19 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2019-40AGGLF | AAIS, GL (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052094 | S670153 | 9/11/19 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2019-40CLF | AAIS, GL (EN) Revised Amendatory Endorsement Texas | AMAX-132052614 | S670151 | 9/11/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2017-OFR17 (CX) | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Excess Liability - 2017 Multistate Revisions to Coverage Endorsement forms | ISOF-131803785 | S663145 | 3/26/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2017-OFR17 (CU) | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Liability Umbrella - 2017 Multistate Revisions to Coverage Endorsement forms | ISOF-131803785 | S663145 | 3/26/19 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2016-RRU1 | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Umbrella, Auto and TNC Rules | ISOF-130514344 | S622627 | 9/18/18 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2016-RRU1 | ISO GL (MR) Excess Liability, Auto & TNC Rules | ISOF-30514364 | S622626 | 9/18/18 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2016-OFR1 | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella | ISOF-130514215 | S622625 | 9/15/18 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2016-OFR1 | ISO GL (EN) Excess Liability | ISOF-130514191 | S622631 | 9/25/18 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-1PF | AAIS (EN), Farm Umbrella Program | AMAX-131269213 | S648342 | 8/29/18 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-1CF | AAIS GL (EN) General Liability - Farm Liability - Farm Umbrella - Farm Excess, Unmanned Aircraft Liability Coverage, Aircraft Exclusion for Advertising Injury and/or Personal Injury | AMAX-131269156 | S648341 | 8/8/18 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-2CUMBF | AAIS GL (EN) Umbrella - Unmanned Aircraft | AMAX-131279845 | S648675 | 12/19/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-2CEXCF | AAIS GL (EN) Excess Liability-Unmanned Aircraft Coverage | AMAX-131279797 | S648674 | 12/13/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2017-27AGGLR | AAIS GL (MR) Agricultural General Liability Manual Rules | AMAX-130988905 | S639530 | 5/24/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-27AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130988456 | S639528 | 5/17/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-27CLF | AAIS GL (EN) Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130990789 | S639535 | 5/3/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-27CUPF | AAIS GL (EN) Umbrella Punitive Damages Exclusion | AMAX-130990811 | S639537 | 4/19/17 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2017-27AGXLF | AAIS GL (EN) Umbrella Ag Punitive Damage Exclusion | AMAX-130990677 | S639529 | 4/19/17 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | FR-2015-RRU15 | ISO GL (MR) Farm Umbrella Program Rule Revisions | ISOF-130762131 | S631888 | 11/16/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | FR-2015-RRU15 | ISO GL (MR) Farm Excess Liability Program Rule Revisions | ISOF-130762105 | S631887 | 11/16/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | FR-2015-OFR15 | ISO GL (PF) Farm Excess Liability Program Revisions | ISOF-130759933 | S631883 | 11/29/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | FR-2015-OFR15 | ISO GL (PF) Farm Umbrella Program Revisions | ISOF-130759920 | S631882 | 11/29/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2016-ODPRU | ISO GL (MR) Rules Revision to Address Limitation of Coverage To Designated Premises, Project, Or Operation Endorsements | ISOF-130724727 | S630383 | 10/6/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2016-ODPFR | ISO GL (EN) Designated Premises, Project or Operation Endorsement | ISOF-130724705 | S630387 | 10/4/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2016-ODPFRU | ISO GL (MR) Excess Liability, Rules Revision to Address Limitation of Coverage To Designated Premises, Project, Or Operation Endorsements | ISOF-130724686 | S630385 | 10/6/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2016-ODPFR | ISO GL (EN) Excess Liability, Designated Premises, Project or Operation Endorsement | ISOF-130724722 | S630382 | 10/5/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2016-ODPRU | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Umbrella, Rules Revision to Address Limitation of Coverage To Designated Premises, Project, Or Operation Endorsements | ISOF-130724685 | S630384 | 10/6/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2016-ODPFR | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella, Designated Premises, Project or Operation Endorsement | ISOF-130724720 | S630381 | 10/4/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2016-20F | AAIS GL (EN) Agricultural General Liability Form -Unmanned Aircraft Coverage and Exclusions | AMAX-130586521 | S628153 | 8/23/16 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2016-20R | AAIS GL (MR) Agricultural General Liability Manual Rules - Unmanned Aircraft Coverage and Exclusions | AMAX-130644312 | S628152 | 8/23/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTENF | ISO GL (EN) Farm Excess Liability-Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-130380670 | S618219 | 1/20/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTENF | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Excess Liability-Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-130380611 | S618218 | 1/20/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTENF | ISO GL (EN) Farm Umbrella Liability-Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-130380656 | S618217 | 1/20/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Excess Liability-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380316 | S618233 | 1/19/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380334 | S618230 | 1/15/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Umbrella-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380343 | S618229 | 1/15/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Boiler and Machinery/Equipment Breakdown-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380434 | S618226 | 1/15/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Farm Umbrella-Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 | ISOF-130380447 | S618225 | 1/15/16 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | TRIA2015 CL-2015-OTRRU | ISO GL (MR) Farm Excess - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization for 2015 | ISOF-130380517 | S618222 | 1/15/16 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2015-1CLF | AAIS GL (EN) TRIA2015, Terrorism Loss & Exclusion Form & Policyholder Disclosure Notice Form | AMAX-129903598 | S15505 | 4/2/15 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2015-1AGXLF | AAIS GL UM (EN) Agricultural Excess & Umbrella, TRIA2015-Exclusion and Loss Disclosure Forms | AMAX-129915638 | S15932 | 3/11/15 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2015-1CUPF | AAIS GL (EN) Comml. Umbrella, TRIA2015-Loss Disclosures, Terrorism Exclusions, Policyholder Notice of Terrorism Coverage | AMAX-129903609 | S15516 | 3/11/15 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2015-1AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) Agricultural GL, TRIA2015-Certified Terrorism Loss, Exclusions, Loss Disclosure & Policyholder Notice of Coverage | AMAX-129903634 | S15491 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Farm Umbrella, TRIA2015, Caps on Losses, Exclusions of Cert. Acts of Terrorism & Other Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129890882 | S15087 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Comml. Umbrella, TRIA2015, Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Premium Disclosures, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129890516 | S15086 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Farm Excess Liability, TRIA 2015, Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129890980 | S15085 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Comml. Excess Liability, TRIA 2015, Caps on Losses, Exclusions on Cert. Acts & Other Acts of Terrorism, Conditional Exclusions | ISOF-129889746 | S15083 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 - Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-129889702 | S15084 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2015-OTRFO | ISO GL (EN) Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-129890743 | S15082 | 3/11/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2014-ODNFR | ISO GL (EN) Addresses Certain Liability Exposures Related to Unmanned Aircraft | ISOF-129839939 | S13479 | 1/27/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2014-ODNRU | ISO GL (MR) Address Unmanned Aircraft Exposures | ISOF-129841873 | S13477 | 1/23/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2014-ODNFR | ISO GL (EN) Commercial Umbrella, Unmanned Aircraft Exclusion Endorsements, Unmanned Aircraft Limited Coverage Endorsements | ISOF-129841561 | S13480 | 1/6/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2014-ODNRU | ISO GL (MR) Multistate Rules in Division 13 Commercial Excess Liability, Unmanned Aircraft Endorsement | ISOF-129841827 | S13478 | 1/6/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2014-ODNFR | ISO GL (EN) Excess Liability Unmanned Aircraft Exclusion Endorsement | ISOF-129841646 | S13476 | 1/6/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2014-ODNRU | ISO GL (MR) Multistate Rules in Division 13 Commercial Liability Umbrella, Unmanned Aircraft Endorsement | ISOF-129841733 | S13475 | 1/6/15 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | GL-2014-RDD14 | ISO GL (MR) Discount Factors for Deductibles | ISOF-129723565 | S9811 | 10/17/14 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2014-73R-ALT | AAIS GL (MR) Rules - Data Breach Liability Exclusions | AMAX-129800911 | S12225 | 12/16/14 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2014-73F | AAIS GL (EN) Data Breach Liability Exclusions | AMAX-129800928 | S12221 | 12/18/14 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | FR-2014-ODBRF (FB) | ISO GL UM (EN) Farm Program, Data Liability | ISOF-129484649 | S2103 | 05/06/14 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | FR-2014-ODBFR (FE) | ISO GL UM (EN) Farm Excess Liability, Exclusion-Access/Disclosure of Information | ISOF-129484679 | S2102 | 05/06/14 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | FR-2014-ODBRU (FE) | ISO GL UM (MR) Farm Excess Liability, Data Liability | ISOF-129484793 | S2100 | 05/07/14 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2013-83EBLR | AAIS GL (MR) AG GL Employee Benefits Liability Rule | 9212561628 | 131760 | 2/20/14 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-83EBLF | AAIS GL (EN) AG GL Employee Benefits Revised Form# | 9212561626 | 131758 | 2/20/14 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-63EBLF | AAIS GL (EN) AG GL Employee Benefits | 9212559252 | 130517 | 11/5/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2013-63EPLR | AAIS GL (MR) Agricultural Employee Benefits and Practices | 9212558581 | 130157 | 10/15/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-ODBFR (CU) | ISO GL UM (EN) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557311 | 129456 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-ODBFR (GL) | ISO GL (EN) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557310 | 129455 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-ODBFR (CX) | ISO GL EX (EN) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557308 | 129453 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2013-ODBRU (CX) | ISO GL EX (MR) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557313 | 129458 | 09/25/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2013-ODBRU (CU) | ISO GL UM (MR) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557312 | 129457 | 09/25/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2013-ODBRU (GL) | ISO GL (MR) Data-Related Liability Exclusion | 9212557309 | 129454 | 9/25/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-54AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557134 | 129347 | 9/17/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-54FUPF | AAIS GL (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557147 | 129360 | 9/17/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-54CLF | AAIS GL (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557137 | 129350 | 9/17/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-54CUPF | AAIS GL (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557141 | 129354 | 9/17/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-54GXLF | AAIS GL (EN) TX Amend Cancel/ Nonrenew Electronic Notices SB 1074 | 9212557132 | 129345 | 9/17/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-44CLF | AAIS, GL (EN) Amendment TX 28 TAC 5.7001 & 5.7016 | 9212555069 | 128342 | 9/10/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-44CUPF | AAIS, GL (EN) TX Amendment Umbrella 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554976 | 128280 | 7/30/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-44AGGLF | AAIS, GL (EN) TX Amendment 28 TAC 5.7002 & 5.7007 | 9212554970 | 128274 | 7/30/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2013-OTRFR (CX) | ISO, GL (EN) Terrorism - Commercial Auto Coverages | 9212554678 | 128104 | 6/25/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2013-OTRFR (CU) | ISO, GL (EN) Terrorism - Commercial Auto Coverages | 9212554677 | 128103 | 6/25/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-34F | AAIS, GL (EN) Agricultural GL Employee Benefits | 9212553726 | 127674 | 6/25/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CU-2013-OTRRU (CX) | ISO, GL (MR) Terrorism - Commercial Auto Coverages | 9212554679 | 128105 | 6/24/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CU-2013-OTRRU (CX) | ISO, GL (MR) Terrorism - Commercial Auto Coverages | 9212554680 | 128106 | 6/24/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | FR-2013-OTEFR | ISO, GL (EN) Conditional Terrorism Exclusions 2012 | 9212554284 | 127926 | 6/18/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | FR-2013-OTERU | ISO GL (MR) Conditional Terrorism Exclusions 2014 | 9212554286 | 127928 | 6/18/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR RT | AAIS-2013-34R | AAIS GL (MR) Agricultural GL Employee Benefits & Employment Practices Liability | 9212553725 | 127673 | 6/11/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | FR-2013-OTERU | ISO GL (MR) Farm Excess Liability Terrorism Endorsement Options | 9212554287 | 127929 | 6/4/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | FR-2013-OTEFR | ISO GL (EN) Conditional Terrorism Exclusions | 9212554285 | 127927 | 6/4/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-26F | AAIS GL (EN) Conditional Terrorism Exclusions | 9212551912 | 126751 | 6/4/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CU-2013-OTERU | ISO GL Excess (MR) Conditional Terrorism 2014 | 9212550875 | 126242 | 3/25/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CU-2013-OTEFR | ISO GL Excess (EN) Conditional Terrorism 2014 | 9212550874 | 126241 | 3/27/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO GL (EN) Texas Changes-28TAC5.7002 Cancellations (GL) | 9212549722 | 125659 | 3/13/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO GL (EN) Texas Changes-28TAC5.7002 Cancellations (Umbrella) | 9212549719 | 125656 | 3/13/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO GL (EN) Texas Changes-28TAC5.7002 Cancellations (Excess) | 9212549718 | 125655 | 3/13/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-6AGXLF | AAIS GL (EN) Expiration of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Agricultural Excess) | 9212549752 | 125677 | 3/13/13 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2013-6AGGLF | AAIS GL (EN) Expiration of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Agricultural GL) | 9212549750 | 125675 | 3/13/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CU-2012-ORU12 (CX) | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Excess Multistate Rules | 9212543780 | 122638 | 9/10/12 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2013-6AGGLR | AAIS GL (MR) Agricultural GL - Terrorism Forms/Rules | 9212549751 | 125676 | 3/13/13 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | GL-2012-RECON | ISO GL (MR) TX Elevator Contractors Limits | 9212543243 | 122340 | 8/30/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | CU-2012-OFR12 | ISO GL (PF) Revised Commercial Umbrella Multistate Forms | 9212541879 | 121682 | 8/14/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (A) (CU) | ISO GL (EN) Revised Umbrella/Excess Endorsements | 9212543588 | 122528 | 10/9/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | GL-2012-OFR12 | ISO GL (PF) Commercial General Liability Multistate Forms Revision | 9212541074 | 121299 | 9/25/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CU-2012-ORU12 | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Umbrella Multistate Rules Revision | 9212541880 | 121683 | 9/19/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | CU-2012-OFR12 (CX) | ISO GL (PF) New/Revised Excess Program Forms | 9212542208 | 121828 | 9/11/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | GL-2012-OECON | ISO GL (EN) TX Elevator Contractors Limits | 9212543242 | 122339 | 9/4/12 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2012-43R | AAIS GL (MR) Farming - Acreage Basis | 9212543902 | 122701 | 8/31/12 | |
AAIS | General Liability | PF | AAIS-2010-99FUMB | AAIS GL (PF) Initial Agricultural Excess and Umbrella Program | 9212534549 | 117793 | 8/23/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR RT | GL-2012-ORU12 GL-2012-ORU12 | ISO GL (MR) Commercial General Liability Multistate Rules Revision | 9212541071 | 121296 | 7/13/12 (MR) 12/18/12 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | BM-2011-OFR11 | ISO GL (PF) Equipment Breakdown Multi-State Forms Revision | 9212541241 | 121367 | 6/20/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | BM-2011-ORU11 | ISO GL (MR) Equipment Breakdown Multi-State Rules Revision | 9212541238 | 121364 | 6/20/12 | |
AAIS | General Liability | PF | AAIS-2010-99FEXC | AAIS GL (PF) Initial Agricultural Excess and Umbrella Program | 9212534548 | 117792 | 4/3/12 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2010-99FPEXC | AAIS GL (EN) Initial Agricultural Excess and Umbrella Program | 9212534546 | 117790 | 2/28/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2011-ORU1 (GL) | ISO GL (MR) Rule Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532996 | 116961 | 2/10/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2011-ORU1 (FB) | ISO GL (MR) Farm Liability Rule Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532998 | 116963 | 2/10/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | CL-2011-ORU1 (CU) | ISO GL (MR) Commercial Umbrella Rule Revisions for HB 2093 Endorsements | 9212532994 | 116959 | 2/9/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEND1 (CU) | ISO GL (EN) New Commercial Umbrella Endorsement in response to HB 2093 | 9212532989 | 116954 | 1/18/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEND1 (FB) | ISO GL (EN) New Endorsement for Farm Umbrella Liability Policy in Response to HB 2093 | 9212532991 | 116956 | 1/18/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEND1 (GL) | ISO GL (EN) Revised Endorsements in response to HB 2093 | 9212532993 | 116958 | 1/18/12 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (GL) | ISO GL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice | 9212532035 | 116434 | 10/25/11 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (CU) | ISO GL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Commercial Umbrella) | 9212532030 | 116429 | 10/25/11 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2011-8R | AAIS GL (MR) Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212525905 | 113042 | 5/24/11 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2011-8F | AAIS GL (EN) Pollution Exclusion Amendment | 9212525860 | 113020 | 5/24/11 | |
