- Adopted amendment to correct the title of 28 TAC Section 147.10 10/3/24
- Revised DWC Form-001, Employer’s First Report of Injury or Illness; DWC Form-002, Employer’s Report for Reimbursement of Voluntary Payment; and DWC Form-006, Supplemental Report of Injury 10/2/24
- Proposed rule on verification of LIBs recipient information by the SIF 9/26/24
- Reminder: Changes to designated doctor and maximum medical improvement and impairment rating billing and reimbursement rules 9/6/24
- Proposal to correct the title of Section 147.10, Notification to the Division of Proposed Judgments and Settlements 8/20/24
- Notice of Proposed Rule Review: 28 TAC Chapters 126-128 8/14/24
- Proposed rule on Chapter 134, Subchapter F, Pharmaceutical Benefits 8/12/24
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Proposes Fiscal Year 2025 Research Agenda 8/12/24
- DWC Form-20SI, Governmental Entity Coverage Information 8/9/24
- Opportunity to comment on informal draft rule text to allow treating doctors to perform maximum medical improvement (MMI) examinations by telemedicine 7/15/24
- Revised DWC Form-052, Supplemental Income Benefits (SIBs) Application 7/2/24
- Adopted New Section, Amendments, and Repeals of Chapter 147, Dispute Resolution--Agreements, Settlements, Commutations 6/24/24
- Adopted rule on gifts, grants, and donations 6/24/24
- Revised DWC Form-001, Employer’s First Report of Injury or Illness; DWC Form-002, Employer’s Report for Reimbursement of Voluntary Payment; and DWC Form-006, Supplemental Report of Injury 6/5/24
- Proposed rules on designated doctor procedures and requirements and lifetime income benefits to implement House Bill 2468 5/31/24
- Rule Review and Readoption: 28 TAC Chapters 120, 122, and 124 5/28/24
- Adopted rule on medical billing complaints 5/9/24
- Proposed updates to rule on gifts, grants, and donations 5/1/24
- Amendments to DWC Form-105, Accident Prevention Services Worksheet and DWC Form-109, Accident Prevention Services Annual Report 4/26/24
- Preventative treatment claims handling 4/23/24
- Adopted Amendments to Chapter 166, Accident Prevention Services 4/16/24
- Proposed Rule Review - Title 28, Part 2, Chapters 120, 122, and 124 4/8/24
- Proposal to Amend Chapter 147, Dispute Resolution--Agreements, Settlements, Commutations 3/28/24
- Proposed rule on medical billing complaints 3/12/24
- Adopted rules on billing and reimbursement for certain workers' compensation-specific services, including designated doctor examinations 2/26/24
- Proposal to Amend Chapter 166, Accident Prevention Services 2/15/24
- Rule amendment stakeholder suggestions 2/13/24
- DWC finalizes the Medical Quality Review /Calendar Year 2024 Annual Audit Plan 1/18/24
- Revised DWC Form-042, Claim for Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits and PLN-12, Notice of Potential Entitlement to Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits 12/19/23
- Proposed rules on billing and reimbursement for certain workers' compensation-specific services, including designated doctor examinations 12/18/23
- Input needed to develop the Medical Quality Review Calendar Year 2024 Annual Audit Plan 12/15/23
- Adopted rules on expedited benefits for members of the Texas military forces (implementing House Bill 90) 12/11/23
- DWC Finalizes the Gabapentin or Pregabalin with Opioids Plan-Based Audit 11/22/23
- Adopted rules on claims for death benefits (implementing House Bill 2314) 11/22/23
- Audiencias para Disputar Beneficios en el Edificio Barbara Jordan en Austin 11/15/23
- Contested Case Hearings at the Barbara Jordan Building in Austin 11/15/23
- Opportunity to review and comment on informal working draft amendments to Chapter 166 - Accident Prevention Services rules 11/13/23
- Rule Review and Readoption: 28 TAC Chapters 102-116 11/2/23
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Adopts Fiscal Year 2024 Research Agenda 10/30/23
- Proposed rules on expedited benefits for members of the Texas military forces (implementing House Bill 90) 10/25/23
- Increase in fees for designated doctor and certifying doctor training 10/25/23
- Opportunity to review and comment on rule to implement House Bill 2468 10/19/23
- Input needed for developing the Gabapentin or Pregabalin with Opioids Plan-Based Audit /10/18/23
