Reporting Period: January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) issues this mandatory data call under Insurance Code Section 2703.153, which requires title insurance underwriting companies to submit data to TDI annually. The data collected is used to set title insurance premium rates, as required by Insurance Code Section 2703.151. This data call requests income, expense, and policy data from calendar year 2020.
Submission requirements
You must use the forms posted in the links in this bulletin. You may not alter any of the forms, except to complete the required information, and you must submit your report file and affidavit to by February 28, 2022.
Appendix I – Texas Title Insurance Statistical Plan
Appendix III – Stat Plan Changes Q&A
If your company has no data to report for 2020, you must submit a "none" report. Please see the instructions for additional information on submitting a "none" report.
If you use Firefox or Chrome Internet browsers, make sure you have the latest version. You also might need to take the following extra steps to open the fillable forms:
Firefox: Click on the menu button (hamburger button) in the top-right corner. Click on "Options." Scroll down to "Applications." Under "Content Type," click on "Portable Document Format" and select "Use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" from the drop-down list. This should allow the form to open after clicking the Affidavit link.
Chrome: Right-click the Affidavit link. Select "Save link as…." and next to "Save as type," select Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf). After it is saved as a PDF on your computer, open it using Acrobat.
If you have questions, contact Property and Casualty – Actuarial at 512-676-6687 or