AAIS | General Liability | PF | AAIS-2010-94F | AAIS GL New/Revised PF/EN Commercial Umbrella Program | 9212524654 | 112342 | 5/10/11 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2011-9CLR | AAIS GL Revised Manual Rules for Employee Benefit Liability for Commercial Liability Program | 9212524651 | 112339 | 4/13/11 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2011-9CLF | AAIS GL Revised Endorsements for Employee Benefit Liability for Commercial Liability Program | 9212524650 | 112338 | 4/20/11 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR RT | CU-2010-ORS10 CU-2010-ORS10 | ISO GL Division Six - Revision of Rule 26 | 9212521530 | 110562 | 12/16/10 (MR) 12/16/10 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | MR RT | GL-2010-OCT10 GL-2010-OCT10 | ISO GL Partial Revision of GL Classification Tables | 9212521529 | 110561 | 12/15/10 (MR) 12/1610 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | PF | BM-2010-OGBFO | ISO GL B&M - (PF)-Revised Equipment Breakdown-Green Upgrades | 921250360 | 109945 | 10/21/10 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR RT | BM-2010-OGBRU BM-2010-OGBRU | ISO GL B&M-Manual Rules-Revised Equipment Breakdown-Green Upgrades | 9212520391 | 109964 | 10/21/10 (MR) 11/4/10 (RT) | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR RT | AAIS-2010-55R AAIS-2010-55R | AAIS GL Revised Manual Rules for Commercial Liability Program | 9212517878 | 108615 | 9/16/10 (MR) 9/16/10 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | EN | CL-2010-OLAU1 | ISO Boiler & Machinery (Equipment Breakdown) Revised Texas Changes EB 01 34 01 11 | 9212518820 | 109118 | 8/10/10 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | GL-2010-ORU1 | ISO GL Texas Rules Revision to Remove Reference to Texas Changes-Defense Costs Endorsement | 9212514909 | 106932 | 3/3/10 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2010-4 | AAIS Umbrella Telephone Consumer Protection Act New Mandatory Endorsement | 9212513284 | 106100 | 2/23/10 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2010-3F | AAIS GL Telephone Consumer Protection Act New Mandatory Endorsements & Withdrawn Optional Endorsement | 9212513526 | 106211 | 2/9/10 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2010-2R | AAIS GL TX Telephone Consumer Protection Act State Specific Manual Rule | 9212513720 | 106314 | 2/10/10 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2010-3R | AAIS GL CW Telephone Consumer Protection Act Optional Rule Withdrawn | 9212513527 | 106212 | 2/8/10 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR RT | AAIS-1009-1R AAIS-1009-1R | AAIS GL Agricultural General Liability Program - Initial Rules & Supplemental Rating Information | 9212505970 | 102171 | 2/2/10 (MR) 2/2/10 (RT) | |
AAIS | General Liability | PF | AAIS-2009-1F | AAIS GL Agricultural General Liability Program | 9212505971 | 102172 | 2/2/10 | |
ISO | General Liability | MR | GL-2009-OCT1 | Revision of Commercial Lines Classification Table for General Liability | 9212509928 | 104298 | 11/2/09 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN MR RT | BM-2009-OEBFO BM-2009-OEBRU BM-2009-OEBRU | ISO Equipment Breakdown Protection Program | 9212510498 | 104605 | 10/21/09 (EN) 10/13/09 (MR) 12/2/09 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | PF MR RT | FR-2009-OFR09 FR-2009-RRU09 FR-2009-RRU09 | ISO Farm Excess Terrorism Endorsements | 9212509662 | 104164 | 9/22/09 (PF) 9/21/09 (MR) 10/26/09 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | PF MR RT | FR-2009-OFR09 FR-2009-RRU09 FR-2009-RRU09 | ISO Farm Umbrella Terrorism Endorsements | 9212509661 | 104163 | 9/22/09 (PF) 9/21/09 (MR) 10/26/09 (RT) | |
ISO | General Liability | EN MR | GL 2008-OFR08 GL 2008-ORU08 | ISO GL Multistate Endorsements Introduced and Revised | 9212499219 | 98812 | 8/11/09 (EN) 8/11/09 (MR) | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2008-68F | AAIS GL Snow and Ice Removal Operations Endt (GL 0705 11 08) | 9212502375 | 100333 | 6/16/09 | |
AAIS | General Liability | MR | AAIS-2008-68R | AAIS GL Class Codes and Texas Exception Pages | 9212502376 | 100334 | 6/2/09 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2009-9CL | AAIS GL Amendatory Endts TX CL 0273, GL 0426 (01 09) | 9212503339 | 100811 | 2/17/09 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2009-9FUP | AAIS Comml Farm Umbrella Amendatory Endt TX UM 0485 01 09 | 9212503257 | 100781 | 2/17/09 | |
AAIS | General Liability | EN | AAIS-2009-9CUP | AAIS Comml Umbrella Amendatory Endt UM 0696 01 09 | 9212503256 | 100780 | 2/10/09 | |
ISO | General Liability | EN MR | CU 2008-OFR08 CU 2008-ORU08 | ISO Comml Excess Liability Coverage Endt CX 04 01 09 08 | 9212500083 | 99201 | 1/20/09 (EN) 1/14/09 (MR) | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | EN | AAIS-2022-17PANF | AAIS (EN) Amendatory Endorsement (non-standard auto program) | AMAX-133228513 | S701326 | 05/04/23 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | EN | AAIS-2022-17PAUF | AAIS (EN) Amendatory Endorsement (standard auto program) | AMAX-133228419 | S701327 | 05/04/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2020-OEND1 | ISO (EN) Personal Auto Revised Named Non-Owner Coverage Endorsement | ISOF-132605085 | S685627 | 03/10/21 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | PF | AAIS-2018-29F | AAIS (PF) Choice Personal Automobile Program (non-standard) | AMAX-131794314 | S663416 | 11/10/20 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2015-OSPTN | ISO (EN) Revised Amendment, UM/UIM, and PIP forms for Special Personal Auto Policy (SPAP) | ISOF-130441488 | S620072 | 11/10/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | EN | AAIS-2020-19PAUF-1 | AAIS (EN) Personal Auto Revised COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132509763 | S682798 | 9/13/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | EN | AAIS-2020-19PAUF | AAIS PA (EN) Personal Auto New COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132409520 | S680068 | 6/15/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | EN | AAIS-2019-57F | AAIS PA (EN) Personal Auto Program Revised Amendatory Endorsement PENDING REVIEWER Action | AMAX-132162974 | S673388 | 12/18/19 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2019-OAPP1 | ISO PA (EN) Personal Auto Program – Revised Amendment to Policy Provisions | ISOF-132076865 | S671034 | 12/6/19 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2015-OTNFR |
ISO PA (EN) Personal Auto Program – Revised forms and new TNC endorsements (A reference of this filing should WITHDRAW Form PP 01 50 01 20 and reference PP 01 50 10 19 in TDI # S671034) |
ISOF-130440614 | S620069 | 4/24/19 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | PF | AAIS-2016-43F | AAIS PA (PF) Personal Auto Program | AMAX-130731121 | S635257 | 10/30/18 | |
MSO | Personal Auto | MR | MSO 42-17-03 | MSO PA (MR) Personal Auto - Texas Driver Background Rating Plan | MUOF-131144597 | S644330 | 9/12/17 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | MT-2013-OMTFR | ISO PA (EN) Personal Auto - Motorcycle Program (Initial filing), forms and endorsements | ISOF-129849541 | S13959 | 6/30/15 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR | MT-2013-RMTRU | ISO PA (MR) Motorcycle Program | ISOF-129849582 | S13960 | 2/9/15 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2013-OSPA1 | ISO PA (EN) Newly Acquired Vehicles | 9212556759 | 129152 | 3/18/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2013-OAPP1 | ISO PA (EN) Newly Acquired Vehicles | 9212556757 | 129150 | 3/18/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2013-ONNC1 | ISO PA (EN) HB 949 Revision for Non-Owner Miscellaneous Vehicle, and Joint Ownership | 9212556758 | 129151 | 12/3/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2012-OPVS1 | PP 2316 10 13, Personal Vehicle Sharing Exclusion Endorsement | 9212548088 | 124804 | 2/5/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2012-OAPP1 | PP 01 50 06 13, Amendment of Policy Provisions-Texas | 9212546690 | 124091 | 11/20/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2012-OSPA2 | PP 92 50 06 13, Special Personal Auto Policy Termination Provisions-Texas | 9212546689 | 124090 | 11/20/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR | PP-2012-RRU1 | Revision of Texas UM/UIM Coverage Rules | 9212544251 | 122880 | 9/18/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2012-OSPA1 | Revision of SPAP UM/UIM Endorsements (2013) | 9212544252 | 122881 | 9/18/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2012-OUM1 | Revision to Texas UM/UIM Endorsements (2013) | 9212544250 | 122879 | 9/18/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2011-OSPA1 | Personal Auto Endorsements, PP 84 56 04 12, PP 94 10 04 12, PP 94 27 04 12 (Special Personal Auto Policy) REVISED See TDI Link 122881 | 9212532134 | 116501 | 11/22/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2011-OUM1 | Personal Auto Endorsements, PP 14 10 04 12, PP 14 25 04 12, PP 14 27 04 12 (UM/IUM Endorsements) REVISED See TDI Link 122879 | 9212532135 | 116502 | 11/22/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR RT | PP-2011-ORU1 | ISO UM/UIM Coverage & Liability Increased Limits REVISED See TDI Link 122880 | 9212532136 | 116503 | 10/25/11 (MR) 12/22/11 (R) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN MR RT | PP-2010-OLSVF PP-2010-RLSVR PP-2010-RLSVR | Personal Auto Endorsement, PP 13 16 04 11, Low Speed Vehicle Endorsement | 9212518604 | 109014 | 8/3/10 (EN) 8/3/10 (MR) 8/3/10 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2010-OEND1 |
Revisions to Amendatory, PIP, UM Endorsements (2011) REVISED See TDI Link S620069 or S620072 |
9212517395 | 108236 | 7/20/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP-2010-OSPA1 | Amendment to PP 91-50, Special PAP Amendment to Policy Provisions-Texas | 9212517394 | 108235 | 6/23/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR | PP-2010-RRU1 | Revision to UM/UIM Coverage Rule - 2001 Minimum Limits | 9212517676 | 108403 | 6/15/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR RT | PP 2008-R08MY | Texas Personal Auto Rules / 2008 Vehicle Series Rating | 9212499215 | 98810 | 11/5/08 (MR) 11/5/08 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | PF | PP 2007-OSPAP | Special Personal Auto Policy (SPAP), PP 90 01 07 06 and 6 endorsements | 9212482980 | 90378 | 10/29/08 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN MR RT | PP 2008-OCEFO PP 2008-RCERU PP 2008-RCERU | Personal Auto Endorsements, PP 13 06 01 09, Custom Equipment Exclusion; PP 03 18 01 09, Excess Custom Equipment Coverage | 9212492909 | 95602 | 5/6/08 (EN) 5/6/08 (MR) 5/6/08 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP 2007-OPIP1 | Personal Auto Endorsements, PP 05 98 04 08, Personal Injury Protection; PP 13 66 01 08, Named Driver Exclusion | 9212483561 | 90693 | 11/28/07 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP 2007-OAPP1 | Personal Auto Endorsement, PP 01 50 04 08, Amendment of Policy Provisions - Texas | 9212484367 | 91139 | 9/12/07 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR |
Rating Example Appendix to the PA |
Texas Personal Auto Rating Example Appendix | 9212475976 | 86711 | 11/6/06 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | PF MR RT | PP 2005-OFR03 PP 2005-RRU03 PP 2005-RLC03 | Personal Auto Policy Form, PP 00 01 01 05, and 16 endorsements | 9212465764 | 81696 | 12/14/05 (PF) 12/14/05 (MR) 12/17/05 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR | PP 2005-OUM1 | Texas Personal Automobile Rules | 9212463507 | 80503 | 8/4/05 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR RT | PP 2003-RLP1 PP 2003-RLP1 | Personal Automobile Liability & PIP/Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan | 9212463661 | 80587 |
8/3/05 (MR) 8/3/05 (RT) |
ISO | Personal Auto | EN | PP 2004-OAPP1 | PP 01 50 04 05 REVISED "Amendment of Policy Provisions-Texas" | 9212455665 | 76760 | 12/15/04 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | MR RT | PP 2004-RPVM1 PP 2004-RPVM1 | Personal Automobile Rules and Loss Costs | 9212453776 | 75887 | 10/29/04 (MR) 2/9/05 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Auto | PF | PP 2003-OEND1 | Personal Automobile Policy Form, PP 00 01 06 98, and 29 endorsements | 9212444599 | 71607 | 9/10/04 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2020-19PUPF-1 | AAIS, (EN) Personal Umbrella Revised COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132509691 | S682810 | 9/13/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2020-19FUPPF-1 | AAIS, (EN) Personal Umbrella Revised COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132510457 | S682792 | 9/13/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2020-19PUPF | AAIS (EN), Personal Umbrella New COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132409561 | S680067 | 6/15/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2020-19FUPPF | AAIS (EN), Personal Umbrella New COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132409007 | S680055 | 6/15/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2017-1PF | AAIS (EN), Farm Umbrella Program | AMAX-131269213 | S648342 | 8/29/18 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2018-25DPF | AAIS (EN), Dwelling Property Program - Texas Amendatory Exclusion Endorsement | AMAX-131410817 | S652418 | 8/1/18 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2018-25HOF | AAIS (EN), Homeowners Program - Texas Amendatory and Pollution Liability Exclusion Endorsements | AMAX-131411120 | S652417 | 8/1/18 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL-2017-ODHFR | ISO (EN), Personal Umbrella Program - Homeshare and Unmanned Aircraft Exclusions Endorsements | ISOF-131369793 | S651189 | 7/24/18 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL-2015-OTNFR | ISO (EN), Personal Umbrella Liability Policy - Texas Amendatory Endorsement | ISOF-130441837 | S620078 | 6/7/18 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL-2014-OUPFR | ISO (EN), Personal Umbrella Liability Endorsements | ISOF-129994810 | S18476 | 6/16/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | MR | DL-2014-RUPRU | ISO (MR), Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Program | ISOF-129996002 | S18475 | 6/23/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL-2013-OFR13 | ISO (EN), Personal Liability Program | ISOF-129997655 | S18550 | 5/27/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | MR | DL-2013-RRU13 | ISO (MR), Manual Rule, Personal Liability | ISOF-129998822 | S18548 | 5/27/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | MR | TRIA2015 DL-2015-OTEMU | ISO (MR), Personal Liability, TRIA 2015 Revised Rules | ISOF-129895280 | S15874 | 4/2/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | TRIA2015 DL-2015-OTEFO | ISO (EN) Personal Liability, TRIA 2015 Revised Forms, Cap on Losses | ISOF-129891998 | S15873 | 4/2/15 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2013-79F | AAIS UM (EN) TX Amendatory | 9212561981 | 131936 | 3/11/14 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2013-54PUPF | Amendatory Endorsement Texas | 9212557146 | 129359 | 9/10/13 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL-2011-O02FR | Personal Liability Supplement, Dwelling Program (2002) - Endorsements | 9212534878 | 117984 | 7/17/12 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | PF | AAIS-2011-23F | Form/Endorsement Revisions - Personal Umbrella | 9212533585 | 117287 | 5/29/12 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | MR RT | DL-2011-R02RU | Manual Revisions, Personal Liability Supplement, Dwelling Policy | 9212534879 | 117985 | 12/8/11 (MR) 12/13/11 (RT) | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2009-9FUP-1 | UM 0486 01 09, Amendatory Endorsement-Texas - Farm Liability | 9212503711 | 101015 | 3/11/09 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | AAIS-2009-9PUP | UM 0495 01 09, Amendatory Endorsement-Texas - Personal Umbrella | 9212503258 | 100782 | 3/11/09 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | MR | DL 2008-OLTR1 | Revision to State Specific Additional Rules, Terrorism, Federal Backstop | 9212489192 | 93718 | 3/12/08 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL 2008-OTRL1 | Personal Liability Dwelling, Terrorism Conditional Exclusion Endorsements | 9212489191 | 93717 | 3/12/08 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN MR RT | DL 2007-OEND1 DL 2007-OEND2 DL 2007-RLA1 | Personal Liability, DL 24 16 12 02, etc. - Home Day Care | 9212482775 | 90276 | 8/30/07 (EN) 8/23/07 (MR) 9/14/07 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | PF MR RT | DL 2006-OUPFR DL 2006-OUPRU DL 2006-OUPRU | Personal Umbrella Program - 23 New and Revised Forms and Endorsements | 9212480998 | 89360 | 8/14/07 (PF) 8/14/07 (MR) 9/17//07 (RT) | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN MR | DL 2006-ONDE1 DL 2006-ONDE2 | Personal Umbrella Liability Policy, Named Driver Exclusion Endorsement | 9212477480 | 87489 | 1/10/07 (EN) 1/10/07 (MR) | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN MR | DL 2006-OTRFR DL 2006-OTRRU | DL 24 87 08 06, DL 24 89 08 06 - Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism | 9212469250 | 83332 | 3/14/06 (EN) 3/14/06 (MR) | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | EN | DL 2005-OSPE1 | DL 01 42 06 06 - Special Provisions-Texas Endorsement | 9212465810 | 81719 | 11/16/05 | |
AAIS | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | PF | AAIS-2005-61 | Personal Umbrella Program - 1 policy form, 16 endorsements, 1 declarations page and 1 schedule | 9212462469 | 79985 | 8/2/05 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | PF-2016-OMIFO | ISO PL (PF) Professional Liability Program | ISOF-131065384 | S641829 | 2/27/18 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | PF-2013-OIAFO | ISO PL (PF) Insurance Agents E&O Professional Liability New Policy & Endorsement | ISOF-130530050 | S623126 | 10/4/16 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2013-OCAN1 | ISO PL (EN) Texas Changes - 28TAC5.7002 Cancellations | 9212549720 | 125657 | 3/13/13 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | PR-2012-OCH1 | ISO PL (EN) Medical Professional Liability | 9212541239 | 121365 | 6/20/12 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (MP) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Management Protection) | 9212532037 | 116436 | 11/1/11 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (PR) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Medical Professional) | 9212532036 | 116435 | 11/1/11 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | MR | EP-2011-ORU1 | ISO PL (MR) Revise Employment Related Practices- Remove IL 01 68 | 9212532025 | 116424 | 10/25/11 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | EN | CL-2011-OEN1 (EP) | ISO PL (EN) Settlement of Liability Claims Notice (Employment Practices) | 9212532031 | 116430 | 10/25/11 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | PF | EP 2008-OFR08 EP 2008-OEPRU | ISO Employment-Related Practices Liability Revision | 9212502888 | 100603 | 9/16/09 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | MR | EP 2008-OFR08 EP 2008-OEPRU | ISO Employment-Related Practices Liability Revision | 9212502888 | 100603 | 4/1/09 | |
MAPP | Residential Property | PF | TX2021F QUICK FLOOD | Milliman Appleseed, LLC, HO (PF) Homeowners – Residential Flood, Personal Inland Flood Policy | MAPP-132972377 | S695369 | 1/21/22 | |
MAPP | Residential Property | PF | TX2021F | Milliman Appleseed, LLC, HO (PF) Homeowners – Residential Flood, Personal Inland Flood Policy | MAPP-132860979 | S692594 | 8/24/21 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2020-OULEF | ISO, HO (EN) Utility Line Expense Coverage - Texas | ISOF-132649278 | S686834 | 1/17/21 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19DPF | AAIS HO (EN) Dwelling Properties New COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132408889 | S680069 | 6/15/20 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2020-19HOF | AAIS HO (EN) Homeowners New COVID19C - CANCELLATION SUSPENSION | AMAX-132409363 | S680073 | 6/15/20 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | FD-2019-OFR19 | ISO Revision of Residential Flood Conforming Condition Endorsement | OISOF-131914238 | S666232 | 9/3/19 | |
ISO | Residential Property | PF | FD-2017-OFR17 | ISO Stand-alone Flood Policy and Endorsements | ISOF-131645431 | S658993 | 3/5/19 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | ISOF-130668092 | Homeshare and Unmanned Aircraft Forms | HO-2016-ODHFR | S629389 | 12/19/17 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2014-15HOF | AAIS Homeowners Endorsements | AMAX-129485686 | S2109 | 5/3/16 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2016-19HOC | AAIS Homeowners Manual Rules | AMAX-130527599 | S623032 | 4/28/16 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2016-19HOBP | AAIS Homeowners Manual Rules | AMAX-130527569 | S623033 | 4/28/16 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | HO-2015-RRPRU | ISO Homeowners Program & Mobilehome Supplement to Homeowners Policy Program | ISOF-130029879 | S19856 | 6/23/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2015-ORPFR |
ISO Homeowners Residence Definition Endorsement When referencing this filing, please use the full state tracking number, S19587. The state tracking number in ISO's circular for this filing does not include the "S". |
ISOF-130029525 |
S19857 |
