Check our processing dates to see when your application will be reviewed. If your application has errors, it will be delayed. To avoid errors, check out these tips. (Not all applications need the items below.)
- Find out if you can apply online. Online applications can be processed faster than paper applications. To find out if you can apply online, visit our agent and adjuster licensing page. Click on the type of license you want to apply for and we’ll show you the options.
- Pay the required fee. Check the application form to find the fee amount. In most cases, the fee is $50.
- Include the fingerprint receipt with the application. We need that receipt to complete the criminal history background check.
- Include the course completion certificate if your license requires a pre-licensing course. This certificate is how we verify you met the requirement.
- If you send a paper form, send the notary’s original signature. We can’t accept a copy of a notary’s signature.
- Make sure the applicant’s name, date of birth, and Social Security number are correct. We sometimes get information on the application that doesn’t match what is on the applicant’s criminal history report. Often, it is a result of a typographical error. Please check all your answers before sending your application.
- List four addresses. We need four addresses to process your application: (1) business, (2) mailing, (3) home, and (4) email.
- Answer all questions in Part 1 of the application. No matter what type of license you apply for, all questions in Part 1 must be answered.