Reporting Period: January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
This data call is made under Insurance Code Sections 2251.003, 2251.008, and 38.001. The data is used for a report that TDI must send annually to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the House of Representatives, Legislature, and the public by March 31, 2021.
This data call applies to all insurance companies licensed in Texas to write private passenger automobile, commercial automobile, homeowners multiple peril, workers' compensation, commercial fire and allied lines, residential fire and allied lines, commercial multiple peril, general liability, boiler and machinery, commercial crime, commercial glass, surety, inland marine, medical professional liability, or miscellaneous professional liability insurance.
Submission Requirements
Respondents must complete the data call using the fillable PDF form. This form requires Adobe Acrobat Standard 9.0, Adobe Professional 9.0, Adobe Reader 9.0, or a more recent version.
Complete separate forms for each company in a group licensed for one or more lines of business covered in this data call.
Submissions are due to TDI by the close of business on February 12, 2021. Respondents must keep underlying data, individual source documents, and other information used to develop the response until at least February 12, 2023.
For more information or help downloading the forms, contact TDI Property and Casualty Data Services at 512-676-6686 or