- Proposed rules on claims for death benefits (implementing House Bill 2314) 9/15/23
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Proposes Fiscal Year 2024 Research Agenda 9/12/23
- DWC Finalizes the Medical Quality Review Process 8/17/23
- Proposed changes to DWC Form-052, Supplemental Income Benefits (SIBs) Application and DWC Form-055, Request to Adjust Benefits for a Seasonal Employee 8/17/23
- Notice of Proposed Rule Review: 28 TAC Chapters 102-116 8/17/23
- DWC Adopts Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 133.30 8/8/23
- Adopted amendments to the Medical Quality Review Panel rules 8/3/23
- Rule Review and Readoption: 28 TAC Chapters 41 - 69 7/20/23
- Legislation Enacted – 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023 7/19/23
- DWC Finalizes the Spinal Cord Stimulator Plan-Based Audit 7/17/23
- Opportunity to review and comment on designated doctor billing and reimbursement rules 6/26/23
- Adopted Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 55.15 6/21/23
- Proposed changes to the Medical Quality Review process 6/20/23
- Revisions to four DWC forms | Actualizaciones a cuatro formularios de DWC 6/16/23
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 133.30 6/16/23
- Proposed amendments to the Medical Quality Review Panel rules 6/7/23
- Revised: Implementation dates for changes to designated doctor and maximum medical improvement (MMI) and impairment rating (IR) rules 6/5/23
- Input needed for development of Spinal Cord Stimulator Plan-Based Audit 5/31/23
- Implementation Dates for Changes to Designated Doctor and Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and Impairment Rating (IR) Rules 4/13/23
- Adopted Amendments to 28 TAC Chapter 127, Designated Doctor Procedures and Requirements, and 28 TAC Section 180.23, Division-Required Training for Doctors 4/10/23
- Notice of Proposed Rule Review: 28 TAC Chapters 41-69 (Old Law) 3/27/23
- Adopted Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 165.1 3/9/23
- Proposed changes to four DWC forms 3/3/23
- Adopted Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 102.11 3/1/23
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code §55.15 2/8/23
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 165.1 1/9/23
- DWC Finalizes Medical Quality Review Calendar Year 2023 Annual Audit Plan 1/5/23
- Texas Government Code Sections 607.002(1) and (2) 12/22/22
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 127, Designated Doctor Procedures and Requirements, and 28 TAC §180.23, Division Required Training for Doctors 12/9/22
- Opportunity to Review and Comment on Designated Doctor Billing and Reimbursement Rules 11/21/22
- Designated Doctor Exams – Update on Comptroller Notification of Sales Tax Applicability 11/10/22
- Input needed to develop the Medical Quality Review Calendar Year 2023 Annual Audit Plan 11/2/22
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Adopts Fiscal Year 2023 Research Agenda 10/20/22
- Correction to a revised form 10/14/22
- Adopted Amendments: 28 TAC §180.62 10/4/22
- Correction to revised forms 9/23/22
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code §102.11(b)(1) 9/16/22
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Proposes Fiscal Year 2023 Research Agenda 8/31/22
- Opportunity to Review and Comment on Designated Doctor Billing and Reimbursement Rules 8/23/22
- Adoption of revised forms 8/18/22
- More Information about Billing for Claim Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Data Collection Services 7/29/22
- Adoption of revised forms 7/27/22
- Health Care Provider Performance Based Oversight (PBO) 2023 Assessment Methodology 7/26/22
- Opportunity to comment on proposed revisions to DWC Forms-046 and 047 7/20/22
- Notice of proposed amendments: 28 TAC §180.62 6/30/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 6/24/22
- Mandatory Data Call for Information on COVID-19 Injuries 6/8/22
- DWC finalizes Return-to-Work Plan-Based Audit 6/6/22
- Opportunity to Review and Comment on Designated Doctor and Maximum Medical Improvement and Impairment Rating Doctor Rules 6/2/22
- Opportunity to Comment on Proposed New DWC Forms-003, 003ME, and 003SD 5/19/22
- New DWC Form-033, Request to Reduce Income Benefits Due to Contribution 5/18/22
