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Safer roads, safer employees: Say no to distracted driving

Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of job-related deaths, and 10 percent of those are the result of distracted driving. Employers absorb the costs and liability associated with these crashes. Workplace policies and employee education can help protect drivers and the company’s bottom line. Driving training programs should include ways to avoid distracted driving:

Distracted driving, holding a phone and a sandwich.

1 Set the GPS coordinates before leaving.

Plan routes in advance so driving remains the focus.

2 Know the vehicle’s features before the drive.

Know where the windshield wipers, climate control adjustments, and radio settings are in advance, so the driver’s eyes stay on the road.

3 Put the cell phone on “do not disturb” or turn it off before driving.

Recent research from the National Safety Council shows that hands-free devices are as much of a distraction as hand-held devices. Place the phone out of sight to remove the temptation to text or talk while driving. Pull over in a safe place if a call or text is necessary.

4 Keep mental distractions in check.

Never drive angry, fatigued, or drowsy. Always redirect attention back to the road if daydreaming begins while driving.

5 Prevent in-car distractions.

Never reach for dropped items while driving. Keep loose items contained so they don’t slide around while steering or braking.

6 Avoid eating, drinking, and grooming while driving.

Multitasking behind the wheel increases the likelihood of crashes. Pull off the road to eat. Consider using a straw for drinks. Never apply make-up or do other personal grooming while driving.

For more information on ways to avoid distracted driving, download these free DWC publications:

Or contact a DWC Safety Training Specialist at or 800-252-7031, option 2.


For more information, contact:

Last updated: 3/13/2024