5/20/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | DP-2013-RRU13 | ISO Dwelling Manual Rules | ISOF-129999063 | S18616 | 5/26/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | PF | DP-2013-OFR13 | ISO Dwelling Policy Forms & Endorsements | ISOF-129999025 | S18615 | 5/20/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | TRIA2015 DP-2015-OTEMU | ISO Dwelling, TRIA2015 Manual Rules | ISOF-129895180 | S16018 | 4/28/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | TRIA2015 DP-2015-OTEFO | ISO Dwelling, TRIA2015 Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism | ISOF-129892092 | S16017 | 4/28/15 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2015-3F | AAIS Dwelling, TRIA2015 Terrorism Forms, Cert. Loss Form & Policyholder Disclosure Notice Form | AMAX-129889453 | S15100 | 4/2/15 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | DP-2014-REQRU | ISO Dwelling Manual Rules Earthquake Rule | ISOF-129744850 | S10583 | 10/10/14 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | DP-2014-OWBS2 | ISO Dwelling Policy Program Manual | ISOF-129617676 | S6115 | 7/11/14 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | DP-2014-OWBS1 | ISO Ltd Water Back-Up Sump DSC | ISOF-129617677 | S6114 | 7/22/14 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2013-54HOF | Homeowner Amendatory Endorsement Texas | 9212557145 | 129358 | 9/10/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2013-54DPF | Dwelling Amendatory Endorsement Texas | 9212557142 | 129355 | 9/10/13 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2013-OFR13 | Green Upgrades, Mechanical Breakdown, Limited Water Backup, Sump Discharge, or Overflow Coverage | 9212555546 | 128567 | 7/23/13 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | DP-2013-OSPE1 | Special Provisions TX SB 698 Refund Unearned Premium Changes | 9212555642 | 128627 | 7/23/13 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2013-OSPE1 | Special Provisions TX SB 698 Refund Unearned Premium Changes | 9212555643 | 128628 | 7/23/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2013-44HOF | Homeowners Amendatory Endorsement Texas to Comply with SB 698 | 9212554981 | 128285 | 7/11/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2013-44DPF | Dwelling Amendatory Endorsement Texas to Comply with SB 698 | 9212554978 | 128282 | 7/11/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2013-5HOBPR | Manual Rule Revisions - 8.14 and 8.15 - Homeowner Program | 9212550635 | 126129 | 3/8/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2013-5HOCR | Manual Rule Revisions - 6.14 and 6.15 - Homeowner Program | 9212550634 | 126128 | 3/8/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2013-5HOF | Cosmetic Damage/Roof Surfacing Endorsements - Homeowner Program | 9212550633 | 126127 | 3/13/13 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2012-53R | Various Manual Revisions - Homeowner Program | 9212546044 | 123782 | 12/12/12 (MR) 12/19/12 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2010-90R | Initial Rules/Rates for By-Peril Alternative Rating Plan - Homeowner Program | 9212540548 | 121003 | 7/3/12 (MR) 7/23/12 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2010-90LC | Various Manual Revisions - Homeowner Program | 9212540549 | 121004 | 7/3/12 (MR) 7/23/12 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2012-37R | Various Manual Revisions (Rev. 06 12) - Homeowner Program | 9212541454 | 121487 | 7/3/12 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2012-OSPE1 | HO 01 42 05 12, Revised Special Provisions - Texas | 9212541827 | 121657 | 7/3/12 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2012-36F | HO 1503 06 12, Windstorm or Hail Exclusion (Except Coverage D) - Homeowner Program | 9212541194 | 121344 | 6/26/12 | |
ISO | Residential Property | PF MR RT | HO-2010-OFR10 HO-2010-RRU10 HO-2010-RLC10 | 2011 Homeowners Multi-State Forms Revisions | 9212522515 | 111092 | 5/17/12 (PF) 5/17/12 (MR) 5/17/12 (RT) | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO-2011-OSAU1 | HO 01 42 03 12, Special Provision TX HO Program (HB3, TIC 2301.010) | 9212531982 | 116404 | 1/24/12 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | DP-2011-OSAU1 | DP 01 42 03 12, Special Provisions Texas Dwelling Program (HB3, TIC 2301.010) | 9212531981 | 116403 | 1/24/12 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2012-3HOF | HO 0842 01 12, Amendatory Endorsement - Texas Homeowners Program | 9212536068 | 118666 | 1/18/12 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2012-3DPF | FL 0263 01 12, Amendatory Endorsement - Texas, Dwelling | 9212536066 | 118664 | 1/18/12 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2011-48R-1 | Manual Revisions, Pages K1 & K2, Canine Exclusion - Homeowners Program | 9212533962 | 117485 | 11/10/11 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2011-48R | Manual Revisions - Homeowners Program | 9212532108 | 116481 | 10/25/11 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2011-48F | Various Endorsements including Canine Exclusion - Homeowners Program | 9212532106 | 116479 | 10/25/11 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2010-75 | FL 0440 11 10, Revised Water Exclusion Endorsement - Dwelling | 9212520243 | 109872 | 10/12/10 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2009-21R | Homeowners - Earthquake Supplement & Rating Factors | 9212514157 | 106528 | 3/29/10 (MR) 4/20/10 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2009-21F | HO 2754 04 09, Earthquake Coverage | 9212514156 | 106527 | 2/23/10 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2009-51R-1 | Homeowners - Equipment Breakdown Coverage - Manual Supplement | 9212513009 | 105933 | 1/22/10 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | PF | AAIS-2008-45 | 2009 Homeowners Program - 7 Policy Forms & 87 Endorsements | 9212504897 | 101664 | 12/30/09 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR RT | DP-2009-OBGS1 | Introduction of Dwelling Building Codes | 9212510012 | 104352 | 10/22/09 (MR) 10/22/09 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2008-51R | 2009 Homeowners Program - Manual Rules | 9212505356 | 101889 | 9/21/09 (MR) 6/15/09 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2008-51LC | Homeowners - 2009 Rating Rules | 9212505355 | 101888 | 6/16/09 (MR) 6/15/09 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2009-9 | ML 0485 01 09, Amendatory Endorsement - Texas Homeowner Program | 9212503227 | 100770 | 3/17/09 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2009-9DP | Dwelling Endorsements - Water Exclusion, Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow & Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | 9212503486 | 100889 | 3/17/09 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN MR | HO 2008-OFRWE HO 2008-OHPRU | Homeowners - Water Exclusion, Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow - Texas | 9212495814 | 97113 | 8/19/08 (EN) 8/19/08 (MR) | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN MR | DP 2008-OWEFR DP 2008-ODPRU | Dwelling - Water Exclusion, Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow | 9212495815 | 97114 | 8/19/08 (EN) 8/19/08 (MR) | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR RT | DP 2008-R02RU DP 2008-RLA1 | Introduction of Dwelling Policy Program (2002) | 9212493269 | 95794 | 5/13/08 (MR) 7/16/08 (RT) | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN MR | DP 2008-OTRP1 DP 2008-RTRP1 | Dwelling Endorsements - Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism | 9212489193 | 93719 | 3/12/08 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2008-4DPF | Dwelling - FL 0670 01 08, FL 1045 01 08, Terrorism Endorsements | 9212488701 | 93462 | 2/27/08 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN MR | HO 2007-OIFE1 HO 2007-OIFE2 | Homeowner Endorsement, HO 42 97 04 08, Identity Fraud Expense - Texas | 9212484392 | 91147 | 9/21/07 (EN) 9/21/07 (MR) | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | HO 2007-OTER1 | Homeowner Territories Revision - HO-2005-R00RU | 9212482993 | 90388 | 7/31/07 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2006-23DP | FL 0670 06 06 - Certified Terrorism Loss (TRIA) | 9212472147 | 84786 | 6/27/06 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN MR | DP 2006-OTRFR DP 2006-OTRRU | DP-E Dwelling Policy Program Manual Exception Pages; DP 05 37 08 06 and DP 05 38 08 06 - Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism | 9212469583 | 83489 | 3/29/06 (EN) 3/29/06 (MR) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR RT | AAIS-2005-89R AAIS-2005-89LC | 2005 Homeowners Program Manual Rules | 9212468812 | 83136 | 3/3/06 (MR) 4/11/06 (RT) | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2005-63 | ML 0485 04 05 - Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | 9212462664 | 80063 | 6/28/05 WITHDRAWN | |
AAIS | Residential Property | PF EN | AAIS-2004-55 AAIS-2004-55 | Dwelling Properties Program - 3 new policy forms: FL-1 Basic Form, FL-2 Broad Form, FL-3 Special Form and 36 endorsements | 9212451449 | 74863 | 4/19/05 (PF) 4/19/05 (EN) | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | HO 2005-R00RU HO 2005-RLA1 | HO-2005-R00RU - Texas Homeowners Rules Filing | 9212460232 | 78885 | 4/8/05 | |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO 2005-R00RU HO 2005-RLA1 | HO-2005-R00RU - Texas Homeowners Rules Filing | 9212460232 | 78885 | 7/19/06 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | MR | AAIS-2004-90R AAIS-2004-90LC | Homeowners Initial Manual (Rev. 1.0) | 9212457759 | 77723 | 1/10/05 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2004-90R AAIS-2004-90LC | Homeowners Initial Manual (Rev. 1.0) | 9212457759 | 77723 | 5/24/05 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO 2004-OSPP1 | HO 23 03 06 05 - Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement - Texas | 9212452134 | 75171 | 9/30/04 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | DP 2003-OTRFR DP 2003-OTRRU | Dwelling - DP 05 37 11 03, DP 05 38 11 03 - Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism | 9212443990 | 71311 | 8/12/04 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | DP 2003-OTRFR DP 2003-OTRRU | Dwelling - DP 05 37 11 03, DP 05 38 11 03 - Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism | 9212443990 | 71311 | 8/6/04 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2004-47 | ML 0485 03 04 - Amendatory Endorsement - Texas | 9212449932 | 74186 | 7/8/04 | |
ISO | Residential Property | PF | DP 2003-OEND1 | 3 new policy forms: Dwelling Property 1-Basic Form, Dwelling Property 2-Broad form and Dwelling Property 3-Special Form and 42 endorsements | 9212442827 | 70659 | 3/17/04 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | CF 2003-OBGS1 | Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (Dwelling) | 9212440357 | 69434 | 1/26/04 | |
ISO | Residential Property | MR | CF 2003-OBGS1 | Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (Homeowners) | 9212440356 | 69433 | 1/26/04 | |
ICT | Residential Property | EN | ICT HO-160A - Scheduled Personal Property | 9212443627 | 71096 | 12/8/03 | ||
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO 2003-OSPE1 | 7 endorsements for use with Homeowners Program | 9212442623 | 70554 | 11/14/03 | |
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Condominium Form C | 9212442084 | 70283 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Condominium Form B | 9212442082 | 70281 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Tenant Form C | 9212442081 | 70280 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Tenant Form B | 9212442080 | 70279 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Form C | 9212442078 | 70277 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Form B | 9212442077 | 70276 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | PF | 2003 ICT-Homeowners Form A | 9212442076 | 70275 | 10/2/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | EN | HO-712 - Cancellation | 9212441599 | 70020 | 9/5/03 | ||
ICT | Residential Property | EN | HO-712 - Cancellation | 9212441116 | 69788 | 8/21/03-AP 8/26/03-CW | ||
AAIS | Residential Property | EN | AAIS-2002-66 | ML 0686 07 03 - Identity Fraud Expense Coverage | 9212439998 | 69284 | 8/14/03 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO 2003-OEND1 | HO 01 42 06 03 - Special Provisions - Texas | 9212436893 | 67882 | 4/17/03 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | PF | AAIS-97-30F | Introduction of Countrywide Homeowners Program, Policies & Endorsements | 9212418907 | 59350 | 2/26/03 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO 2002-OIF02 | HO 04 55 03 03 - Identity Fraud Expense Coverage | 9212432106 | 65671 | 11/22/02 | |
ISO | Residential Property | EN | HO 2002-OWD1 | HO 04 34 06 02, HO 04 83 06 02 - Water Damage Coverage | 9212431290 | 65218 | 10/10/02 | |
ISO | Residential Property | PF | HO 2003-OEND1 | ISO Homeowner 2000 Program-Forms | 9212424956 | 62221 | 8/17/02 | |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2022-RGL22 | Commercial General Liability Experience And Schedule Rating Plan Revision | ISOF-133384162 | S705411 | 11/30/22 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2022-ORU22 |
Multistate Rules Revision Addressing PFAS Exclusion Endorsements |
ISOF-133441987 | S706590 | 11/28/22 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2022-BGL1 | General Liability Basic Limit Loss Cost Level Revision for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes | ISOF-133402644 | S705721 | 11/7/22 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2021-RAMRU | Multistate rules revision addressing abuse or molestation liability | ISOF-133357017 | S704594 | 10/19/22 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2021-RRSRU | General Liability Optional Size of Risk Rating Supplement Rules Introduced | ISOF-132907565 | S696088 | 1/5/22 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2021-RRSLC | General Liability Optional Size of Risk Rating Supplement Loss Costs Introduced | ISOF-132907621 | S696087 | 1/5/22 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2021-BGL1 | General Liability Basic Limit Loss Cost Level Revision | ISOF-132934050 | S694236 | 12/13/21 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2021-IALL1 | General Liability Increased Limit Factors Revision | ISOF-132934089 | S694237 | 12/13/21 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2021-RLA1 | Equipment Breakdown Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | ISOF-132928928 | S694230 | 10/6/21 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2020-ORU20 (CU) | 2020 Commercial Liability Umbrella Multistate Rules Revision | ISOF-132607904 | S686457 | 4/1/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2020-ORU20 (CX) | 2020 Commercial Excess Liability Multistate Rules Revision | ISOF-132633641 | S686460 | 4/1/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-RMJRU | Multistate Rules And Related Classification Revision Addressing Cannabis Exposures. | ISOF-132611573 | S686455 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-RELCC | Changes to Division Six – Estimated Loss Potentials (ELPs) Supplement. | ISOF-132607967 | S686453 | 2/8/21 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-RMJLC | Changes to Division Six – General Liability Loss Cost Pages. | ISOF-132608007 | S686452 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2019-ORU1 | General Liability Pollution-Related Rules Revision. | ISOF-132609079 | S685745 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-RELP1 | Revision of General Liability Estimated Loss Potentials | ISOF-132575653 | S684830 | 2/8/21 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2020-26CLR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26CLR. | AMAX-132668963 | S687679 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2020-26AGGLR | Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/AAIS-2020-26AGGLR. | AMAX-132669678 | S687675 | 2/2/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2020-RCYRU | Multistate Rule Introduced To Accommodate New Cyber Incident Exclusion Endorsement. | ISOF-132616580 | S686026 | 1/25/21 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (GL) | Revises Texas exception Rule 36. Description Of Additional Optional Endorsements and Rule 48. Products/Completed Operations Liability Coverage (Subline Code 336) along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsements CG 21 32 and CG 33 76 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552566 | S683997 | 10/12/20 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (CU) | Revises Texas exception Rule 25. Description Of Additional Optional Endorsements along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement CU 21 58 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552484 | S683995 | 10/12/20 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CL-2020-OEND2 (CX) | Revises Texas exception Rule 53. Description Of Additional Optional Endorsements along with the introduction of multistate communicable disease exclusion endorsement CX 21 17 in companion forms filing CL-2020-OEND1. | ISOF-132552455 | S683996 | 10/12/20 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-BGL1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-132466490 | S681530 | 10/8/20 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2020-IALL1 | Revises increased limit factors for all Premises/Operations Liability classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-132466495 | S681531 | 8/28/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (FE) | Farm Excess Liability - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462135 | S681389 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTRRU (FB) | Farm Umbrella Liability - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132462118 | S681387 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (CX) | Commercial Excess Liability - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391539 | S679630 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (CU) | Commercial Liability Umbrella - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391536 | S679631 | 7/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (GL) | Commercial General Liability - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391559 | S679628 | 7/20/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | TRIA2019 CL-2020-OTTRU (EB) | Equipment Breakdown - Rules revised in response to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019. | ISOF-132391517 | S679629 | 7/14/20 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2019-RLA1 | Revises multistate advisory prospective loss costs for Property Damage and Business Income & Extra Expense coverages, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-132062376 | S670894 | 12/13/2019 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2018-RRU18 | Revising several multistate rules in Division Six – General Liability of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect, in part, changes made in companion forms filing GL-2018-OFR18. | ISOF-131857626 | S664383 | 12/2/2019 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2018-ORU18 (CU) | Commercial Liability Umbrella and Commercial Excess Liability of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect changes made in companion forms filing CU-2018-OFR18 (Commercial Umbrella). | ISOF-131857462 | S664388 | 10/24/2019 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2018-ORU18 (CX) | Commercial Liability Umbrella and Commercial Excess Liability of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect changes made in companion forms filing CU-2018-OFR18 (Commercial Excess Liability). | ISOF-131857478 | S664386 | 10/24/2019 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2019-IPOP1 | Revises increased limit factors for all Premises/Operations Liability classes, and provides analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-131997995 | S668336 | 10/4/2019 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2019-BGL1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-132001888 | S668392 | 8/15/2019 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2018-RRU18 | Revises several multistate rules in Division Six – General Liability of the Commercial Lines Manual to reflect, in part, changes made in companion forms filing GL-2018-OFR18. | ISOF-131857626 | S664383 | 4/15/19 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2017-ORU17 (CX) | Revises several multistate rules in Division Thirteen - Commercial Liability Umbrella of the Commercial Lines Manual on the usage of new and revised endorsements filed under CU-2017-OFR17; and incorporates editorial revisions. | ISOF-131803867 | S663143 | 3/21/19 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CU-2017-ORU17 (CU) | Revises several multistate rules in Division Thirteen - Commercial Liability Umbrella of the Commercial Lines Manual on the usage of new and revised endorsements filed under CU-2017-OFR17; and incorporates editorial revisions. | ISOF-131803877 | S663142 | 3/21/19 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2018-BGL1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131571911 | S656819 | 8/28/18 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2018-IALL1 | Revises increased limit factors for all Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-131604029 | S657644 | 8/28/18 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2018-RGL18 | Revising the Commercial General Liability Experience and Schedule Rating Plan to update the Advisory Detrend Factors table, the Advisory Basic Limits Loss Development Factors (LDF) table, the credibility constant (K), and the Credibility and Maximum Single Loss (C&MSL) tables. | ISOF-131525450 | S655748 | 6/21/18 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | HH-2017-RRU17 | Introduction of Home Healthcare Program - Rules. (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-131318611 | S649805 | 01/04/18 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | HH-2017-RLC17 | Introduction of Advisory Prospective Loss Costs for Home Healthcare Program. (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-131318626 | S649803 | 01/04/18 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2017-RLA1 | This filing revises multistate advisory prospective loss costs for Property Damage and Business Income & Extra Expense coverages. | ISOF-131047325 | S641292 | 07/07/17 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2016-RRP16 | This filing revises the Retrospective Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844999 | S634478 | 01/31/17 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2016-RCP16 | This filing revises the Composite Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844940 | S634476 | 01/31/17 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | FR-2015-RLC15 | Introduces both new and revised loss costs that are being filed in connection with companion filings FR-2015-OFR15 and FR-2015-RRU15. | ISOF-130762146 | S631889 | 01/12/17 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2016-BGL1 | General Liability Loss Cost Revision | ISOF-130706457 | S629516 | 9/15/16 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2016-RELP1 | Revision of General Liability Estimated Loss Potentials | ISOF-130708953 | S629573 | 9/15/16 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2015-BGL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Premises/ Operations and Products/Completed Operations classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130104232 | S22610 | 7/2/15 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2014-RDD14 | This filing revises deductible discount factors, contained in Division Six of the Commercial Lines Manual, for all Premises/ Operations Liability and Products/ Completed Operations Liability classes. | ISOF-129720154 | S9691 | 12/5/14 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2014-IALL1 | This filing revises increased limit factors for all Premises/ Operations and Products/ Completed Operations classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-129691555 | S8780 | 10/20/14 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2014-RGL14 | This filing revises the commercial general liability experience and schedule rating plan. | ISOF-129619440 | S6199 | 9/23/14 | Yes |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2014-BGL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for premises/ operations and products/ completed operations classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129608347 | S5738 | 9/23/14 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2013-83EBLLC | Agricultural General Liability | AMAX-129341492 | 131762 | 4/3/14 | Yes, if previously referenced 130158 |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2013-63EBLLC | TX Rating Information REV 11 13/AAIS-2013-63EPLLC. (Revised Filing Organization Number to AAIS-2013-63EBLLC) | 9212558582 | 130158 | 10/8/13 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2013-BGL1 | General Liability Loss Cost Revision | 9212554265 | 127913 | 8/12/13 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2013-34R | TX Agricultural GL Employee Benefits Liability (EBL) and Employee Practices Liability (EPL) Filings / AAIS-2013-34R | 9212553725 | 127673 | 7/17/13 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2013-34LC | TX Agricultural GL Employee Benefits Liability (EBL) and Employee Practices Liability (EPL) Filings | 9212553724 | 127672 | 5/22/13 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2012-RLA1 | EB-MLC-3 4th Edition 10-13 CLM/CLEMS Revised Loss Costs Pages | 9212549082 | 125331 | 3/8/13 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2012-RCGL1 | Texas Commercial General Liability Experience and Schedule Rating Plan Revised | 9212545987 | 123754 | 1/2/13 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-BGL1 | Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs | 9212541751 | 121617 | 12/19/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-RCTLC | Loss Cost Filing GL-2012-RCTLC Section II Loss Cost Mappings by Class | 9212541072 | 121297 | 12/18/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-ORU12 | GL-2012-ORU 12-Class Table | 9212541071 | 121296 | 12/18/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-OELP1 | GL-2012-OELP1 Section II Countrywide ELP'S Information by Class for New Classifications. | 9212541073 | 121298 | 12/18/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | RP-2012-RCRP1 (GL) | Commercial General Liability - Texas Composite Rating Plan Exceptions Withdrawn | 9212545991 | 123758 | 11/5/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-IALL1 | GL-2012-IALL1 Revised Rating Rules | 9212543781 | 122639 | 9/21/12 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2012-43LC | TX Supplemental Rating Information | 9212543903 | 122702 | 9/21/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2012-RECON | Revised Rules | 9212543243 | 122340 | 9/4/12 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2011-BGL1 | Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs for Premises/Operations (Subline Code 334) and Products/Completed Operations (Subline Code 336) State of Texas | 9212529164 | 114711 | 8/19/11 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2011-9CLLC | Rev 02 11 TX Rating Information-2 AAIS Texas Loss Costs Commercial Liability Program | 9212524653 | 112341 | 4/7/11 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2010-RLA1 | BM-2010-RLA1 Revised Loss Costs | 9212524456 | 112224 | 3/7/11 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2010-OELP1 | General Liability Estimated Loss Potentials (ELPS) Supplement Revised | 9212522018 | 110850 | 12/15/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2010-OCT10 | General Liability Classification Table Revisions | 9212521529 | 110561 | 12/16/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2010-93 | AAIS Commercial Liability Program Rev 01 11 AAIS Countrywide Experience Rating Plan Supplement | 9212522770 | 111247 | 12/3/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2010-OGBRU | Increased Cost Of Loss And Related Expenses For Green Upgrade Manual Pages | 9212520391 | 109964 | 11/4/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2010-BGL1 | General Liability; Revision of Basic Limit Loss Cost for Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations | 9212518046 | 108720 | 11/10/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2010-IALL1 | Revision of Increased Limits Factors for Prem/Ops & Prod/Cops & Prod/Cops - Division Six of the CLM | 9212519376 | 109393 | 10/20/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2010-55LC | Commercial Liability Program; Revised Loss Cost Rating Information | 9212517879 | 108616 | 9/16/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2010-55R | Commercial General Liability Program; Revised Rules and Supplemental Rating Information | 9212517878 | 108615 | 9/16/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CL-2010-ORTC1 (Amendment) | Commercial Umbrella; Referrals To Company Manual Rule Revised | 9212516401 | 107734 | 7/13/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | CL-2010-ORTC1 (Amendment) | General Liability; Referrals To Company Manual Rule Revised | 9212516400 | 107733 | 7/13/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2010-44 | Agricultural General Liability Program | 9212516355 | 107708 | 5/24/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2009-RELP1(A) | Basic Limit Estimated Loss Potentials - Commercial Lines Manual Division Six - General Liability | 9212514908 | 106931 | 3/4/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2009-1LC | Agricultural General Liability Program | 9212505969 | 102170 | 2/12/10 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2009-1R | Agricultural General Liability Program | 9212505970 | 102171 | 2/2/10 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2009-OEBRU | Revised Manual Rule for New Equipment Breakdown; Endorsements Introduced | 9212510498 | 104605 | 12/2/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2009-BGL1 | General Liability; Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs for Premises/Operations (Subline Code 334) and Products/Completed Operations (Subline Code 336) | 9212509420 | 104058 | 11/24/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL-2009-RELP1 | Basic Limit Estimated Loss Potentials - Commercial Lines Manual Division Six - General Liability | 9212508771 | 103760 | 11/6/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | FR-2009-RRU09 | Farm Excess; Revision of Commercial Lines Manual (CLM); Division Four - Farm Rules and Terrorism Supplement to the CLM | 9212509662 | 104164 | 10/26/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | FR-2009-RRU09 | Farm Umbrellas; Revision of Commercial Lines Manual (CLM); Division Four - Farm Rules and Terrorism Supplement to the CLM | 9212509661 | 104163 | 10/26/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | BM-2008-RLA1 | 2008 Revision of Equipment Breakdown (Boiler and Machinery) Loss Costs | 9212502876 | 100594 | 3/31/09 | No |
AAIS | General Liability | RT | AAIS-2008-68LC | Commercial Liability Program | 9212502377 | 100335 | 3/31/09 | No |
ISO | General Liability | RT | GL 2008-IALL1 | General Liability; Revision of Increased Limits Factors for Prem/Ops & Prod/Cops - Division Six of the CLM | 9212497944 | 98174 | 1/27/09 | No |
OCTO | Personal Auto | RT | TX NOLO 1.0 PPA | Introduces Octo's DriveAbility No Location 1.0 Score | OCTO-133166029 | S701040 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (12 2022) | December 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133506809 | S679869 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (12 2022) | December 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133499012 | S5524 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 2022) | December 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133495528 | 116132 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 2022) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (December 2022 Edition) | ISOF-133495060 | 96967 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (11 2022) | November 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133491980 | S679869 | 2/16/23 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (09 2022) | September 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133421696 | 116132 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (09 2022) | September 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133421329 | S5524 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (09 2022) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (September 2022 Edition) | ISOF-133420636 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (09 2022) | September 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133418297 | S679869 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (07 2022) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (July 2022 Edition) | ISOF-133397502 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 2021) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (December 2021 Edition) | ISOF-133397495 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 2022) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (May 2022 Edition) | ISOF-133397481 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (03 2022) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (March 2022 Edition) | ISOF-133397479 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (10 2021) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (October 2021 Edition) | ISOF-133397475 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 2021) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (May 2021 Edition) | ISOF-133397434 | 96967 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (07 2022) | July 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133392096 | 116132 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (07 2022) | July 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133391597 | S5524 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (08 2022) | August 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133365136 | S679869 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (06 2022) | June 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133312746 | S5524 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (06 2022) | June 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133312629 | S679869 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (06 2022) | June 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133312609 | 116132 | 12/8/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (03 2022) | March 2022 Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133195786 | S679869 | 12/8/22 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2021-4R | Revises rules and new supplemental rating information for its Personal Auto program in support of our approved forms and endorsements | AMAX-132895232 | S695476 | 8/22/22 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2021-4LC | Implements Loss Costs for its Personal Auto program | AMAX-132895934 | S695475 | 8/22/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2017-RRU17 | 2018 Personal Vehicle Manual Multistate General Rules Revision | ISOF-132812870 | S691297 | 6/17/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RVDDS | Revision to the Verisk Exchange Scoring Model and Introduction of the Verisk Distracted Driving Score | ISOF-132781731 | S690368 | 4/7/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (03 2022) | March 2022 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133195819 | S5524 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (03 2022) | March 2022 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133195783 | 116132 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (12 2021) | December 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133101058 | S5524 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 2021) | December 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133101051 | 116132 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (12 2021) | December 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133101046 | S679869 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (11 2021) | November 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133070929 | S679869 | 4/5/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2021-RLP1 | 2020 Liability and PIP/Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan Revision | ISOF-132961720 | S695085 | 3/30/22 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (11 2021) | November 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133070893 | S5524 | 1/27/22 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (11 2021) | November 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133070864 | 116132 | 1/27/22 | Yes |
OTMA | Personal Auto | RT | DRV-AUTO-TX-0111M | Introduces Driver Score model | EAPD-132879059 | S693028 | 12/9/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2021-RAVMI | ISO Personal Auto Verified Mileage Rating Rule | ISOF-132976311 | S695513 | 12/9/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (09 2021) | September 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133007325 | 116132 | 11/10/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (09 2021) | September 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-133007339 | S5524 | 11/10/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (09 2021) | September 2021 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-133007379 | S679869 | 11/10/21 | Yes |
ROOT | Personal Auto | RT | RSO-UBI-TX-01 | UBI 4.0 Telematics Score Model | CLIN-132774503 | S693074 | 9/17/21 | |
ARITY | Personal Auto | RT | AR00130: DRIVESIGHT 3.0 | Drivesight 3.0 | ALSE-132766254 | S689979 | 9/9/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2019-RLP1 | 2018 Liability and PIP/Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan Revision (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-132137233 | S672981 | 9/2/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2017-RLC17 | Introduces and revises various loss costs related to the 2018 Personal Automobile Multistate Forms and Rules revisions | ISOF-132812997 | S691298 | 7/23/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (05 2021) | May 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-132864720 | S679869 | 7/12/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (05 2021) | May 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-132861692 | S5524 | 7/12/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (05 2021) | May 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-132861602 | 116132 | 7/12/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RACRE | ISO Personal Auto Credit-Based Insurance Module Rules Filing | ISOF-132721587 | S688717 | 7/9/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (04 2021) | April 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-132806958 | S679869 | 6/7/2021 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (04 2021) | April 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | ISOF-132802334 | S5524 | 5/27/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (04 2021) | April 2021 Update - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update | ISOF-132802300 | 116132 | 5/27/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (03 2021) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (March 2021 Edition) | ISOF-132777620 | 96967 | 5/27/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAVAM | Amendment to the ISO Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Rule | ISOF-132589509 | S685254 | 4/28/21 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (10 2020) | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - December 2020 Update. | ISOF-132664991 | S5524 | 2/9/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 2020) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - December 2020 Update. | ISOF-132665002 | 116132 | 2/9/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (09 20) | PP-2020-RAV20, State Tracking Number S679869 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - December 2020 Update. | ISOF-132664989 | S679869 | 2/9/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (09 2020) | PP-2020-RAV20, State Tracking Number S679869 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - September 2020 Update. | ISOF-132560900 | S679869 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (09 2020) | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - September 2020 Update. | ISOF-132557525 | S5524 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 (12 2020) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - September 2020 Update. | ISOF-132545258 | 116132 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 2020) | Symbol and Identification Manual - Updated Manual Pages (December 2020 Edition). | ISOF-132650737 | 96967 | 2/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (12 2020) | Symbol and Identification Manual - Updated Manual Pages (October 2020 Edition). | ISOF-132547058 | 96967 | 2/5/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RVDDS | Revision to the Verisk Exchange Scoring Model and Introduction of the Verisk Distracted Driving Score. (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-132597919 | S685973 | 1/29/21 | |