- Billing for Claim Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Data Collection Services 5/12/22
- Proposed Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code §132.17 5/5/22
- Opportunity to Comment on Proposed New DWC Form-033 4/19/22
- Input needed for development of Return-to-Work Plan-Based Audit 4/13/22
- Claim Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Release 3.1 Implementation 4/4/22
- Revised Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Forms 3/31/22
- DWC Forms Updated for Letterhead and Mailing Address 3/22/22
- Revised DWC Forms for Designating an Insurance Carrier's Austin Representative, Requesting Standard Detailed Data Reports, and Designating an Administrative Services Company Administrator 3/18/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 3/9/22
- Revised Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Forms 3/8/22
- Adopted Amendments to Claim Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Rules 2/23/22
- Revised DWC Form-007, Employer’s Report of Noncovered Employee’s Work-related Injury or Illness 2/22/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 2/8/22
- Revised DWC Form-073, Work Status Report 2/4/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 2/1/22
- Revised DWC Forms for Designating an Insurance Carrier's Austin Representative; Requesting Standard Detailed Data Reports; and Designating an Administrative Services Company Administrator 1/31/22
- Revised DWC Form for Employer's Report of Noncovered Employee's Occupational Injury or Disease 1/28/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 1/18/22
- DWC adopts the Medical Quality Review Annual Audit Plan 1/14/22
- DWC adopts Shoulder Surgery Plan-Based Audit 1/13/22
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 1/6/22
- Disclosure of financial interest 1/4/22
- Opportunity to Review and Comment on Claims Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Rules 12/14/21
- DWC forms updated for letterhead and mailing address 11/23/21
- Adopted Amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code §141.1, Requesting and Setting a Benefit Review Conference 11/22/21
- Input needed for development of Shoulder Surgery Plan-Based Audit 11/16/21
- Revised DWC forms: Rejected Risk Employer Program and Accident Prevention Services, DWC forms 101, 102, 104, 105, and 109 11/9/21
- Revised DWC forms: joint agreements, DWC forms 081-085 10/7/21
- Rule Amendment Stakeholder Suggestions 9/15/21
- Proposal to Amend 28 Texas Administrative Code §141.1, Requesting and Setting a Benefit Review Conference 9/7/21
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Adopts Fiscal Year 2022 Research Agenda 8/31/21
- New DWC Form-156, Prospective Employment Authorization and Certification 8/17/21
- Review of Agency Rules, Adopted Rule Review, 28 Texas Administrative Code Part 2, Chapters 160, 165, 166, and 180 8/10/21
- Designation of Data Collection Agent for Claim Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Release 3.1 8/4/21
- New DWC Form-048, Request to Get Reimbursed for Travel Costs 8/3/21
- Senate Bill 22, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) 7/16/21
- House Bill 1752, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) 7/16/21
- House Bill 1752, Regular Session, 87th Legislature (2021) and Opportunity to Review and Comment on Revised Benefit Review Conference Request Forms (DWC Form-045 and DWC Form-045M) and Plain Language Notices (PLN 1-PLN 13) 7/21/21
- Senate Bill 22, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) and Opportunity to Review and Comment 7/21/21
- Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Research Agenda 7/2/21
- Plan to update notices and forms 6/8/21
- Opportunity to Review and Comment on Claims Electronic Data Interchange Rules 5/25/21
- Changes to hearing notices, orders, and other correspondence 5/17/21
- Opportunity to review and comment on a plan to update notices and forms 5/10/21
- Review of 28 Texas Administrative Code Chapters 160, 165, 166, and 180 5/4/21
- COVID-19: Contested Case Hearings 4/15/22
- Adopted Amendments to 28 TAC §§142.13 and 142.19 2/2/21
- Adopted Amendments to 28 TAC §§112.101, 112.102, 112.203, 112.301, and 112.401 1/27/21
- Rule Adoption to Amend 28 TAC §180.1 1/22/21