This bulletin announces a call for rate information for the Texas Long-Term Care Rate Guide, published by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).
All companies writing individual long-term care insurance for new customers in Texas after August 1, 2013, must respond to this request. TDI will publish the information collected through this data call in a rate guide to allow consumers to compare annual premiums for sample individual long-term care policies, as well as a policy that the carrier identifies as its "most popular" plan.
Companies will enter their rates directly into a password-protected web page on the TDI website. The web address for the rate collection form is
All rate information should be for rates in effect on August 1, 2013. The website provides detailed instructions on entering the requested information. In addition, companies must complete a Rate Increase History worksheet (see sample attached). TDI will send the worksheet form to companies participating in this data call by separate email. Please remember that you are responsible for the accuracy of the data submitted.
You must provide the required information under Section 38.001 of the Texas Insurance Code and 28 Texas Administrative Code §3.3829. The deadline for submitting information is July 25, 2013.
Please direct any questions you have about the data to Jack Evins at 512-463-6580 or by email at We appreciate your prompt response to this request.
Julia Rathgeber
Commissioner of Insurance