OCTO | Personal Auto | RT | TEXAS DA SCORE 3.0 PL | Describe and support Octo’s DriveAbility Score 3.0. DriveAbility is Octo’s usage-based insurance (UBI) program designed specifically to provide a cost-effective way for insurers to go to market rapidly with a UBI product. | OCTO-132035292 | S673894 | 10/5/20 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2018-29R-1 | AAIS non-standard auto program rule re-file to the corresponding forms and endorsements filing AAIS-2018-29F. | AMAX-132382825 | S679332 | 10/8/20 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (07 20) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (July 2020 Edition) - Update to the automobile symbol pages generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2008-R08VS, State Tracking Number 96967. | ISOF-132457259 | 96967 | 8/28/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-BRLA1 | Revises several multistate rules within the Division Five – Fire And Allied Lines section of the commercial lines manual to instruct on the usage of new mandatory endorsements filed under companion forms filing CF-2020-OCYFR. | ISOF-132473336 | S681608 | 8/5/20 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2020-RAV20 | ISO Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Program - Multistate. | ISOF-132397027 | S679869 | 7/20/20 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (05 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols -- May 2020 Update. | ISOF-132403709 | S5524 | 6/24/20 | Yes |
CMT | Personal Auto | RT | 7440 | DriveWell telematics solution | FRCS-132151335 | S675152 | 6/04/20 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (05 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - May 2020 Update. | ISOF-132386658 | 116132 | 6/03/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 20) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (May 2020 Edition). | ISOF-132382712 | 96967 | 6/03/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (03 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - March 2020 Update | ISOF-132314788 | S5524 | 5/13/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (03 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - March 2020 Update. | ISOF-132305134 | 116132 | 5/13/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (03 20) | Personal Auto S&I Manual Pages - March 2020 Update. | ISOF-132295591 | 96967 | 5/13/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (02 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - February 2020 Update. | ISOF-132286981 | S5524 | 5/13/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (02 20) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - February 2020 Update. | ISOF-132281525 | 116132 | 5/13/20 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - December 2019 Update. | ISOF-132194961 | 116132 | 12/23/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (11 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - November 2019 Update. | ISOF-132156597 | S5524 | 12/1/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (11 19) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (November 2019 Edition). Update to automobile symbol pages from rating methodology in filing PP-2008-R08VS, State Tracking Number 96967. | ISOF-132146144 | 96967 | 11/18/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (11 19) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - November 2019 Update. | ISOF-132148909 | 116132 | 11/14/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (07 19) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (July 2019 Edition). | ISOF-132020730 | 96967 | 7/24/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (06 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - June 2019 Update. | ISOF-131989028 | S5524 | 7/2/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2019-RADAR | Introduces the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Rule and related rating factors. | ISOF-131974280 | S667600 | 7/2/19 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (06 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols Update – June 2019 | ISOF-131982869 | 116132 | 6/27/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 19) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (May 2019 Edition). | ISOF-131950092 | 96967 | 5/28/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (03 19) (2) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Physical Damage Vehicle Symbols - March 2019 Update (2). | ISOF-131941496 | 116132 | 05/22/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (04 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - April 2019 Update. | ISOF-131941548 | S5524 | 05/22/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (03 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - March 2019 Update. | ISOF-131888621 | S5524 | 5/14/19 | Yes |
ARITY | Personal Auto | RT | AR00058: DRIVESIGHT 2.0 INTRODUCTION | Driving score model, Drivesight 2.0. | ALSE-131772310 | S662338 | 4/11/19 | |
CMT | Personal Auto | RT | 7019 | Telematics Filings. (WITHDRAWN) | S661356 | 3/27/19 | ||
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (03 19) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - March 2019 Update | ISOF-131873855 | 116132 | 3/25/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (03 19) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (March 2019 Edition). | ISOF-131875106 | 96967 | 3/25/19 | Yes |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2018-29R | Rules for new non-standard Choice Personal Auto program. Associated forms and endorsements in filings AAIS-2018-29F and AAIS-2018-29E. | AMAX-131794243 | S663417 | 3/20/19 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (02 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - February 2019 Update. | ISOF-131833681 | S5524 | 2/28/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (01 19) | Update to the vehicle symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking | ISOF-131833690 | 116132 | 2/28/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 18) | Update to the vehicle symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking | ISOF-131822417 | 116132 | 2/19/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (01 19) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (January 2019 Edition). | ISOF-131824766 | 96967 | 2/19/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (01 19) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - January 2019 Update. | ISOF-131826050 | S5524 | 2/19/19 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (11 18) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - November 2018 Update. | ISOF-131817771 | S5524 | 2/13/19 | Yes |
MSO | Personal Auto | RT | MSO 42-18-05 | Introducing a Driver Background Data Plan, previously filed as a rule filing under MUOF-131144598. This filing was withdrawn and is now being re-filed as a rate/rule filing. (WITHDRAWN) | MUOF-131516703 | S655241 | 01/25/19 | |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2016-43R-1 | This filing is intended to revise TX closed filing S635256 due to an objection that was received on it's companion form filing, S635257. Only the state pages were revised to align with the form filing. | AMAX-131691531 | S660169 | 11/30/18 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (10 18) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - October 2018 Update. | ISOF-131683576 | 116132 | 10/16/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (10 18) | Update to the automobile symbol pages generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2008-R08VS, State Tracking Number 96967. Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (October 2018 Edition). | ISOF-131657822 | 96967 | 9/25/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAENV (08 18) | Update to the Environmental Module Scores tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2014-RAENV, State Tracking Number S8126. | ISOF-131615198 | S8126 | 8/21/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (06 18) | An update to the liability symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2014-RAVLP, State Tracking Number S5524. | ISOF-131574947 | S5524 | 7/13/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (05 18) | An update to the vehicle symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132. | ISOF-131546901 | 11632 | 6/25/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (03 18) | An update to the vehicle symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132. | ISOF-131513449 | 11632 | 6/1/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 18) | An update to the automobile symbol pages generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2008-R08VS, State Tracking Number 96967. | ISOF-131505321 | 96967 | 5/24/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (04 18) | An update to the liability symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2014-RAVLP, State Tracking Number S5524. | ISOF-131503482 | S5524 | 5/21/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (12 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - December 2017 Update. | ISOF-131487159 | S5524 | 5/7/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (03 18) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (March 2018 Edition). | ISOF-131482370 | 96967 | 5/3/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2017-RLP1 | This filing provides the results of the 2016 Liability and PIP/Medical Payments (LPMP) Vehicle Rating Plan Review. | ISOF-131145115 | S644192 | 4/24/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2017-RAPSS | Updates the model underlying ISO's Safety Scoring program currently in effect in Texas. (WITHDRAWN) | ISOF-131259096 | S648014 | 4/24/18 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2016-RAPTV (A) | This filing amends PP-2016-RAPTV (TDI #S621092). | ISOF-131261743 | S648074 | 03/22/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 17) | This is an update to the automobile symbol pages generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2008-R08VS, State Tracking Number 96967. | ISOF-131419494 | 96967 | 03/20/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (11 17) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (November 2017 Edition). | ISOF-131339009 | 96967 | 01/18/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (12 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - December 2017 Update. | ISOF-131339076 | 116132 | 01/18/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (10 17) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - October 2017 Update | ISOF-131263710 | 116132 | 11/15/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (10 17) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (October 2017 Edition). | ISOF-131164748 | 96967 | 08/24/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (06 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - June 2017 Update | ISOF-131124454 | S5524 | 07/26/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (05 17) | PP-2011-RAVEH, State Tracking Number 116132 - Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - May 2017 Update | ISOF-131109641 | 116132 | 07/20/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (05 17) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (May 2017 Edition). | ISOF-131027206 | 96967 | 5/9/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (02 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - February 2017 Update | ISOF-130983104 | 116132 | 4/5/17 | Yes |
AAIS | Personal Auto | RT | AAIS-2016-43R1 | AAIS New Personal Auto Program | AMAX-130882851 | S635426 | 3/27/17 Withdrawn | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (03 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - March 2017 Update | ISOF-130969656 | S5524 | 3/27/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (02 17) | Symbol and Identification Manual - updated manual pages (February 2017 Edition). | ISOF-130909349 | 96967 | 02/13/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (01 17) | This is an update to the liability symbol tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing PP-2014-RAVLP, State Tracking Number S5524. | ISOF-130903387 | S5524 | 02/13/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (01 17) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - January 2017 Update | ISOF-130886428 | 116132 | 01/25/17 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP (11 16) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols - November 2016 Update | ISOF-130839343 | S5524 | 12/14/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2008-R08VS (12 16) | Personal Auto Symbol and Identification Manual Pages Update | ISOF-130822501 | 96967 | 12/8/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH (10 16) | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - October 2016 Update | ISOF-130825177 | 116132 | 12/8/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2016-RU-010, Notice SY-MU-2017-RU-004 | TEXS-130760325 | 96967 | 10/10/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-019, Notice SY-MU-2014-RU-015, Notice SY-MU-2015-RU-013 and Notice SY-MU-2016-RU-009 | TEXS-130725514 | 96967 | 9/14/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2017-RU-003 | TEXS-130712583 | 96967 | 9/1/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2015-RTNRU | Introduction of Transportation Network Driver Coverage Rule and Rating Provisions | ISOF-130441470 | S620071 | 8/25/16 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | Personal Auto Symbols, Notice SY-MU-2015-RU-012, Notice SY-MU-2016-RU-008, Notice SY-MU-2014-RU-014 | TEXS-130699143 | 96967 | 8/22/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130691335 | S5524 | 8/16/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130691583 | 116132 | 8/16/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2016-RAPTV | Introduction of VESM Score Manual Rule | ISOF-130466559 | S621092 | 7/15/16 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | S-2016 RAPA Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130623588 | 116132 | 6/28/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols May 2016 Update | TEXS-130605196 | S5524 | 6/10/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | 2015 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2015-RU-011 | TEXS-130607027 | 96967 | 6/10/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | 2016 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2016-RU-006 | TEXS-130566708 | 96967 | 5/13/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130545046 | 116132 | 4/27/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130545060 | S5524 | 4/27/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2015-RCP1 | Personal Auto Enhanced Class Plan Revision | ISOF-130381268 | S618215 | 3/10/16 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130467844 | S5524 | 3/1/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | 2016 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2016-RU-005 | TEXS-130460567 | 96967 | 2/25/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130419786 | 116132 | 1/28/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2016-RU-004 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130403185 | 96967 | 1/25/16 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2016-RU-003 | 2016 Symbol and Identification Manual | TEXS-130367612 | 96967 | 12/21/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130364942 | 116132 | 12/14/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Liability Symbols | TEXS-130365085 | S5524 | 12/14/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols | TEXS-130301251 | 116132 | 10/30/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130304207 | S5524 | 10/27/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-018, 2014-RU-013, 2015-RU-010, 2016-RU-002 | Personal Auto Symbols and Identification Manual | TEXS-130304545 | 96967 | 10/27/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130258233 | S5524 | 9/24/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2015-RLP1 | This filing provides the results of the 2014 Liability and PIP/Medical Payments (LPMP) Vehicle Rating Plan Review. The loss experience and actuarial factors that apply to each vehicle characteristic to obtain the vehicle's symbols have been updated, as described in Section A of this filing. The only changes being made to the manual pages are the new symbols provided. | ISOF-130221739 | S613179 | 9/2/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130228296 | 116132 | 9/2/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-017, 2014-RU-012, 2015-RU-009, 2016-RU-001 | Symbol and Identification Manual | TEXS-130202264 | 96967 | 8/13/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130197042 | S5524 | 8/10/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Personal Auto Symbols Update | TEXS-130178107 | 116132 | 7/24/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130135868 | S5524 | 6/24/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-016 & SY-MU-2015-RU-008 | 2013 Symbol and Identification Manual NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-016. 2015 Symbol and Identification Manual NOTICE SY-MU-2015-RU-008. | TEXS-130128122 | 96967 | 6/18/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicles Symbols | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-130125618 | 116132 | 6/17/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2015-RU-007 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130097620 | 96967 | 5/28/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle Symbols (PP-2011-RAVEH) | RAPA Vehicle Symbols | TEXS-130068942 | 116132 | 5/8/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | BM-2015-RLA1 | This filing revises multistate advisory prospective loss costs for Property Damage and Business Income & Extra Expense coverages. | ISOF-129889354 | S15204 | 5/4/15 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130053004 | S5524 | 4/29/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols (2015 Symbols & Identification Manual, Notice SY-MU-2015-RU-006) | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130016757 | 96967 | 4/15/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols (SY-MU-2015-RU-005) | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130016643 | 96967 | 4/15/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | RAPA Vehicle LPMP Symbols (PP-2014-RAVLP) | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols | TEXS-130014055 | S5524 | 4/13/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT |
Personal Auto Symbols (SY-MU-2013-RU-015, SY-MU-2014-RU-011, SY-MU-2015-RU-004) |
Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-130001258 | 96967 | 3/27/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | MT-2013-RMTRU | This filing introduces a new manual of the rules and rating provisions for the Motorcycle Policy Program. | ISOF-129849626 | S13961 | 2/26/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | MT-2013-RMTLC | This document provides supporting information for the filing of advisory prospective loss costs for use with the new Motorcycle Policy Program Manual. | ISOF-129849617 | S13962 | 2/26/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-129921080 | 116132 | 2/13/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-129879866 | 116132 | 1/21/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | TEXS-129879581 | S5524 | 1/21/15 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | TEXS-129837652 | 116132 | 12/9/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2012-RU-014 & SY-MU-2013-RU-013 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129808568 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2015-RU-003 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129808536 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2012-RU-015 & SY-MU-2013-RU-014 & SY-MU-2014-RU-010 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129808466 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2014-RU-009 & SY-MU-2015-RU-002 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129806555 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129648877 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Symbol and Identification Manual | TEXS-129622446 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2012-RU-013; SY-MU-2013-RU-012 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129566482 | 96967 | 11/17/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | This filing introduces an optional, alternate vehicle rating methodology for Bodily Injury Liability, Property Damage Liability, Personal Injury Protection, Medical Payments and Single Limit Liability coverages based on the ISO Risk Analyzer Personal Auto (RAPA) Vehicle Module, along with rules for applying the resulting Liability Symbol relativities in rating a Personal Auto Policy. | ISOF-129601568 | S5524 | 11/12/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RAEDH | This filing introduces an optional alternative rating methodology based on the RAPA Driver History Module. | ISOF-129512785 | S2475 | 11/12/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Liability Symbols Update | TEXS-129792571 | 96967 | 11/4/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer | TEXS-129757355 | 116132 | 10/9/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Risk analyzer personal auto vehicle symbols update. | TEXS-129740677 | 116132 | 9/29/14 | Yes | |
