Pursuant to the authority of Texas Insurance Code §38.001, the Texas Department of Insurance requests all companies writing property, residential, medical malpractice, other general liability, products liability, fidelity, surety, and automobile insurance in Texas to submit information relating to disallowed expenses.
Section 2251.101 of the Insurance Code, prohibits the consideration of certain incurred expenses in the determination of individual company rates for lines of insurance regulated under this article. This call is designed to provide quantification of such "disallowed" expenses as defined under §2251.002.
Please note: Section 5.9331(b)(1) of Title 28 of the Texas Administrative Code provides that for filings made in accordance with Chapter 2251 of the Insurance Code, the following are no longer considered disallowed expenses: payments to advisory organizations licensed to do business in Texas for services authorized by Subchapter B, Chapter 1805 of the Insurance Code for the development of statistical plans, data collection and reporting, the development and distribution of prospective loss costs, supplementary rating information, policy forms and endorsements, research, and the performance of inspections, and other reasonably related activities.
This call must be completed in accordance with the general instructions and returned no later than May 15, 2009 . Underlying data, individual source documents and other information utilized in the development of your call response must be maintained in your records for a minimum of two years following the date of your submission to the department.
Please download the forms, instructions, reporting forms, and affidavit from the Department's website located at: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/bulletins/2009/documents/B-0018-09-attach.xls
Upon completion, please save the Excel file according to the following standard:
For group filings enter the file name as: GRP# DER2008.xls. Example: GRP 1234 DER2008.xls For non group, single company filings, enter the group number as "0" followed by the five-digit NAIC company number. Example: GRP 0 12345 DER2008. Please e-mail the Excel file to datacall@tdi.state.tx.us, using the Excel file name as the subject, and fax the signed, notarized (ink-stamp notary seal) affidavit to 512-463-6122. If a crimp-style notary seal is used, please send the original affidavit to the address listed below. If unable to e-mail submission, please send a copy of the Excel file on CD with the signed, notarized original affidavit to the address listed below. You do not need to submit a hard copy of the report.
Mail: Courier:
Texas Department of Insurance Texas Department of Insurance
Attn: Gary Gola Attn: Gary Gola
Data Services (MC 105-5D) Data Services (MC 105-5D)
P.O. Box 149104 333 Guadalupe Street
Austin, TX 78714-9104 Austin, Texas 78701
Failure to comply with the requirements of this call within the time limits specified may constitute a violation or violations of the Insurance Code and may subject the insurer to the penalties provided by law.
Questions concerning this call should be directed to the Data Services Division at the Texas Department of Insurance at 512-475-1878.
Gary Gola
Property & Casualty, Data Services
Forms and Instructions