Step 1: Call your company.
If any part of your flood claim was denied, talk to the company or adjuster that sold you your National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood policy. The company might reconsider if it finds out that it overlooked something or gets new information.
Most companies have a toll-free customer help line. The phone number is printed on your policy.
Step 2: Talk to FEMA.
If you’re still not happy after talking to your company or agent, you can file an appeal or ask for an appraisal from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA is the federal agency that administers NFIP.
For more information about how to resolve complaints about NFIP policies, visit the Options if your flood claim has been denied page on The website has information about how to appeal, request appraisal, and other options.
Step 3: Get legal help.
If you decide to sue FEMA about your claim, use these resources to find legal help.