TWAL | Personal Auto | RT | TX US GPS 2.0 NONGPS 2.0 | Driveability is Towers Watson's UBI program designed specifically to provide a cost-effective way for insurers to go to market rapidly with a UBI Product. Our driveability product is unique as it includes extensive consulting support to assist companies with all aspects of implementation, including program development assistance, telematics devices and service, hosted data storage, expert analytics and our proprietary driverability vehicle score. This product has saved companies years of development and millions in resource costs. Our driveability group program is the only active program with aggregated telematics and insurance data, which allows for a better score that is tailored to the insurance industry based on insurance loss costs. It is also the largest active group program in the US, including twelve participating companies, thousands of vehicles and millions of collect trips and miles. | WWWW-129537524 | S3608 | 9/24/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAENV | This filing updates ISO's risk analyzer personal auto environmental module which underlies the risk analyzer personal auto environmental rating rule currently in effect in your state. While the rating rule remains unchanged with this model update, a copy is included for your reference on the supporting documentation page under section B. | ISOF-129676271 | S8126 | 9/18/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129648877 | 96967 | 7/24/14 | Yes | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-RAVLP | This filing introduces an optional, alternative vehicle rating methodology for bodily injury liability, property damage liability, personal injury protection, medical payments and single limit liability coverage based on the ISO risk analyzer personal auto (RAPA) vehicle module, along with rules for applying the resulting liability symbol relativities in rating a personal auto policy. | ISOF-129601568 | S5524 | 7/24/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | ISO Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - June 2014 update. | TEXS-129645128 | 116132 | 7/23/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RAEDH | This filing introduces an optional alternative rating methodology based on the RAPA driver history module. | ISOF-129512785 | S2475 | 7/14/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Symbol and Identification Manual. | TEXS-129622446 | 96967 | 7/9/14 | Yes | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | ISO Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols - May 2014 Update | TEXS-129598729 | 116132 | 6/25/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2012-RU-013; SY-MU-2013-RU-012 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129566482 | 96967 | 6/2/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2014-RU-006 | Personal Auto Symbols | TEXS-129529393 | 96967 | 5/9/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols | TEXS-129527501 | 116132 | 5/9/14 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RAPSS | This filing introduces an optional rating rule for users of ISO's Safety Scoring. | ISOF-129353480 | 132059 | 4/30/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2014-BRLA1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for personal auto, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129366982 | 132108 | 4/15/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update - February 2014 Update. | 9212531494 | 116132 | 3/27/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2014-RU-005 | Update to 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2014-RU-005. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 3/27/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update - January 2014 Update. | 9212531494 | 116132 | 02/27/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-201-RAENV | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Environmental Module Scores Update. | 9212516982 | 108021 | 02/27/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-011, 2014-004 | Update to 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-011 and NOTICE SY-MU-2014-RU-004. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 02/25/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-010, 2014-003 | Personal Auto Symbols / Symbol & Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-010 & NOTICE SY-MU-2014-RU-003. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 02/21/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2014-RU-002 | Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2014-RU-002. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 1/22/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Model Year and Symbols Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 1/14/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RCP1 | This filing provides the Result of the 2013 Personal Auto Classification Plan Review, and Based upon this review Revises the Rating Factors and the Structure of the ISO Personal Auto Classification Plan. | 9212559063 | 130429 | 1/6/14 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Model Year and Symbols Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 12/13/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-016; SY-MU-2013-RU-009 | Update to 2010 Symbol & Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-016 and Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-009 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/25/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2011-RU-014; SY-MU-2012-RU-012 | Update to 2010 Symbol & Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-014 and Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-012 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/18/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2012-RU-011 | 2011 Symbol & Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-011 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2011-RU-013 | 2011 Symbol & Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-013 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-015 | 2010 Symbol & Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-015 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update August 2013 Update. | 9212531494 | 116132 | 10/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RLP1(A) | 2012 Liability and PIP/Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan Revision | 9212555831 | 128727 | 9/19/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update July 2013 Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 9/17/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-008; SY-MU-2014-RU001 | Update to 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-008 and Notice SY-MU-2014-RU-001 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 8/28/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update June 2013 Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 7/16/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-005 | 2009 Symbol and Identification Manual: SY-MU-2013-RU-005 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 7/11/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-007 | 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: SY-MU-2013-RU-007 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 7/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update February 2013 Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 6/17/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-007 | 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: SY-MU-2013-RU-007 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 6/17/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-010 | Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-010 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 6/12/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-012 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-012 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 6/12/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2013-RLP1 | 2012 Liability and PIP Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan Revisions | 9212553768 | 127697 | 5/23/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update-May 2013 Update. | 9212531494 | 116132 | 5/23/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-003 | 2013 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-006. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 5/14/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-003 | 2013 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-004. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 4/24/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2012-RAGM | Page C-2 Showing Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Supplement to the Personal Vehicle Manual. Introduction of GeoMetric® Program. | 9212548918 | 125255 | 4/9/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-002 | 2009 Symbol and Identification Manual: SY-MU-2013-RU-002. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 2/27/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update-December 2012 Update Part 2 | 9212531494 | 116132 | 2/22/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2013-RU-003 | 2013 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-004. | 9212495546 | 96967 | 2/12/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer® Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update - December 2012 Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 1/24/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2012-RLC1 | Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision. Physical Damage Rating Factors Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123465. Increased Limits Factors Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123466. | 9212545394 | 123464 | 1/4/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2012-REL1 | Personal Auto Physical Damage Rating Factors Revision. Loss Costs Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123464. Increased Limits Factors Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123466. | 9212545395 | 123465 | 1/4/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2012-IRLA1 | Personal Auto Liability Increased Limits Factors Revision. Loss Costs Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123464. Physical Damage Rating Factors Filed Separately via SERFF Under Link #123465. | 9212545396 | 123466 | 1/4/13 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update (Copy of Filing by CD) | 9212531494 | 116132 | 12/11/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-015 & 2010-RU-013 | RU-015 2010 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-013 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 11/26/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update (Copy of Filing by CD) | 9212531494 | 116132 | 11/26/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2013-RU-001 | 2013 Symbol and Identification Manual; Notice SY-MU-2013-RU-001 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 9/18/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-011 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual; Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-011 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 9/18/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-008 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-008 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 9/17/12 | |
MSO | Personal Auto | RT | MSO 42-12-01 | Pages Showing Factors | 9212540936 | 121228 | 8/29/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update (Copy of Filing by CD) | 9212531494 | 116132 | 8/14/12 | |
Towers Watson | Personal Auto | RT | Towers Watson America's DriveabilitySM Program | 9212535034 | 118067 | 6/15/12 | ||
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-007 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-007 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 5/14/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Vehicle Symbols Update | 9212531494 | 116132 | 5/11/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-006 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-006 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 3/26/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-004 | 2012 Personal Auto Symbol and Identification Manual. Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-004 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 1/9/12 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-ORU1 | Uninsured Motorists Coverage and Liability Increased Limits Rules Revised | 9212532136 | 116503 | 12/22/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-BRLA1 | Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision for Personal Auto Corresponds with PP-2011-OUM1 (#116502) and PP-2011-ORU1 (#116503) | 9212532137 | 116504 | 12/22/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE-SY-MU-2012-RU-003 | 2012 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-003 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 12/21/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RAVEH | Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Model Year and Symbol Program | 9212531494 | 116132 | 12/1/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-002 | Update to Personal Auto Symbols - Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-002 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 11/16/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-008, 2010-011 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual; Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-009, Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-011, Notice SY-MU-2009-RU-013, Notice SY-MU-2008-RU-016 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/26/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-010, 2010-012 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual; Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-010, Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-012, Notice SY-MU-2009-RU-014, Notice SY-MU-2008-RU-017 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 10/12/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-008 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-008 Personal Auto | 9212495546 | 96967 | 8/8/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2011-RLP1 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2012-RU-001 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 7/27/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2012-RU-001 | 2010 Liability and PIP / Medical Payments (LPMP) Vehicle Rating Plan | 9212528104 | 114122 | 7/20/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-007 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual; Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-007 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 4/26/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-006 | Update to 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual: Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-06 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 3/8/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-004 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-004 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 2/15/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | NOTICE SY-MU-2011-RU-005 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual - Notice SY-MU-2011-RU-05 | 9212495546 | 96967 | 2/15/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-BRLA2 | Personal Auto Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | 9212523895 | 111921 | 1/11/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-IRLA2 | Personal Auto Liability Increased Limits Factors Revision | 9212523894 | 111920 | 1/11/11 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2011-RU-003 | 2011 Symbol and Identification Manual Notice | 9212495546 | 96967 | 12/14/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2011-RU-002 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 10/28/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Notice SY-MU-2008-RU-014; Notice SY-MU-2009-RU-011; Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-009 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/27/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | Notice SY-MU-2008-RU-015; Notice SY-MU-2009-RU-012; Notice SY-MU-2010-RU-010 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/13/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-RAENV | Introduction of Risk Analyzer Personal Auto Environmental Module | 9212516982 | 108021 | 9/7/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-OLSVF | Personal Auto; Introduction of Low Speed Vehicle Endorsement | 9212518604 | 109014 | 8/3/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-RLSVR | Personal Auto; Introduction of Rule 19.1 Low Speed Vehicles | 9212518604 | 109014 | 8/3/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2011-RU-001 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 8/3/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-008 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual Notice | 9212449177 | 73839 | 7/7/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-BRLA1 | Personal Auto Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | 9212515765 | 107389 | 5/17/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-IRLA1 | Personal Auto Liability Increased Limits Factors Revision | 9212515764 | 107388 | 5/17/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2010-REL1 | Personal Auto Physical Damage Rating Factors Revision | 9212515763 | 107387 | 5/17/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-007 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 5/4/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-006 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 4/8/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-005 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 1/27/10 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-004 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 12/22/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-003 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 12/11/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-002 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 10/30/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2008-RU-013 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/3/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-012 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/3/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-010 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/3/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-009 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 9/3/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2010-RU-001 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 6/24/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2009-RLP1 | Personal Auto; Liability and PIP/Medical Payments Vehicle Rating Plan Revision | 9212507048 | 102767 | 6/1/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-008 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 5/19/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | PP-2009-BRLA1 | Personal Auto Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | 9212504530 | 101440 | 5/8/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-007 | Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 3/17/09 | |
ISO | Personal Auto | RT | SY-MU-2009-RU-006 | Personal Auto Symbols; Symbol and Identification Manual | 9212449177 | 73839 | 2/20/09 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2021-RLA1 | Personal Liability Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | ISOF-132943913 | S694519 | 12/13/21 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (DL) | Rules Revised In Response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (DL) | ISOF-132619432 | S686607 | 2/18/21 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2019-RLA1 | Revises advisory prospective loss costs for Personal Liability, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-132084223 | S671266 | 12/13/19 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2018-RIL1 | Revises increased limit factors for all Personal Liability classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those increased limit factors. | ISOF-131626202 | S658357 | 10/30/18 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2017-RDHRU | Introduces rules for companion coverage endorsements introduced in Forms filing DL-2017-ODHFR. | ISOF-131369846 | S651190 | 4/6/18 | Yes |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2017-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for Personal Liability, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131044661 | S641121 | 9/29/17 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2015-RIL1 | Personal Liability Increased Limit Factors Filing | ISOF-130480537 | S621437 | 6/13/16 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2013-RRU13 | Personal Liability Rules Revision | ISOF-130362421 | S617659 | 1/12/16 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2015-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for Personal Liability, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130112205 | S22810 | 10/28/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2014-RILU1 | This filing revises increased limit factors for Personal Umbrella Liability, and provides the analyses used to derive those increased limit factors. | ISOF-129996110 | S18478 | 6/23/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2014-RLAU1 | This filing revises advisory loss costs for Personal Liability Umbrella, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129996094 | S18477 | 6/23/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2014-RUPRU | This filing introduces and revises rules in the Personal Umbrella Liability Policy (PUP) Program Manual. | ISOF-129996042 | S18474 | 6/23/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2013-RLC13 | This filing introduces and revises various loss costs, corresponding to the Personal Liability Supplement to the Dwelling Policy Program Manual - General Rules, in response to the companion multistate forms and rules revisions. | ISOF-129998844 | S18549 | 5/22/15 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2013-RLA1 | Personal Liability Loss Costs Filing | 9212555124 | 128367 | 8/1/13 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2011-R02RU | Personal Liability Supplement to the Dwelling Policy Program (2002 Edition) Introduced - Manual Rules - State of Texas. Corresponding Endorsement Filing under Link 117984. Corresponding Rate Filing under Link #117986. | 9212534879 | 117985 | 12/13/11 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2011-RLA1 | Personal Liability Advisory Prospective Loss Cost Revision | 9212528251 | 114184 | 7/14/11 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2010-RIL1 | Personal Liability Increased Limit Factors Revision | 9212523942 | 111949 | 3/7/11 | |
ISO | Personal Liability / Personal Umbrella | RT | DL-2010-RLA1 | Personal Liability; Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision | 9212513292 | 106105 | 5/12/10 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2019-BMPL1 | Medical Professional Liability Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-132196251 | S674327 | 9/23/21 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2019-IALL1 | Revises increased limit factors for all Hospitals, Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Nursing Homes and Allied Health Care Liability classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-132196236 | S674328 | 6/22/20 | Yes |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2018-BMPL1 | Revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131807235 | S663183 | 06/12/19 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PF-2016-RMIRU (A) | Introduction of Miscellaneous Professional Liability Rules. | ISOF-131367161 | S651086 | 03/09/18 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2017-BMPL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-131156688 | S644619 | 09/21/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PF-2016-RMILC | This filing introduces advisory prospective loss costs by revenue range for the new Miscellaneous Professional Liability Policy. | ISOF-131065419 | S641826 | 08/23/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PF-2016-RMIRU | This filing introduces the rules for the new Miscellaneous Professional Liability Program, as part of the Commercial Lines Manual, Division Sixteen – Professional Liability (Other Than Medical). | ISOF-131065401 | S641827 | 08/23/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | RP-2016-RCP16 | This filing revises the Composite Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130844948 | S634477 | 03/31/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | RP-2016-RRP16 | This filing revises the Retrospective Rating Plan to update the various factor tables and makes minor editorial changes to clarify the application of the rules. | ISOF-130845007 | S634479 | 03/31/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2016-IHPS1 | Medical Professional Liability Increased Limits Filing | ISOF-130754982 | S631250 | 01/13/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2016-BMPL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Physicians, Surgeons, and Dentists classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-130764382 | S631546 | 01/10/17 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | EP-2016-RLA1 | Employment-Related Practices Liability Loss Costs Revision | ISOF-130659244 | S627964 | 12/2/16 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PF-2013-RIARU | Introduction of Professional Liability (Other Than Medical) - Insurance Agents and Brokers Professional Liability Program | ISOF-130530090 | S623128 | 9/27/16 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PF-2013-RIALC | Insurance Agents and Brokers Professional Liability Loss Costs Introduced | ISOF-130530113 | S623129 | 9/27/16 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2015-BMPL1 | Medical Professional Liability Loss Costs Filing | ISOF-130238216 | S613715 | 2/12/16 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2014-BMPL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129704170 | S9153 | 11/21/14 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | EP-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for employment-related practices liability coverage, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129590955 | S5194 | 9/8/14 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | EP-2014-REPRU | This filing revises Increased Limit Factors (ILFS), deductible factors and class group relativities. | ISOF-129590928 | S5192 | 9/8/14 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2013-IHPS1 | This filing revises increased limit factors for all hospital liability and physicians and surgeons liability, and provides the analyses used to derive those factors. | ISOF-129384320 | 132364 | 4/1/14 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2013-BMPL1 | This filing revises current advisory prospective loss costs for physicians, surgeons and dentists and miscellaneous medical classes, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129359458 | 132017 | 4/1/14 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | RP-2012-RCRP1 (PR) | Texas Composite Rating Plan Exceptions Withdrawn | 9212545989 | 123756 | 11/5/12 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2011-BMPL1 | Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs for Hospitals and Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists | 9212530575 | 115608 | 11/29/11 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2010-BMPL1 | Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs for Hospitals and Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists | 9212519769 | 109620 | 10/19/10 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | EP-2010-RLA1 | Revision of Employment-Related Practices Liability Loss Costs | 9212516149 | 107581 | 6/11/10 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2009-IALL1 | Medical Professional Liability; Increased Limit Factors | 9212504361 | 101341 | 6/10/09 | |
ISO | Professional Liability | RT | PR-2008-BMPL1 | Medical Professional Liability; Revision of Basic Limit Loss Costs for Hospitals and Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists | 9212504032 | 101167 | 6/10/09 | |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2021-24R | Introduces new Flood Supplement to the Homeowners Composite and Homeowners By-Peril Rating Plan manuals | AMAX-133509358 | S707878 | 6/2/23 | No |
MAPP | Residential Property | RT | TX FIRE | Introduction of Betterview Wildfire Vulnerability Score | MAPP-133310627 | S706130 | 3/9/23 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | AL-2021-FIRLN | Introduces an optional methodology for classifying wildfire risk. | ISOF-133093838 | S697945 | 8/17/22 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | CF-2022-REWR5 | Enhanced Wind Rating Program Capping Update | ISOF-133214949 | S701059 | 6/22/22 | Yes |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2019-24LC | Dwelling Properties - New Loss Cost Rating Information | AMAX-132796127 | S693879 | 3/7/22 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2019-24R | Dwelling Properties Program - New Rules and Supplemental Rating Information | AMAX-132796048 | S693881 | 1/20/22 | No |
MAPP | Residential Property | RT | TX2021 | Initial filing for Bungalow, a residential property flood program | MAPP-132632740 | S691069 | 1/12/22 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | PM-2020-RLA1 | Personal Inland Marine Advisory Prospective Loss Costs Revision. | ISOF-132507224 | S683002 | 3/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2020-RULEL | Homeowners Loss Costs Applicable to New Utility Line Expense Coverage Option Introduced. | ISOF-132649254 | S686835 | 3/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2020-RULER | Homeowners Utility Line Expense Coverage Manual Rule Introduced. | ISOF-132649321 | S686833 | 3/8/21 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (FD) | Rules Revised In Response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (FD) | ISOF-132623628 | S686602 | 2/18/21 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (DP) | Rules Revised In Response to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019/TRIA2019 PL-2020-OTEMU (DP) | ISOF-132623627 | S686603 | 2/18/21 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | FD-2019-ORU19 | Personal Flood Rules Revision In Response to Private Flood Insurance Federal Rule. | ISOF-131914285 | S666233 | 7/31/2019 | No |
WTWA | Residential Property | RT | Structure Insurance Score. | WTWA-131460221 | S653744 | 3/27/19 | No | |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2018-BPLC | Filing includes loss costs to be used with the by-peril rating supplement to The Homeowners Policy Program Manual (By-peril Rating Supplement). | ISOF-131650493 | S659122 | 12/12/18 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2018-RBPM | Introduces an alternate by-peril rating supplement to The Homeowners Policy Program Manual, which includes, for Owners Forms only, by-peril rating factors and manual rules. | ISOF-131650482 | S659121 | 12/12/18 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | FD-2017-RRU17 | Filing introduces the Personal Flood Policy Program Manual, a new manual containing rules and rating provisions for this program. | ISOF-131645725 | S658994 | 12/6/18 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | FD-2017-RLC17 | Filing introduces loss costs related to the new Personal Flood Policy Program Manual. | ISOF-131645977 | S658995 | 12/6/18 | No |
WTWA | Residential Property | RT | Structure Insurance Score (FILING REJECTED) | WTWA-131455117 | S653613 | 4/10/18 | No | |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2011-RAENV (2016) | This is an update to the score tables generated from the rating methodology approved in filing HO-2011-RAENV, State Tracking Number 115514. | ISOF-130915050 | 115514 | 09/21/17 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2016-RDHLC | Introduction of Loss Costs For Damage to Property of Others - Increased Limits | ISOF-130668854 | S629392 | 11/18/16 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2016-RDHRU | Introduction of Homeowners Home-sharing and Unmanned Aircraft Manual Rules and Rating Provisions | ISOF-130703037 | S629391 | 11/18/16 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2015-24LC | Homeowners By-Peril / Revised Base Loss Costs | AMAX-130212092 | S615450 | 12/22/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2013-RRU13 | Dwelling Policy Program Multistate Rules Revision | ISOF-130034307 | S19970 | 12/16/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2015-RABPR | This filing introduces an optional alternative rating methodology with rating rules to guide the user in the by-peril rating of a Homeowners policy. | ISOF-130223884 | S613446 | 10/21/15 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2015-21LC | The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) is filing revised rules for the above mentioned program on an advisory basis. Please see the filing memorandum, as a complete description of the revised rules as well as a mockup is included. Copies of all 'final' materials are enclosed. We propose that the filing become effective June 1, 2015. Companies will be advised to take the filing action outlined in the attached company action exhibit. The materials that are the subject of this filing are provided to AAIS affiliates in an electronic format. Due to differences in printer configurations or other hardware or software differences, when these materials are issued their appearance may be altered slightly. Such alterations will be cosmetic only and will not affect the content of the filed materials. | AMAX-130039017 | S21685 | 8/14/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2015-RRPRU | This filing is being made in order to introduce and revise various rules in the Homeowners Policy Program Manual - General Rules; and Mobilehome Supplement to the Homeowners Policy Program Manual - General Rules. | ISOF-130030195 | S19855 | 5/22/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2013-RLC13 | This filing introduces and revises various loss costs, corresponding to the Dwelling Policy Program Manual - General Rules, in response to the companion multistate forms and rules revisions. | ISOF-129999927 | S18617 | 5/22/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-211-RAENV | Risk Analyzer Homeowners Environmental Module Scores Update | TEXS-129792487 | 115514 | 1/15/15 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2014-REQRU | This filing introduces revised earthquake rating territories in terms of ZIP codes, and revised earthquake rating rule. | ISOF-129744849 | S10584 | 12/22/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2014-REQLC | This filing introduces advisory prospective earthquake base loss costs to correspond with the territory definitions introduced in companion filing DP-2014-REQRU, and describes the procedure used to derive those prospective loss costs. | ISOF-129744877 | S10585 | 12/22/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2013-RPPC | This filing introduces additional Protection-Construction rating factors in the Homeowners Program to complement the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-128998632 | 129779 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2013-RPPLC | This filing introduces additional Fire Relativities and Key Loss Costs in the Dwelling Program to correspond to the introduction of new Public Protection Classifications in the Community Mitigation Classification Manual. | ISOF-129118304 | 128726 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852616 | 125218 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | AL-2012-FSRS | This filing updates and modernizes the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) to reflect current trends in fire protection and to enhance the predictive nature of the evaluation process. | ISOF-128852632 | 125220 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classifications rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852672 | 125224 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | AL-2012-RCMC | This filing revises the Community Mitigation Classification manual to introduce new Public Protection Classifications rules for split-rated communities. | ISOF-128852698 | 125226 | 12/10/14 | Yes |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2014-RWBLC | This filing introduces new and revised loss costs corresponding to coverage for damage caused by water which backs up through sewers or drains or which overflows or is discharged from a sump, sump pump or related equipment. Along with the changes being proposed in the filing, we are also correcting a misprint that appears in the table in Rule 513. The loss costs apply per location, not per $1,000. | ISOF-129617675 | S6116 | 11/13/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2014-REQLC | This filing introduces advisory prospective earthquake base loss costs to correspond with the territory definitions introduced in companion filing HO-2014-REQRU, and describes the procedure used to derive those prospective loss costs. | ISOF-129598347 | S5470 | 9/15/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2014-REQRU | This filing introduces revised earthquake rating territories in terms of zip codes, and revises the earthquake rating rule. | ISOF-129598229 | S5471 | 9/15/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2011-RAENV | Risk Analyzer HO Environmental Module Update | TEXS-009507400 | 115514 | 8/5/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | PR-2014-RLA1 | This filing revises advisory prospective loss costs for personal inland marine insurance, and provides the analyses used to derive those loss costs. | ISOF-129468079 | 133377 | 6/17/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2013-RRU13 | This filing introduces Various Rules in the Homeowners Policy Program Manual - General Rules. | 9212555547 | 128568 | 1/10/14 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2013-RLC13 | This filing introduces new loss costs that correspond to new endorsement HO 06 33, Mechanical Breakdown Coverage, and Rule 533. Mechanical Breakdown Coverage in the Homeowners Policy Program Manual - General Rules being submitted under companion filings. | 9212555548 | 128569 | 1/10/14 | No |
MSO | Residential Property | RT | MSO 42-13-02 | Pages Showing Revised Rating Rules. | 9212552460 | 127041 | 4/9/13 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2012-53R | Several Pages Showing Rating Rules for the Homeowners Program. | 9212546044 | 123782 | 12/19/12 | No |
MSO | Residential Property | RT | MSO 42-12-03 | Pages Showing Rating Rules. | 9212545750 | 123642 | 12/7/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2011-RAENV | ISO Risk Analyzer Homeowners Environmental Module Table Updates. | 9212530428 | 115514 | 12/6/12 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2012-53LC | Pages Showing Revised Loss Costs for Homeowners Program. | 9212546045 | 123783 | 12/4/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2012-RLA1 | Homeowners Loss Cost Level Revision | 9212541607 | 121568 | 7/23/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2012-RHRP1 | Page 6 2012 Showing New/Revised Rating Rules and Rates for Homeowners | 9212541608 | 121569 | 7/23/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2011-RAENV | ISO Risk Analyzer Homeowners Environmental Module Table Updates | 9212530428 | 115514 | 7/23/12 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2011-17R | By-Peril Rating Plan/Rating Zone Assignments for Homeowners Program | 9212540550 | 121005 | 7/23/12 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2010-90R | Initial Rules & Supplementary Rating Information Rev 01 11 Homeowners Program | 9212540548 | 121003 | 7/23/12 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2010-90LC | Several Manual Pages Showing Various New/Revised Rates. | 9212540549 | 121004 | 7/23/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2010-RRU10 | 2011 Homeowners Policy Program Manual Multistate Rules Revision | 9212522515 | 111092 | 5/17/12 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2010-RLC10 | 2011 Homeowners Multistate Miscellaneous Loss Costs Revision | 9212522515 | 111092 | 5/17/12 | No |
MSO | Residential Property | RT | MSO 42-11-01 | Protection Classifications Rule & Classifications Factors | 9212535018 | 118053 | 3/2/12 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2011-48LC | Revised Loss Costs for Homeowners Program -Forms #116479 & Rules/Rates #116481 | 9212532107 | 116480 | 11/16/11 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | HO-2011-RAENV | ISO Introduces the Risk Analyzer Homeowners Rating Plan Manual Rate/Rating Rules | 9212530428 | 115514 | 10/24/11 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2009-21LC | TX HO Rev Earthquake Loss Cost Supplement | 9212514158 | 106529 | 4/20/10 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2009-21R | TX HO Rev Earthquake Rule Supplement | 9212514157 | 106528 | 4/20/10 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2009-OBGS1 | Dwelling Policy Program; Introduction of Dwelling Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Factors | 9212510012 | 104352 | 10/22/09 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2008-51R | Homeowners Program; Revised Rules and Rating Information | 9212505356 | 101889 | 6/15/09 | No |
AAIS | Residential Property | RT | AAIS-2008-51LC | Homeowners Program; Revised Loss Costs | 9212505355 | 101888 | 6/15/09 | No |
ISO | Residential Property | RT | DP-2009-RWHLC | Windstorm or Hail Coverage Exclusion Credit Revision | 9212503427 | 100852 | 2/4/09 | No |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2023 RULE | Revisions to Forms Manual forms and endorsements applicable in Texas and Basic Manual Rules related to the Texas Group Purchase Program | NCCI-133568073 | S709110 | 5/9/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1447 | Revisions to NCCI Manual Rules related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic - paid furloughed employees and final premium reporting | NCCI-133543302 | S708575 | 5/4/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1410 | Revisions to NCCI Manual Rules related to the inclusion of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) claims in experience rating and merit rating | NCCI-133543232 | S708576 | 5/4/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1409 | Revises the calculation of certain components used in NCCI’s Experience Rating Plan methodology by using updated data and methods | NCCI-133421360 | S706313 | 4/20/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1446 RULE | B-1446 makes nonsubstantive revisions to NCCI's Basic Manual, Residual Market Manual, and Forms Manual | NCCI-133436612 | S706738 | 3/10/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012023 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Effective July 1, 2023 | NCCI-133461874 | S706906 | 2/28/23 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2022 | Revisions to the Basic Manual to replace Texas classification codes with multistate codes | NCCI-133349086 | S704410 | 11/10/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1420 | Revises the Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors (ELPPFs) and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors (ELAEPPFs) and State average cost per case values by hazard group underlying the proposed ELPPFs and ELAEPPFs in NCCI’s Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual) | NCCI-133266211 | S702175 | 8/9/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1408 | E-1408 Revisions for New York Withdrawal From the NCCI Interstate Experience Rating Plan | NCCI-133091038 | S697957 | 4/8/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1444 | B-1444—NCCI’s Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance | NCCI-132867551 | S692689 | 2/24/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012022 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Filing Proposed Effective July 1, 2022 | NCCI-133056154 | S697064 | 2/15/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 02-TX-2021 (RULE) | 02-TX-2021 Rules and an Endorsement Related to the Catastrophe (Other Than Certified Acts of Terrorism) Provision in Texas | NCCI-132958079 | S694945 | 1/5/22 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1419 | Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters and Revisions to Basic Manual Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group | NCCI-132890963 | S693486 | 10/8/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | U-1402 | Injury Description Codes for Adverse Reaction to Vaccination for Covid-19 and Other Diseases | NCCI-132790842 | S690670 | 7/1/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2021 | Revisions to the Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Rule 3-A in Texas | NCCI-132807457 | S691104 | 7/1/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2020 | Reference for Negotiated Deductible in Texas to clarify that Type of Deductible Plan Code 13—Negotiated Deductible continues to apply in Texas | NCCI-132584608 | S685059 | 5/26/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1438 | Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications for Oil and Gas Field Operations | NCCI-131967955 | S667548 | 5/24/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012021 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Filing Proposed Effective July 1, 2021 | NCCI-132610403 | S685790 | 4/2/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1442 | B-1442 Revisions to Basic Manual Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group. | NCCI-132508545 | S682726 | 3/9/21 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1439 | B-1439 Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E, Including Construction Salespersons and Estimators. | NCCI-132099789 | S672692 | 12/22/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1443 | This item removes the December 31, 2020 expiration date for rules that were established or revised as aresult of the Coronavirus pandemic. | NCCI-132554463 | S684071 | 12/16/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1407 | E-1407 exclusion of COVID-19 claims from experience rating and merit rating. | NCCI-132378669 | S679281 | 9/14/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1441 | B-1441 Revisions to NCCI manual rules related to the COVID-19. | NCCI-132346734 | S678390 | 8/4/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1440 | B-1440 Revisions to the Basic Manual, including reformatting, the Preface, and Appendix G. | NCCI-132185552 | S674417 | 7/24/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | U-1401 | Implements changes to NCCI’s Statistical Plan for reporting COVID-19 claims. | NCCI-132330992 | S678074 | 6/26/20 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2019-R | 01-TX-2019 (R) Revisions to Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance and Forms Manual of Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance in Texas. | NCCI-132152568 | S673121 | 5/18/2020 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1417 | R-1417 - 2019 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters - Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors, Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors, and Average Cost Per Case Values. | NCCI-131931608 | S666820 | 8/19/19 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1437 | B-1437- Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E- Classifications by Hazard Group, including Aircraft Maintenance. | NCCI-131651525 | S659234 | 8/13/19 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2018 Withdrawal or Termination of Self-Insurance Using a Liability Transfer Transaction and Establishment of National Experience Rating Plan Manual Rule 2-E-2. | NCCI-131756726 | S661903 | 4/26/19 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012019 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Filing Proposed Effective July 1, 2019. (WITHDRAWN) | NCCI-131712440 | S660704 | 4/22/19 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1416 | R-1416 Revisions to Retrospective Rating Plan Manual - Addition of Average Cost Per Case Values. | NCCI-131717557 | S660968 | 12/4/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1414-A | R-1414-A Amendment to Item R-1414 - Revisions to Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Appendix B and all Related Rules and Endorsements. | NCCI-131545137 | S656077 | 11/30/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012019 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Filing Proposed Effective July 1, 2019.(WITHDRAWN) | NCCI-131708790 | S660622 | 11/6/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1436 (FD) | B-1436 (FD) Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group. | NCCI-131257443 | S648308 | 8/10/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1436 (RD) | B-1436 (RD) Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group. | NCCI-131260899 | S648310 | 8/10/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1415 | Revisions to the Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors in NCCI’s Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. | NCCI-131526444 | S655608 | 7/25/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1405 ( R ) | E-1405 (R) Revisions to Experience Rating Plan Manual Rules and the Notification of Change in Ownership Endorsement | NCCI-131304706 | S649427 | 7/23/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2017 | Classification treatment of domestic workers in NCCI’s Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. | NCCI-131272067 | S648455 | 7/11/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012018 | Texas Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Filing Proposed Effective July 1, 2018. | NCCI-131243333 | S647410 | 03/14/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1414 (R) | R-1414 (R) Revisions to Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Appendix B and All Related Rules and Endorsements | NCCI-131092614 | S642699 | 01/11/18 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1405 (R) | E-1405 (R) Revisions to Experience Rating Plan Manual Rules and the Notification of Change in Ownership Endorsement. (FILING REJECTED) | NCCI-131277257 | S649318 | 12/13/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | U-1400 | The primary purpose of this item is to implement a newly redesigned Part 6 Coding Values in NCCI's Statistical Plan for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Statistical Plan). | NCCI-130886160 | S636767 | 10/06/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1435 | B-1435 Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group, including Trucking and Towing | NCCI-130775845 | S633296 | 09/28/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1433 | B-1433 Revisions to Basic Manual Rule 1 - Classification Assignment and Rule 2 - Premium Basis and Payroll Allocation | NCCI-130670465 | S628785 | 09/19/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1413 (EL) | R-1413 (EL) —2017 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters-Hazard Group Differentials, Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors | NCCI-131071375 | S642136 | 08/21/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1413 (HG) | R-1413 (HG) —2017 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters-Hazard Group Differentials, Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors | NCCI-131076822 | S642135 | 08/21/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2016 | 01-TX-2016 Elimination of A-Rating Process for Classification and Statistical Codes in NCCI's Manuals | NCCI-130468058 | S620905 | 05/01/17 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 02-TX-2016 | 02-TX-2016 Revisions to the Negotiated Deductible Program Option in the Texas Miscellaneous Rules | NCCI-130748533 | S630996 | 12/29/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012017 | Texas -Voluntary Market - Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Proposed to be Effective July 1, 2017. | NCCI-130790719 | S632401 | 12/19/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1432 R | B-1432 Establishment of Basic Manual Appendix G- Dispute Resolution Process | NCCI-130588705 | S625982 | 11/22/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2016 | 01-TX-2016 Elimination of A-Rating Process for Classification and Statistical Codes in NCCI's Manuals | NCCI-130468058 | S620905 | 11/16/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | E-1404 | E-1404 Establishment of a Methodology to Calculate Experience Rating Premium Eligibility Amounts ( Filing WITHDRAWN) | NCCI-130337313 | S617183 | 10/31/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1431 | B-1431 Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E - Classification by Hazard Group | NCCI-130283119 | S615750 | 10/27/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1430 R | B-1430 Elimination of Anniversary Rating Date (ARD) | NCCI-130130169 | S610491 | 8/15/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1412 (HG) | R-1412 (HG) 2016 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters - Hazard Group Differentials, Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors | NCCI-130603086 | S626407 | 8/1/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1412 (EL) | R-1412 (EL) 2016 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters - Hazard Group Differentials, Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors | NCCI-130606913 | S626408 | 8/1/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 02-TX-2015 | 02-TX-2015 Revisions to Basic Manual Rule 3-A-24-C Terrorism and the Texas Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm | NCCI-130225144 | S613281 | 5/16/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | B-1429 R | B-1429 Establishment of Audit Noncompliance Charge (FILING REJECTED). | NCCI-130064456 | S20861 | 5/9/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2015 Rule | 01-TX-2015 Revisions to Basic Manual, Forms Manual, and Statistical Plan | NCCI-130100595 | S22338 | 4/28/16 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 07012016 | Texas-Voluntary Market - Advisory Loss Costs and Rating Values Proposed to be Effective July 1, 2016 | NCCI-130295528 | S615549 | 12/18/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1411 | This item revises the Hazard Group Differentials (commonly referred to as Relativities) and several national and state-specific rules in NCCI’s Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual). | NCCI-130115574 | S23199 | 8/25/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1410 | This item updates the Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors (ELPPFs) and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors (ELAEPPFs) in NCCI’s Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual). | NCCI-130092499 | S22248 | 8/25/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 06-TX-2014 (VZ) | This item revises the rules for Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) in NCCI's Experience Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Experience Rating Plan Manual). | NCCI-129848095 | S13712 | 5/13/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 05-TX-2014 (R) | This item revises the rules, forms, and endorsements for Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) in Texas. | NCCI-129841028 | S13435 | 5/13/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 04-TX-2014 (VZ) | 4-TX-2014--Establishment of National Experience Rating Endorsements and Withdrawal of Texas Experience Rating Forms and Endorsements | NCCI-129733958 | S10206 | 1/21/15 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS EXPERIENCE RATING VALUES | In accordance with the changes to the Texas Experience Rating Plan Manual proposed under Texas Department of Insurance Petition W-0914-07-I, we are providing for your consideration updated experience rating values. These updated values are necessary to implement the new experience rating plan proposed in the pending petition. These revised values will be effective July 1, 2015 upon adoption of the aforementioned petition. | NCCI-129741431 | S10479 | 11/25/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS-LOSS COST 2015 | In accordance with the applicable statutes and regulation of the State of Texas, we are filing for your consideration revised workers compensation voluntary loss costs to become effective June 1, 2015. | NCCI-129739327 | S10478 | 11/25/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1409 (MJ) | This item revises the Hazard Group Differentials (commonly referred to as Relativities) in NCCI's Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual). | NCCI-129606704 | S5946 | 9/11/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1408 (MJ) | This item proposes to: Update the Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors (ELPPFs) and Excess Loss and Allocated Expense Pure Premium Factors (ELAEPPFs) in NCCI's Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual). Introduce a newly enhanced methodology for determining ELPPFs and ELAEPPFs. | NCCI-129548320 | S5126 | 9/11/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 02-TX-2014-R | 02-TX-2014 Update Federal Mine Safety and Health Act references and eliminate per passenger seat surcharge (Basic Manual and Forms Manual). | NCCI-129459956 | S2094 | 9/3/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 03-TX-2014-R | 03-TX-2014 Update Federal Mine Safety and Health Act references; Eliminate per passenger seat surcharge; exclude fraudulent and/or non compensable losses from incurred losses (Retrospective Rating Plan and Forms). | NCCI-129459965 | S2091 | 9/3/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2014 (VZ) | This item replaces Texas Basic Manual of Rules, Classifications and Experience Rating for Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance (Basic Manual) references and TX rules with references to NCCI's Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Basic Manual) and NCCI rules in NCCI's Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Retrospective Rating Plan Manual). | NCCI-129398693 | 132523 | 4/11/14 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | Texas Revised Miscellaneous Values Effective 06/01/2014 | NCCI-129382086 | 132317 | 4/11/14 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | The Proposed June 1, 2014 Loss Costs will Replace the June 1, 2013 Loss Costs for all Policies Effective June 1, 2014 and Subsequent. Carriers that choose to use NCCI's Loss Costs as a base for their rates will be required to file a Loss Cost Multiplier (LCM) Reflecting the use of NCCI's June 1, 2014 Loss Costs for all Policies effective June 1, 2014 and Subsequent. | 9212559756 | 130784 | 1/7/14 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | The Proposed June 1, 2014 Loss Costs will Replace the June 1, 2013 Loss Costs for all Policies Effective June 1, 2014 and Subsequent. Carriers that choose to use NCCI's Loss Costs as a base for their rates will be required to file a Loss Cost Multiplier (LCM) Reflecting the use of NCCI's June 1, 2014 Loss Costs for all Policies effective June 1, 2014 and Subsequent. | 9212559755 | 130784 | 1/7/14 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1407 (CB) | R-1407 2013 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters - State Hazard Group Differentials | 9212554337 | 127956 | 7/17/13 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1406 (CB) | R-1406 2013 Update to the Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters - Excess Loss Factors | 9212553195 | 127421 | 7/17/13 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT 06012013 | Technical Supplement to Advisory Voluntary Loss Cost Filing. | 9212545085 | 123287 | 2/26/13 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 06012013 | Workers Compensation Voluntary Loss Cost Filing. | 9212545086 | 123287 | 2/26/13 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1404 | State Special Rating Values, Exhibit 1, State Special Rating Values Exhibit 2 | 9212540304 | 120875 | 8/16/12 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1405 | Exhibit 1 Appendix A, Exhibit 2 State Hazard Group, Exhibit 2 Development | 9212540978 | 121255 | 8/15/12 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT | Technical Supplement to Advisory Voluntary Loss Cost Filing | 9212532300 | 116590 | 1/6/12 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS RETRO PLAN | Texas Retrospective Rating Values for NCCI's Retrospective Rating Plan Manual | 9212532302 | 116592 | 1/6/12 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | TEXAS LC 06012012 | Workers Compensation - Texas Advisory Voluntary Loss Cost Filing | 9212532300 | 116590 | 1/6/12 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | R-1403-2011 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters-Expected Loss Ranges and State Hazard Group Differentials-and Creation of Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Appendix D. Revision to TDI #9212519510 | 9212530129 | 115359 | 9/15/11 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 01-TX-2010 | Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation & Employers Liability Insurance - 2009 Ed. | 9212519510 | 109488 | 2/23/11 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | 02-TX-2010 | Texas Retrospective Rating Values for NCCI's Retrospective Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation & Employers Liability Insurance-2009 Edition | 9212519509 | 109487 | 2/23/11 | N/A |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | NCCI Advisory Voluntary Loss Cost Filing | 9212519507 | 109485 | 2/23/11 | N/A | |
NCCI | Workers' Compensation | RT | NCCI Technical Supplement to Advisory Voluntary Loss Cost Filing | 9212519508 | 109486 | 2/23/11 | N/A |